The black dragon nicknamed the God of Gambler

! He has never met an opponent in terms of gambling skills

! But today

! He feels that he has encountered a lifelong enemy

! He can feel the dice in Chen Nan's dice barrel spinning rapidly

! But he can't hear any sound! and if he can't hear the sound, he can't know the points of the dice

! Bang!

With a dull sound

, Chen Nan buckled the dice cylinder on the gambling table! "Come on, guess!" Chen

Nan said lightly! At

this moment,

not only the black dragon

! The faces of the other masters in the casino also changed

! They are all proficient in gambling

! They can also distinguish the points of the dice through their voices

! But now they feel like they are deaf!

The dice

cylinder is made of a special material, and there is a prohibition on it

! Even the Immortal Emperor can't spy on the points inside

!" "I guess small!" The

matter has come to this

! The black dragon can only rely on the blindfold

! "Is it?" Chen Nan smiled, and then opened the dice cylinder under everyone's nervous eyes!

Six six-point dice appeared in everyone's eyes

! Black Dragon and others were not surprised when this happened

! After all, the winning rate of blind guessing is only fifty percent!

Chen Nan: "Six sixes, big, you

lost!" The black dragon sneered: "You didn't guess my dice, why did you conclude that I lost?" Chen

Nan: "Then reveal the answer!"

Six eye-catching [●] points appeared in everyone's eyes

! "How so?" The

black dragon had a feeling of numbness in his scalp

! He is a master of playing dice

! When he shook the dice before, he obviously shook out

six fives! But why was it all one after opening it?

He was sure that he had shaken out six fives! He was

also sure that the dice inside had not moved after the dice cylinder fell!

And the result made it difficult for him to accept

! "Go on!" The black dragon did not believe in evil

! Picked up the dice cylinder again and shook it

! Chen Nan had a shallow smile on his face: "Still six

one!" "If this time it is still six one, then my black dragon is willing to admit defeat!" The black dragon's face was fierce, and the sound in the dice cylinder showed the anger in his heart!

He slammed the dice cylinder heavily on the gaming table

! At this moment

, the atmosphere suddenly became depressed

! Everyone held their breath

! When the black dragon took the dice cylinder away,

the scene erupted into a gasping sound!

"It was six one!"

"What the hell is going on?" and "

How could the boss miss his hand?"


didn't think that

Black Dragon had deliberately lost to Chen Nan! After all, he had never lost to others in gambling, and this was his most proud ability

!"My Black Dragon actually lost

?" "Lost at the gambling table?" The

Black Dragon laughed at himself, unable to accept this!

My black dragon is willing to gamble and lose, if you lose, you lose, this is Mu Kuisan's antidote, you take it!" Speaking of this, he took out a jade bottle and threw it to

Chen Nan!"Lost the gambling technique, won your life, you actually won!" Chen Nan took the antidote, got up and walked outside

! "Cao Nima, do you think we are here where you can come and go?" The little brother of the black dragon roared angrily, directly blocking Chen Nan's way!


black dragon whispered: "Let Brother Chen Nan

leave!" "

Boss!" "

No, boss, he killed our brother, and swaggered to the door, if we let him leave, where will our Black Dragon Hall's face fall?"


of faces were full of humiliation

! Although they couldn't wait to unload Chen Nan into eight pieces

, they still made a way! Chen

Nan swaggered out of the casino

! "Boss, why did you let him go?" After Chen Nan left, a middle-aged man asked with a grievance! The

black dragon smashed the dice cylinder in his hand with a snort, gritted his teeth and said: "

Do you think I want him to leave alive

?" "I don't want to

!" "But!" "I have to do this!" Some

people are puzzled: "Why? We can obviously cut Chen Nan by a thousand cuts!" The

black dragon smiled bitterly: "You shouldn't really regard Chen Nan as a weakling, right?"

Chen Nan really has the ability to kill us!" Everyone

was shocked! I never expected that the black dragon would say such a thing!

The black dragon's expression was solemn, and he said word by word: "Even if we all go together, it is definitely not his opponent

!" "Just because he guessed the points of the dice?" The

black dragon snorted: "No one can decide the number of points of the dice in my hand, but Chen Nan did it!" This is very unusual

!" Speaking of this, he looked around

! "If I'm not mistaken, he should have controlled our Black Dragon Hall's formation!" Everyone

was shocked!



Black Dragon Hall's formation is a sixth-level formation, how can he control our Black Dragon Hall's formation?" "The Black Dragon Hall has a sixth-level

formation! Once this formation is activated, they will also become fish and meat to be slaughtered on the board

!" The hall master is right, the control of our Black Dragon Hall's formation has really been taken away by someone!" An old man with white hair was helped downstairs! He is the formation master

of the Black Dragon Hall, Shi Yu!

Everyone felt their scalps numb after hearing

this! That was a sixth-level formation! Who would have thought that the control of this sixth-level formation would be quietly taken away by


Nan? "Shi Lao, do you know the strength of this Chen Nan?" The black dragon was afraid for a while in his heart, glad that he guessed that Chen Nan had seized control of the formation!

Shi Lao's face was weak, but his eyes were full of trepidation and unease: "Today, there are only a handful of people who can easily control the control of other people's sixth-level formations

!" "Even if you look at the entire immortal world, there will be no more than ten people

!" Hearing Shi Yu's evaluation

of Chen Nan so high! Everyone at the scene felt their heads

buzzing! Recalling the previous behavior of blocking Chen Nan, there was a feeling of passing by the god of death!"

Hall Master, Chen Nan's strength is great, especially above the formation

!" "This kind of person must not be provoked

!" "If you can, you should become friends with him, this will benefit us immensely!" Shi Yu gave his own opinion!

The black dragon nodded solemnly, then looked at a younger brother and said angrily: "Check, find out why our people have a conflict with Chen Nan!"

I will cut off his head to make amends to Chen Nan!"

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