Have breakfast!

Chen Nan went to the Hall of Merit!

After all, you need to register in advance to get the alchemist certification!

Keep it low-key!

He signed up for the certification of a first-level alchemist!

If you sign up directly for a Level 4 Alchemist!

The people of the Hall of Merit will definitely throw him out!

After all, you are not even a first-level alchemist, and you have to certify a fourth-level alchemist?

Take us for fools?

Everything has to be gradual!

But if he directly refined the ultimate spirit weapon when refining, then no one would doubt his ability!

He will be awarded the title of Fourth-level Alchemist!

Reported, Chen Nan left the Hall of Merit!

It happened that Nie Yao came to meet him, and immediately greeted him: "Senior sister Nie Yao, you don't have to worry about the refining certification in six days, I have already said hello to my friend!"

"He'll come and help you then!"

"Oh? Is it? Nie Yao smiled disapprovingly: "I understand your kindness, but I have already found a helper!"

"That's good!" Chen Nan felt that his hot face was plastered to his cold ass!

But it doesn't matter!

Even if someone says he licks the dog, he won't care!

The reason why he asked Jing Tiancheng to make a move was, in the final analysis, that he wanted to help Nie Yao!

There was also a fate between the two!

Not deep though!

But there is a husband and wife!

After this incident!

The entanglements between the two will cease to exist!

It can also be regarded as a successful end to the previous encounter!

"Wake you up, stay away from Xia Youwei, don't set yourself on fire!" Nie Yao left a word of advice, turned around and entered the Hall of Merit!

She naturally heard about Chen Nan and Xia Youwei's night walk together!

"Chen Nan, why are you here?" Cai Jian came head-on, with his proud protégé Sun Yu behind him!

"I have seen Senior Cai, and the junior is here to sign up for the Alchemist certification!" Chen Nan bowed to Cai Jian, he knew that Cai Jian had no feeling for him, otherwise he would not be arranged in the room!


The reason why he was able to join the Sword Forging Academy Palace was also thanks to Cai Jian!


You still can't lose the gifts!

"You want to certify an alchemist?" Cai Jian sneered, as if she had heard a funny joke: "You are not mistaken, right? Do you want to certify an alchemist too? You've only been here for a few days? Do you know what a refinery is?

"Don't think that if you refine pots and pans, you can refine weapons!"

"The refining instrument is not as simple as you think!"


"If someone asks about your origin, don't say that I arranged for you to enter the Sword Forging Palace!"

"I Cai Jian can't afford to lose this kind of person!"

Speaking of this, he left angrily with his apprentice Sun Yu!

Chen Nan shook his head with a smile!

Then back to the back mountain!

He still has a lot of ore in his hands!

It is completely possible to refine the ultimate spirit weapon!

The difference between weapon realms depends on the material!

It depends even more on how much heaven and earth spiritual energy is injected during refining!

Chen Nan's control of Aura is quite skillful!

In the evening, a long sword was refined!

Looking at the long sword in his hand, Chen Nan chuckled: "The ultimate spirit weapon can cause the cultivators to fight and rob on the earth, but it can be seen everywhere in the immortal world!"

"Although I can't say bad street, I can barely use it as a kitchen knife!"

Gong Jian came over: "Chen Nan, the sun is about to set, our brothers will go back first!"

"If someone wants to eat at night, you can make two random dishes and send them over!"


Chen Nan answered!

He has been in the room for more than a month!

Except for helping Nie Yao deliver a meal, he has never cooked at all!

After all!

Few people will eat!

Even if there is!

They will also go to Yamashita Castle!

The food there is very good!

It's just dark!

Xia Youwei quietly appeared!

And also with a lot of braised meat and pastries bought in the city!

"Master, your skills are really strong, after your treatment of me last night, I never stepped on shit when I went out!"

"I didn't even choke on eating!"

"This is specially bought by juniors to honor you!"

Chen Nan said, "Okay, I'll help you treat it after I've eaten it!" "

Eun!" Xia Youwei nodded excitedly!

Before being healed by Chen Nan!

She's a lack...


An insecure woman to be exact!

Whatever you do, be afraid!

But today!

She is very relaxed!

Just as Chen Nan was eating the food prepared by Xia Youwei, a young disciple came to the room!

"Junior Brother Chen Nan, help me prepare two dishes and send them over!"

"Cheng, you leave an address, I'll send it over later!" Chen Nan answered!

Came to the Sword Forging Academy Palace for so many days!

Finally, I can play my value!

That disciple just walked on the front foot!

Here comes another young man!

After that, almost fifty came one after another!

All of them were sent to their cultivation place by making two dishes!

"Master, have you offended someone? Otherwise, it would not be possible for so many people to order food at the same time! Xia Youwei's eyes were full of puzzlement, and she felt that Chen Nan was targeted!


"It must be!"

"I can tell you very responsibly that the gang house may not be able to receive more than fifty orders a year!"

In fact, Xia Youwei didn't say that Chen Nan could also feel that there was a lot of trickiness in this matter!

After all, he has been in the gang room for more than a month!

Except for yesterday, Nie Yao ordered four dishes on a whim, usually Gong Jian and they only cook their own food!

"This matter may be a secret ghost of Feng Yan!" Chen Nan immediately thought of Feng Yan!

A trace of disgust flashed in Xia Youwei's eyes: "That guy is not a good thing!"

"Junior Sister Xia, you seem to have a big prejudice against me!"

Accompanied by a yin and yang strange sound!

Feng Yan came over with a smile!

Xia Youwei said disdainfully: "Isn't what I said right? Are you really a good thing? Feng

Yan rightfully said, "Of course I'm a good thing!"

Xia Youwei suddenly realized: "No wonder you don't do personnel, it turns out that you are a thing!"

"You..." Feng Yan was speechless!

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Chen Nan and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Chen Nan, I'm a little hungry tonight, so I want to try your craft!"

Chen Nan forced a smile: "I don't know what Senior Brother Feng Yan wants to eat?"

Feng Yan grinned: "Anything, as long as it's what you're good at!"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said embarrassedly: "I'm good at!"

"Sometimes constipation, very rough!"

"Sometimes poor digestion will be diluted!"

"I just don't know which one Senior Brother Feng Yan likes?"

As soon as these words come out!

Feng Yan's face immediately turned green!

A strong feeling of vomiting almost didn't make him vomit out the overnight meal!

Looking at Chen Nan's malicious smile, he snorted heavily: "The surname Chen, those people before had the ability of a fifth-level alchemist!"

"If they don't have a full meal tonight!"

"They will definitely sue the high-level of the Academy Palace!"

"You will definitely not be able to eat and walk around then!"


"This is the end of your offending me!"

"Lao Tzu wants to boil frogs in warm water and slowly play you to death!"

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