"Yo, it's a coincidence!"

Chen Nan is happy!

I didn't expect to meet Xia Youwei here!

Jing Tiancheng confirmed Chen Nan's identity and said with a straight face: "Weiwei, quickly apologize!"

Xia Youwei huffed and said, "Grandpa, you said that he was not a thing before, why do you let me apologize to him now?" By what? "

Just now, she told her grandfather about what happened in the Sword Forging Palace!

After Jing Tiancheng heard this, he also scolded that man for not being a thing!

No gentlemanship!

But now...

But let her apologize!

"Junior Brother Jing, why should he see it like a child?" Chen Nan said lightly!

In fact, according to his age, it is not too much for him to call Jing Tian a grandfather!


He was Cao Rufeng's only disciple!

And Jing Tiancheng is a named disciple!


His generation is far above Jing Tiancheng, and it is natural to call him junior brother!

Jing Tiancheng was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly made an invitation gesture: "Senior brother, please take a seat!" "

Speaking of which!

Don't forget to make a look at Xia Youwei: "Aren't you happy to thank your master?" "

Xia Youwei is his granddaughter!

It is also normal to call Chen Nan a master ancestor according to generation!

Xia Youwei snorted lightly and turned her face away from looking at Chen Nan!

She couldn't forget that she fell at him and was ignored when she asked him for help!

Then fall heavily in front of him, the picture of extreme embarrassment!

"Senior brother, my granddaughter is spoiled by me, don't see it like a child!" Jing Tiancheng's face was full of embarrassment!

Chen Nan hummed quietly and got to the point: "Junior brother, I have something to ask you for help with this time!"

Jing Tiancheng hurriedly said, "Senior Brother has anything to say, just as he is ordered, there is no need to say a word between you and me!" "

He's heard of Chen Nan's methods!

The attainment in the formation is beyond even Cao Rufeng's reach!

Chen Nan said, "That's right!"

"I have a friend!"

"Seven days later, I will refine the medium-grade immortal weapon!"

"Complete the assessment of a sixth-level alchemist!"

"But because I offended people, I was worried that someone would trouble her, and I couldn't find a formation mage to assist her during the assessment after seven days!"

"So, I want you to help with this!"

Xia Youwei suddenly said, "The person you are talking about is Senior Sister Nie Yao?"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "How do you know?"

Xia Youwei pouted: "There are not many fifth-level alchemists in the palace themselves, and only she will be assessed after seven days!"

Jing Tiancheng smiled bitterly: "Senior brother, your attainment in the formation has never been seen before, you asked me to help Nie Yao, isn't this a slap in my face?"

Chen Nan: "I want to keep a low profile!" "

Okay!" Jing Tiancheng replied: "Seven days later, I will personally assist Nie Yao in refining the Chinese Immortal Weapon!" "


Hearing him say this, Chen Nan was also relieved!

Jing Tiancheng's face showed a hint of nervousness: "Senior brother, senior brother also wants to trouble you with something!"

Chen Nan: "You say!"

Jing Tiancheng glanced at Xia Youwei, and then sighed: "This granddaughter of mine has a rare body of doom, so much so that after so many years of cultivation, it is still an Earth Immortal Realm!"

"I haven't even left the capital city of the Yan Kingdom, and I want to let Senior Brother help him!"

"Body of Doom?" Chen Nan looked at Xia Youwei curiously!

Normally, she is a beautiful girl!

However, when he cast a qi technique, he could see that she exuded a breath of bad luck from the inside out!

To put it in layman's terms, it is bad luck possession!

Of course!

Doom is far worse than bad luck!

Bad luck will only make people unlucky, and bad things keep happening!

But bad luck is very likely to cost you your life!

"Grandpa, no one can cure me in this situation, he... All right? Xia Youwei snorted lightly, not optimistic about Chen Nan!

"Don't be rude!" Jing Tiancheng snorted coldly!

He knew that Chen Nan could arrange the Qi Luck Array!

Maybe it can lift my granddaughter's doom body!

"Your granddaughter's situation is quite complicated, but it is not incurable!" Chen Nan took a sip of wine!

If it weren't for Jing Tiancheng opening his mouth, he would definitely not be nosy!

But since Jing Tiancheng helped him!

Then he also has to return his favor!

Xia Youwei sneered: "Impossible!"

"I'm a congenital body of doom!"

"No one can heal!"

Chen Nan smiled and grabbed it in the air!

A wisp of gray doom appeared at his fingertips!



Xia Youwei and Jing Tiancheng showed incredible eyes!

Can you catch the gas of bad luck with a single grasp?

Xia Youwei didn't believe Chen Nan's words before, but with that wisp of doom qi was withdrawn from her body!

She obviously felt that her body was much more relaxed!

"Senior brother's means are what you can imagine as a little girl?" Jing Tiancheng let out a loud laugh!

Chen Nandao: "It's very simple for me to save you, you have to cooperate with me!"

"As long as you can save me, let me do whatever I want!" Xia Youwei's eyes were hot!

Before, she felt that Chen Nan was very ungraceful and annoying!

But now I find out!

This guy has a distinct personality!

Except it's a little fat!

It doesn't seem to be for nothing!

Chen Nandao: "I can extract the doom qi in your body and improve your doom body, but this process will be very long!"

"As for how long, I don't know!"

"One more point, when you withdraw the doom qi in your body!"

"You can't get dressed!"

"Huh?" Xia Youwei's voice suddenly rose: "Can't wear clothes? Am I not seen by you in this way?

"Aren't you supposed to take advantage of me?" Speaking of this, there was a defensive look in his eyes!

Chen Nan chuckled: "Didn't you say you were willing to cooperate with me before?"

"Forget it!"

"Since you don't want to, Hugh will bring this matter up again later!"

"You don't want to be healed by me, and I don't want to be contaminated with bad luck!"

"Weiwei, quickly apologize to Senior Brother!" This moment!

Heaven becomes serious!


Anger in his eyes!

He didn't know Chen Nan's character!

But he knew Chen Nan's means!

Cao Rufeng's only disciple!

The formation has achieved unprecedented results, and there is no one to come!

If this kind of person is really!

Why use such inferior means?

Of course!

If Chen Nan really took a fancy to his grandson, this would definitely be a bad thing!

Xia Youwei's face was full of grievances!

I didn't expect my grandfather to be angry with her!

She didn't want to promise Chen Nan!

But thinking that Chen Nan obviously didn't grasp the hero saving the beauty before, I think it should not be the kind of disciple who behaves frivolously!

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my previous words!"

She apologized in a low voice!


at the same time!

Sword Forging Inside the Palace!

A disciple ran to Feng Yan's residence with a panicked expression: "Senior Brother Feng, something happened!" Seeing

that it was the disciple guarding the Hall of Life appearing, Feng Yan frowned and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?" "

The life jade cylinder of Senior Brother Ge Ning and Senior Brother Qu Yin has shattered!"

"What?" Feng Yan stood up suddenly!

He arranged for Ge Ning and Qu Yin to follow Chen Nan and destroy his legs, but why did those two suddenly die tragically?

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