Seeing Chen Nan appear, many people's eyes showed amazing killing intent

! Although many people did not have a good relationship with

Luo Rang and others, Luo Rang was also a member

of the Black Dragon Hall!

Chen Nan

killed seven disciples of the Black Dragon Hall on the street, this behavior was tantamount to hitting them all in the face!

Chen Nan was indifferent

! As if he were in the air! With one hand behind his back, he strode into the casino with his head held high

! Although they were hostile to Chen Nan

! they couldn't wait to unload him

! but they had to admire his boldness! It

was definitely not something that ordinary people could have!

Enter the casino hall!

Chen Nan

sat casually at a gambling table and said lightly: "Let the black dragon come out!" "

Dare to call my family boss by his first name, do you want to die?" A strong man in the realm of immortals was furious

! "Are you talking to me?" Chen Nan cast an indifferent look!

Chen Nan was obviously an ant in the Earth Immortal Realm

! But for some reason

, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling

! As if the person in front of him was the embodiment of

death! Just one look made his scalp numb, and he had a sense of déjà vu passing by death!

"Chen Nan, you should really be so daring!"

With a deep voice

! The black dragon wore a black robe and walked out with a group of masters

! Each of them was murderous

! He did not hide his killing intent in his heart

! "You killed my Black Dragon Hall disciple, but now you come to the door to provoke, do you really think that I dare not kill you?" The black dragon sat on

the gambling table opposite Chen Nan! Chen Nan put his feet on the gambling table very casually: " Since I dared to come, I didn't put you in my eyes

!" "Lao Tzu will kill you!" A middle-aged man was furious, and he sacrificed his long sword and killed

Chen Nan! "Get out!" Chen

Nan punched

out! The terrifying energy instantly hit the opponent's chest

! Poof

! The middle-aged man vomited blood and flew out of the casino gate

! The scene was silent!

You know!

That is a strong man in the eight-layer realm of the Supreme Immortals

! Even if you look at the entire Black Dragon Hall, you are also a master among the masters

! But who would have thought that he would be punched out by Chen Nan's Earth Immortal Realm ant? The black dragon narrowed his eyes slightly

! He couldn't see through Chen Nan's strength at all

! Even if he only had Earth Immortal Realm cultivation! But who dared to say that he only had the strength of Earth Immortal Realm?

Facing such a guy who can't see through the depths and dares to swagger to the Black Dragon Hall base camp alone!


Nan: "Let's get straight to the point, I'm here to gamble with you

!" The black dragon's face was full of play

: "What to bet?" Chen Nan: "Bet on the size!" The

black dragon smiled: "What is your bet?"

If I win, you need to hand me Mu Kuisan's antidote!" The

black dragon asked again: "Then what if you lose?" Chen

Nan chuckled: "I shouldn't lose!" A cold light flashed in the black dragon's eyes: "There are exceptions to everything, aren't they?" Chen

Nan thought for a while and said, "If I really lose, then let you guys live!" ???



Everybody's eyes widened

! At one point, they thought they were hallucinating! You


Chen Nan picked up a few dice and said lightly: "Actually, there is no deep hatred between us

!" "Even if I kill seven of your Black Dragon Hall disciples today

!" "But there is a reason

!" "The fault is with you, not me!" The

black dragon sneered: "And then?"

If I could, I don't want to be an enemy with


!" The black dragon sneered: "Are you afraid of us?!" Chen

Nan asked rhetorically: "Do you like killing chickens?"

Heavenly anger rose in everyone's hearts

! This is the Black Dragon Hall

! This is their base camp

! Chen Nan humiliated them in public like a flock of chickens

! How could they not be angry?

The black dragon's eyes were deep, wanting to see through

Chen Nan! But unfortunately

! Chen Nan was like a fog in his eyes

! Even if the other party was close!

He knew

that Chen Nan had something to do with Jing Tiancheng of the Formation Palace! But! A Jing Tiancheng had not yet been put in his eyes

! So

! What is his confidence to come to the Black Dragon Hall without fear?

"Give a quick word, gamble or not!" Chen Nan spoke!


black dragon gritted his teeth and said: " This gamble is very unfair to us

!" Chen Nan: "I feel very fair!" The

black dragon suddenly felt a little stunned

! Even if he had been running for many years, he had never met a strange person like Chen Nan whose methods were unbearable

! He hesitated

! He said: "Okay, I'll bet with you

!" "Boss, the Wang Realm is here!" At

this time,

a disciple of the Black Dragon Hall ran in!

Chen Nan: "When I came, Wang Jing found me, hoping that I would join forces with them to get rid of you

!" "Let them roll!" The black dragon roared

! "Yes!" "Say, how to play?" The black dragon looked at

Chen Nan! Chen Nan waved his hand casually

! A bamboo tube fell into his hand!

He put in six dice: "You guess my points, I guess your points, two wins in three games!"

Then he burst out

laughing, and the little brothers behind him also laughed!

"My boss is the gambling god of Yan Country, the best thing is guessing points, can you beat him

?" "This game, you will lose!" The smile on the black dragon's face slowly dissipated: "Are you sure you want to guess the points with me?" Chen

Nan: "Yes, anyway, if I lose, I will take your life!"

Okay, I want to see how you take our lives!" A strong killing intent rose in the black dragon's heart, and then he picked up a bamboo tube and shook it

! Chen Nan: "I guess six one, small!" Everyone

looked at Chen Nan like a fool

! If you wait for my boss to buckle the tube on the gambling table and guess again, you may be able to guess one or two!


the sound of dice colliding with the bamboo tube, the black dragon slammed

the dice on the gaming table! "It's time for you to shake!" The black dragon looked at Chen Nan with a smile! Chen Nan

waved his hand casually

! Six dice rolled in the tube

! But!

But he didn't make any sound

! At this moment

! The black dragon's eyes changed!

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