The beautiful and pure, delicate girl lies quietly on the bed!

That crystal clear snow skin shimmered with an ivory-like halo!

The snow-white skin with soft lines is like a hibiscus flower out of water and a snow lotus with fat!

The stunning and delicate Fang Jing is as red as fire!

The pure and beautiful eyes of the amorous are shyly closed!

The black and long eyelashes tightly covered the pair of cut autumn pupils trembling, and a pair of soft and round fine shaved shoulders under the white and delicate straight jade neck!

Her bumpy figure gives her the face of an angel, the figure of a devil!

It is estimated that it is difficult for any man to control when he sees it!

But in Chen Nan's eyes!

She is like a wonderful work of art!

In addition to being pleasing to the eye!

It didn't make him feel strange!

"You lie down and don't move!"

Chen Nan spoke, and then cast a Qi technique!

The doom qi in Xia Youwei's body appeared in his eyes at a glance!

He sat cross-kneeled beside Xia Youwei, changed his hands, and pinched out mysterious and mysterious handprints!


The doom qi in Xia Youwei's body was gradually withdrawn!

"So strong!"

When the doom qi in Xia Youwei's body withdrew and converged into a hair-thick shape, Chen Nan's face changed suddenly!

This breath of bad luck actually wanted to enter his body!

If it weren't for the horror of his physical body, he would have the power of merit!

It will definitely invade his body!

If so!

Without waiting to cure Xia Youwei, he had already hitched a ride in!

"Let's arrange this doom qi into a doom array!"

Chen Nan squeezed his hands!

While extracting the doom qi in Xia Youwei's body, he arranged it into a magic array!

Xia Youwei was nervous at first!

There is even some fear!

After all, she is a big girl!

I didn't even hold the hands of the opposite sex!

Now he is going to lie bare in a stranger's bed!

She was really afraid that Chen Nan would take advantage of her!

If Chen Nan looked at her too tempting, even if he took the opportunity to catch her twice, she would have nothing to say!

But it turns out!

Xia Youwei thought too much!

Chen Nan was sitting right in front of her!

But he didn't move her!

Not only that!

His eyes are still very clear and clean!

As if she were a cold corpse!

This made her breathe a sigh of relief!

Don't beware of Chen Nan taking advantage of her!


A bitterness also rose in my heart!

She is the three golden flowers of the Sword Forging Palace!

She is a goddess in the minds of countless people!

I don't know how many people want to get her attention!


He was lying bare in front of this man, but he was indifferent!

This gave her self-esteem a strong blow!

It's a paradoxical feeling!

Chen Nan took advantage of her, she would be angry!

If she doesn't take advantage of her, she will feel that she is not attractive!


before you know it!

Xia Youwei felt a pang of exhaustion!

Then I gradually fell asleep!

Until dawn!

That's when my eyes are opened!

She sat up suddenly!

My eyes were full of consternation!

Apparently I didn't expect that one night had passed!

"Wake up and leave quickly, others will misunderstand when they see you spending the night with me!"

Chen Nan's voice sounded outside!

Xia Youwei quickly put on her clothes and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of misunderstandings from others!"

Chen Nan: "I'm afraid!" "


Xia Youwei almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

You listen!

Is this a human word?

After getting dressed, she straightened her hair and walked out the door!

Right now!

Gong Jian came to him: "Chen Nan, you kid can, I heard that you and Junior Sister Xia Youwei got together..."

"I'm sorry!"


Before he finished speaking, he saw Xia Youwei who was sorting out her clothes and walking out of the door!


He was originally here to inquire about gossip!

Which Cheng wanted to bump into Xia Youwei walking out in Chen Nan's room!

Big morning!

Walk out while tidying up your clothes!

Move your toes to know what's going on!

Just as he turned around and prepared to slip away!

Xia Youwei's voice sounded: "Stop!"

Gong Jian forced a smile: "Junior Sister Xia, what a coincidence!"

Xia Youwei said, "I know you won't believe it when you say it, but I still have to say that I came to find Junior Brother Chen to help me heal!" "

She knows that Chen Nan wants to keep a low profile!

So call him junior brother in front of outsiders!

This is also what Chen Nan deliberately instructed!

Gong Jian showed a lewd smile: "Needle sticking, right?" I understand, I understand! "

Brother Gong Jian, don't talk nonsense, there is really nothing between the two of us!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly and shook his head!

"Uh-huh, I believe, I believe!" Gong Jian nodded desperately, but he envied Chen Nan's womanhood in his heart!

I just got Nie Yao's summons jade card yesterday!

At night, I will be alone with Xia Youwei to 'heal'!

Who doesn't envy this woman?

Chen Nan didn't explain anything, and said to Xia Youwei: "If you come back tonight, you still have to heal this situation for three days!"

Xia Youwei was overjoyed and said, "There is Junior Brother Lao Chen!" "Humming and singing ballads, leaving into the distance!

Gong Jian held his chin and looked at Xia Youwei's departing figure, and said thoughtfully: "Chen Nan, I really believe you, there really is no such thing between the two of you!"

"If she did, her walking posture would definitely change!"

Chen Nan was stunned!

The speed is a bit fast!

It's a surprise!

Gong Jian cleared his throat and said seriously: "I came here to talk to you about Xia Youwei, this woman has a special physique, you better stay away from her!"


"When do you plan to complete the qualification certification of alchemist?"

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Is there any benefit to obtaining the qualification certification of an alchemist?"

Gong Jian said, "Yes!"

"If you can become a fifth-level alchemist!"

"You can exchange merit points for rare ores and use them to refine immortal weapons!"

"But if you don't want to refine immortal weapons and want to stay in the gang room for the rest of your life, it doesn't matter!"

They can indeed go to the Hall of Merit to select various ores!

But those ores can only be used to refine spirit weapons!

If you want to refine immortal weapons!

You must become a Level 5 Alchemist!

"Wait until I refine the ultimate spirit weapon and directly certify the fourth-level alchemist!"

Life in the house is easy though!

But he's not here for pleasure!

He must refine a top-grade immortal weapon!

Only in this way can the sixth layer of Immortal Mansion be opened!

So as to spy on the true intentions of the human emperor!

Gong Jian said, "Six days later, Nie Yao will be certified as a sixth-level alchemist, and many people will participate in the certification at that time!"

"After all, if you want to certify an alchemist, you can't do so anytime and anywhere!"

"If you want to certify a fourth-level alchemist, you can wait until she finishes!"

"Otherwise, the next certification will be a year away!"

"With your talent, it is not difficult to refine the ultimate spirit weapon before this!"

Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll hurry up in the past few days and strive to refine the ultimate spirit weapon!"

"After waiting for six days, by the way, I have also certified a fourth-level alchemist!"

Gong Jian snorted: "If you want to participate in the certification, you have to go to the Hall of Merit to register in advance!" Just go and say hello to Elder Cheng when you're fine!

"Okay, I'll go over later!" Chen Nan showed a shallow smile!


Fourth-level alchemist!

Isn't this a hand-to-hand thing?

But I don't know!

When he shows the blue flame and leaves the fire, Feng Yan will put the butcher knife on his neck!

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