"Senior Brother, you finally contacted me!"

Jing Tiancheng was extremely excited after receiving Chen Nan's summons!

In fact, he had long known that Chen Nan had come to the Yan Kingdom!

But they didn't dare to summon him rashly!

Now that he received Chen Nan's summons, he was excited like a child, and quickly said: "Senior brother, or let's go to Linglong Pavilion, although Linglong Pavilion is not the best restaurant in Yanguo, it is under the mountain of the Sword Forging Palace!" "


"Well, you can go to Linglong Pavilion and report my name directly!" Jing Tiancheng was still very curious about this senior brother who had not yet met!

As a named disciple of Cao Rufeng!

He knows Cao Rufeng's character well!

If he didn't meet the Heavenly Wizard, he wouldn't be able to easily accept an apprentice!

Interrupt communication!

Chen Nan walked towards the outside of the Sword Forging Palace!


But he keenly felt that someone was following behind him!

"Sealed people?"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with a hint of disdain!

If it weren't for being in the Sword Forging Palace, he wouldn't mind directly beating these people!

Mo said that these people, even if they were experts of the Supreme Immortal Realm, Feng Yan, had no room to fight back in front of him!

"Let it, let it go!"


A woman's anxious voice came from behind Chen Nan!

Turn your head and look!

A young woman in a long pink dress with a baby face galloped behind her on a red flame dragon horse!

The other party looks like he is in his twenties!

The skin is white and beautiful, and the smart eyes are particularly spirited, as if they can speak!

Flying is forbidden in the capital of any country!

It's also normal for someone to ride on a mount!


The Red Flame Dragon Horse's eyes under the woman were scarlet, as if he was crazy!

When he was less than ten meters away from Chen Nan, for some reason, he fell directly to the ground!

Directly throw the woman on horseback and fly out!

The woman's cultivation is not high!

Only Wonderland!

Can't fly at all!

With a miserable cry!

The woman smashed heavily towards Chen Nan!

"Save me, save me!"

The woman's face was full of horror!

But Chen Nan took a step back!


The woman's five bodies fell to the ground and fell in front of Chen Nan in embarrassment!

"Bastard, can't you see Miss Ben falling on you? Why not save me? The woman raised her head with anger on her face, and there was a trace of inexplicable grievance in her eyes!

"Are we familiar with each other?" Chen Nan pouted, turned around and left!

He promised Concubine Yu!

Learn to be ruthless!


He won't care about strangers!

"Hey, do you know who Miss Ben is?"

"I am Xia Youwei, one of the three golden flowers of the Sword Forging Palace!"

"I asked you for help but ignored you, do you know that this is excessive?"

"You are very ungentlemanly!"

"Inexplicably, who you are and what does it have to do with me?" Chen Nan's face was full of ridicule!

Xia Youwei was stunned!

What did I hear?

How could this guy be so indifferent when he knew my name?

As one of the three golden flowers of the Sword Forging Palace!

She never thought that she would be treated so coldly by a man!

Looking at Chen Nan's distant back, Xia Youwei stomped her foot angrily: "Hey, do you dare to tell me what your name is?" Do you believe I was looking for someone to you? "


Chen Nan didn't pay attention to her at all!

"Dead fatty, don't let me see you again!"

"Or I'll see you hit you once at a time!"

"Yes, you spit out overnight dinner!"

"Otherwise, my aunt wouldn't be called Xia Youwei!"

Xia Youwei jumped like thunder, and kicked on the Red Flame Dragon Horse: "It's all to blame on you, if it weren't for you, Miss Ben wouldn't have made such a big embarrassment!" "

Red Flame Ryoma is very aggrieved!

You can't blame me for this!

Blame the man just now!

It could feel that there was a powerful dragon soul in Chen Nan's body!

If not, it won't fall to the ground!

That's not a fall!

That's the worship of the dragon soul!

In a moment!

Chen Nan had already left the Sword Forging Academy!

The two people who followed him behind him still haven't disappeared!

Think of this!

He headed for a sparsely populated place in the distance!

After staying in no man's land!

The two took to the air!

Quickened the pace!

One after the other blocked his way!

A middle-aged man had an indifferent face: "Chen Nan, you are really daring, you dare to offend Senior Brother Fengyan!" "

Senior Brother Feng Yan has an order, let's destroy your legs!"

"So, don't blame us for bullying the weak!"

"If you want to blame, blame you, you shouldn't offend Senior Brother Fengyan!"

Words fall!

He waved it casually!

A terrifying sword qi roared out!

Under the middle-aged man's sneering eyes, he slashed on Chen Nan's legs!

They originally thought that this blow would definitely cut off Chen Nan's legs!

But shocking discovery!

After that sword qi fell on Chen Nan's legs, it actually disappeared between heaven and earth!

"That's too weak, isn't it? Are you tickling me? Chen Nan looked disappointed!

The scalps of the two powerhouses of the Heavenly Immortal Realm were numb!

I didn't expect this to happen!

Don't say that Chen Nan is just an ant in the Earth Immortal Realm!

Even if it is a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm, he doesn't dare to ignore the attack of a strong person in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, right?

"There's something weird about this guy!" The middle-aged man who had made the move before froze in his eyes, and instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan, turning his palm into a knife and slashing directly at Chen Nan!

"Get out!"

Chen Nan spat out thunder!

Before the opponent's fist is close!

Punch out!


He pierced the opponent's chest with a punch!

"How so?"

The middle-aged man's face was sluggish, and he felt that his heart was held in the palm of the other party!

Another middle-aged man only felt his scalp numb!

Chen Nan is just an Earth Immortal Realm Immortal Cultivator!

How could he blast through a strong man in the Heavenly Immortal Realm with one punch?

This is unreasonable!

"Before I change it, I will definitely let you all live!"

"But now!"

"I'm going to learn to be ruthless!"

Chen Nan looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, and he clenched his right hand sharply!


The middle-aged man's heart was instantly pinched by him!


The blue flame left the fire and shrouded the middle-aged man's body, burning him to ashes in an instant!

"Chen Nan, you actually dare to kill an inner disciple, you are finished, I will definitely inform the high-level of the Academy Palace about you!" Another middle-aged man saw his companion die tragically, and after leaving a word, he took his sword into the air!

He can't beat Chen Nan!

But he didn't think Chen Nan could catch up with him!

But don't wait for him to fly away!

Chen Nan appeared in the air like a ghost!

"Do you think you can escape?" Chen Nan's eyes froze, and he blasted the other party's head with a punch in his frightened, unwilling, and desperate eyes!

Then he released the blue flame and left the fire, summoning the corpse to destroy the trace!

Blue Flame Separation Fire is the number one existence among all fires, and it is the best to use it to destroy corpses and extinguish traces!

After doing this!

He strolled leisurely to the Linglong Pavilion!

After reporting the name of Jing Tiancheng!

Shop Xiao Er took him to a quiet private room!

Just opened the door, a familiar silhouette came into view!

It was Xia Youwei, whom I met by chance before!

Xia Youwei was stunned when she saw Chen Nan, and then said loudly: "Grandpa, it's this guy who despises my existence, you must help me teach this guy a lesson!" "

He spat out overnight..."

Before he finished speaking, Jing Tiancheng asked in surprise: "Are you the senior brother?"

Xia Youwei gasped: "What? Is he my grandfather's senior brother? "

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