A few wooden houses are not too big!

But exquisite!

There are beds and bedding in every wooden house!

As well as tables, chairs, benches and futons!

And it's all mahogany furniture!

Chen Nan chose a relatively quiet house, and then picked up the refining outline book given by Gong Jian and looked at it carefully!

Because he is proficient in the way of alchemy!

So he quickly understood the book!

Ore is the same as medicinal herbs!

Each ore has different properties!

If you want to refine a powerful weapon!

Multiple ores are needed for fusion!


To fully grasp the proportions!

The slightest mistake will undo it!


There are also some rare ores that need to be refined with special flames!

Moreover, divine water is also needed for cold brewing!

All in all, refining is much more difficult than alchemy!

"Although I know the outline of the refining tool, I still lack flames!"

"According to the records in the Refinery Summary!"

"There are thousands of flames in the world!"

"Hundreds of divine fires!"

"Only by obtaining flames can you refine the weapon!"

"Although the Earth Fire Array can also be used, the Earth Fire Array cannot refine immortal weapons at all!"

Chen Nan had some headaches!


Gong Jian came over: "Brother Chen Nan, go, go down the mountain, and wash the dust for you!"

"Welcome to you!"


Chen Nan agreed!

These people have more bold personalities, plus they will work together in the future!

It doesn't hurt to have a meal together and get in touch with each other!


then Chen Nan followed the five people down the mountain!

But I didn't go to the restaurant for the first time!

Instead, go to a shop in Wanshipu!

There's a lot of ore for sale!

You're not here to buy ore!

It's about selling ore!

There were still many doubts in Chen Nan's mind before!

For example, why do Gong Jian and others have money to buy a house under the mountain!

Now he realizes!

These people must have withheld the ore taken in the Hall of Merit and came here to sell it!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to afford a house under the hill!

This time, a total of sixty top-grade fairy stones were sold!

This amount of money is not even a drop in the bucket for Chen Nan!

But for anyone, it's not a small amount!

"Brother Chen Nan, since you have become a part of the gang room, then these fairy stones have a share of you!"

"Come, these ten top-grade fairy stones are yours!"

This moment!

The five fat men all looked at Chen Nan with a smile!

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

This is forcibly dragging him onto their thief ship!

He knows!

If you don't want these ten top-grade fairy stones today!

They will definitely be excluded or targeted!

Without hesitation, he took the ten top-grade fairy stones and sighed with a smile: "I feel that my life in the gang room is getting better and better!"

Gong Jian laughed in a low voice: "As long as you really stay in the back kitchen, my brother promises to let you buy a big house in the Yanguo Kingdom within three years!"


"Don't talk about this, let's go, let's go eat!"

Then the six went to a high-end restaurant!

Gong Jian ordered a lot of hearty dishes, and then everyone pushed the cups and changed the lamps!

The atmosphere is also pleasant!

Three rounds of wine!

Chen Nan said, "Brother Gong Jian, brother has something to understand!" If I want to refine, how can I get flames?

Gong Jian's face turned red as he drank: "There is a merit hall!"

"It's just!"

"It's also some mortal fire, which can only refine spirit weapons!"

"And if you want to refine immortal weapons, you must master immortal fire!"

"However, there is no immortal fire in the Hall of Merit at all!"

"This needs to look for your own chance, go outside and look for it!"

"Or post a bounty and let someone else help you find out!"

"Then what, tomorrow brother will take you to the Hall of Merit to choose a flame!"


Chen Nan is not so ambitious!

Although mortal fire cannot refine immortal weapons!

But you can also refine a spirit weapon!

The foundation can be consolidated!

Put it another way!

Even if Chen Nan mastered the Immortal Fire?

With his current ability, it is not enough to control it!

It is even impossible to refine immortal weapons!

There's nothing wrong with going step by step and gradually!

Finish eating!

Chen Nan rejected Gong Jian and the others' proposal to listen to the music!

Concubine Yu had just left him!

He doesn't have that idea at all now!

Just returned to the back mountain of the Sword Forging Palace!

Chen Nan frowned fiercely!

Candlelights were lit in his room!

Know that it wasn't dark before leaving!

He didn't light the light either!

But at this time, there was obviously someone in the room!

He was puzzled!

Push the door in!

I saw two young men in black robes looking at him playfully!

The black robe is a symbol of the inner disciples!

And the strength of these two people has also reached Xuan Immortal!

"Who are you? Why am you here? Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent!

He didn't care who the other party was, and he appeared in his room without his permission, which was a provocation to him!

"You're the new guy, aren't you?" A young man's face was full of disdain: "My name is Zheng Cong, an inner disciple, there is nothing wrong with coming here this time, I just want to advise you about one thing!"

"If you want to live, leave the Sword Forging Academy Palace as soon as possible!"

"What if I don't leave the Sword Forging Academy?" Chen Nan's face was full of fun!

It has been a long time since he met such a pretentious guy!

It's very confusing!

New to the scene!

Why did it inexplicably make enemies?

Zheng Cong snorted heavily: "If you don't know how to lift, then don't blame us for bullying the weak!"

"It's not that I look down on you!"

"A guy from the Earth Immortal Realm like you is an ant in front of Xiao Ye!"

"I can crush you trash with the touch of a finger!"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

Just because I'm in the Earth Immortal Realm!

You treat me like an ant?

All right!

I'm pretty weak...

"Of course I don't doubt Senior Brother Zheng's words, after all, Xuan Immortal is really an unattainable existence for a cultivator like me!"

"It's just..."

"Junior Brother has something I don't understand, and I hope Senior Brother Zheng can answer the question!"

"I'm just an outer disciple of the gang!"

"We don't have any grudges and have never even met!"

"Why did you kick me out of the Sword Forging Academy?"

He didn't offend anyone when he wanted to come to the Sword Forging Academy!

This kind of inexplicability is targeted, it is really incomprehensible!

Zheng Cong looked condescending: "I have a cousin who is about to enter the Sword Forging Palace, so I need to take your place!" "

Chen Nan is relieved!

The inner disciples of the Sword Forging Academy Palace may look down on the outer disciples of the gang room!

But one thing is undeniable!

The guy room is really a fat difference!

You can go to the Hall of Merit and ask for a lot of ore unconditionally!

Zheng Cong definitely wants to join forces with his cousin!

Get a lot of rare ores this way!

So as to improve your alchemy!

Otherwise, he would not have been driven away at all and his cousin would replace him!

Zheng Cong said coldly: "The surname Chen, I advise you to hurry up, if not, Xiaoye will let you not see tomorrow's sunrise!" "


Chen Nan slapped him on the face, his eyes were indifferent: "Not only do I not roll, but I even hit you, what can you do to me?" "

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