Nie Yao is a fifth-level alchemist!

Able to refine the inferior immortal weapon!

High status!

The place to stay is also chic!

A small but exquisite courtyard!

Lots of flowers planted in the yard!

And a swing!

When Chen Nan walked in, she was looking at the east, swaying with the swing!

Looks like something on the mind!

I didn't feel the slightest that Chen Nan had walked in!

"Senior Sister Nie, the dinner you want is ready, eat it while it's hot!" Chen Nan took out four delicate side dishes from the lunch box and placed them on the jade table next to the swing!

I took out the bowl and chopsticks and laid them out!

Nie Yao came back to his senses in his thoughts: "You shouldn't have eaten yet, right?"

"If you don't mind, let's eat together!"

"Big night, lonely men and widows are not good like this, and it is easy to be gossiped!" Chen Nan rejected Nie Yao's proposal!

In front of Nie Yao, he himself had the feeling of walking on thin ice!

Not to mention having a drink together...

He's really scared of dewy!

Afraid that Nie Yao would recognize him!

Nie Yao chuckled: "I'm not afraid of being gossiped, what are you afraid of?"

"Afraid I'll eat you?"

"And, why do I feel that you are very resistant to me?"

She also knew that the person in front of her was not the person in her heart!

But for some reason!

He always felt that this man gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity!

When you see him, you can calm down!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

Right now!

A personable young man wearing a black brocade robe walked in carrying a good fruit wine!

He had a gentle smile on his face: "I heard that Junior Sister Nie Yao asked Junior Brother Gong Jian to make a few good dishes, Junior Brother came uninvited to accompany you for a drink and celebrate your step into the realm of immortals!"

Nie Yao said lightly: "I'm sorry Senior Brother Fengyan, I already have an appointment!" Chen

Nan's heart moved!


Is it one of the top ten Tianjiao of the young generation of the Sword Forging Academy Palace?

At a young age, he had the ability of a fifth-level alchemist!

He is even a powerhouse in the late Immortal Realm!

Whether it's alchemy!

Or Xiuwei!

All of them are outstanding among the younger generation!


Feng Yan didn't expect Nie Yao to reject himself!

Immediately looked at Chen Nan, an intriguing smile flashed in his eyes: "Junior sister Nie Yao, the person you have an appointment with should not be this guy, right?"

"He's a cook in a room!"

"It's just an ant in the land fairyland!"

"Who qualifies me to have dinner with you?"

Speaking of this, a strange expression has appeared on his face!

As one of the Tianjiao among the young generation of the Sword Forging Academy!

He is a popular figure in the entire Sword Forging Palace!

I don't know how many young women adore and adore him!

And now!

He was compared to a cook!

A strong anger instantly rose in his heart!

"It's my business to have dinner with someone, no need for Senior Brother Feng Yan to point fingers!" Nie Yao said directly: "It's time for us to eat, Senior Brother Feng Yan, please come back!" "

She doesn't like sealing at all!

There is no good feeling for it!

Even if there was no Chen Nan, he would not have dinner with him!

Feng Yan stared at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "The surname Chen, if you don't want to die, you can roll me back to the back mountain now!" "

He doesn't allow a cook to have dinner with his beloved woman!


Can only threaten Chen Nan!

"Senior Brother Feng Yan is so majestic, he actually threatened an outer disciple, it is really impressive!" A mocking smile appeared on Nie Yao's face!

Feng Yan did not answer Nie Yao's words, but glared angrily at Chen Nan, wanting to suppress this person in terms of momentum!

But Chen Nan showed great disdain: "Even if I am a cook, what can I do with an ant whose cultivation is not high?"

"Who made Senior Sister Nie Yao so enthusiastic and invited me to dinner together?"

This moment!

He showed a villainous smile!

The root of the sealed tooth that looked itchy, and he couldn't wait to unload Chen Nan into eight pieces!

Chen Nan continued: "You are right, we are just an ant with a low cultivation!

"It is precisely because we are ants that we can't refuse Senior Sister Nie Yao's kind intentions!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it seem like I didn't know how to lift up?"

"So ah!"

"Between you and Senior Sister Nie Yao, I am destined to offend one!"

"I'm sorry, this person can only be Senior Brother Fengyan!"

Feng Yan forcibly endured the killing intent in his heart and said, "Junior sister Nie Yao, do you really want to turn your face with me because of this guy?"

"I don't understand, I'm also one of the top ten Tianjiao of the Sword Forging Academy!"

"Why are you humiliating me with such a piece of?"

Nie Yao said angrily: "I did see the, but it is definitely not Chen Nan!"

"Okay!" Feng Yan said angrily: "Let's walk and see, I want to see who can have the last laugh!"

"Don't forget, you're about to complete the Sixth-level Alchemist exam!"

"If you can't complete the Level 6 Alchemist exam certification, then you will have to graduate early!"

Saying that, he turned away angrily!

Nie Yao forced a smile: "I'm sorry, let you inexplicably have more enemies!"

"But don't worry!"

"As long as I'm in the Sword Forging Palace, he can't touch a single hair of yours!"

Chen Nan said casually: "It's just a seal, I haven't put it in my eyes yet!"

Nie Yao was stunned!

I was a little disappointed in my heart!

Think that he is a guy who loves to talk big and is willing to use this way to win the attention of the opposite sex!

After all, he only had Earth Immortal Realm cultivation, but Feng Yan had the Late Immortal Stage cultivation!

There is a huge gap between the two!

How could he defeat the other side?

Chen Nan asked, "Senior Sister Nie, what did Feng Yan just say about early graduation?"

Nie Yao: "I have stayed as a fifth-level alchemist for a hundred years, and if I can't refine a mid-grade immortal weapon in the exam after seven days, I will graduate early!"

"It's nice to say graduation!"

"If it doesn't sound good, you will be expelled!"

Chen Nan smiled: "It should be easy to refine a mid-grade immortal weapon with your strength!"

Nie Yao shook his head: "If you want to refine a medium-grade spirit weapon, you need to have a powerful formation mage on the side!"

"And Feng Yan's father is the high-level leader of the Formation Academy Palace!"

"If he secretly makes bad!"

"After a week, I can't ask a powerful formation master to assist me in refining a medium-grade immortal weapon!"

Chen Nan said, "I do know a formation mage, maybe I can ask him for help!"

Nie Yao chuckled: "Is that person's formation attainment very strong?" "


Nie Yao said lightly: "I understand your kindness, but you can't help with this!"

Chen Nan saw that Nie Yao was not in good condition, and immediately said: "Senior Sister Nie, I suddenly remembered that there was still something to do, so I won't bother!" "Say and hurry up!

He didn't want to eat with Nie Yao at all!

The reason why I helped her speak just now was simply because I didn't want to harass her!

After all!

The two are so bad and there is also a husband and wife!

Nie Yao didn't keep either!

When Chen Nan said big things, she lost all good feelings for this man!

Take out a jug of wine and look at the East to drink alone!

Although it has been several years since he returned to the human world!

But she often remembered what happened in the demon world!

For example, is the man who brought them back still alive...

But I don't know!

The man she had in mind was just right in front of her!

After leaving Nie Yao's residence!

Chen Nan took out a piece of communication jade card!

Directly contacted Jing Tiancheng, the dean of the Formation Academy Palace!

"I'm Chen Nan, let's meet you!"

He didn't plan to see Jing Tiancheng so early, but in a week it was time for Nie Yao's exam!

In order to beware of Feng Yan, he secretly made a ghost, so that Nie Yao could not find the formation mage!

He planned to let Jing Tiancheng personally assist Nie Yao in refining the medium-grade immortal weapon!

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