Chen Nan said amazingly

, shocking everyone around!

"Is this guy crazy? Dare to say what is the black dragon?" "

Lying groove, why is this guy so arrogant? That is the boss of the Black Dragon Hall, a super strong man with a second-level immortal emperor

!" "His head must have been flooded, otherwise he wouldn't have said such words!" Feng

Yan came back to his senses in shock and sneered: " Chen Nan, I didn't expect you to be so good at death, not only daring to kill the disciples of

the Black Dragon Hall, but even humiliating the Black Dragon on the street!" "What is certain is that you will die soon

!" "Heavenly King Laozi can't

save you!" Fan Yi also said: "Not bad, killing the people of the Black Dragon Hall, but also humiliating the boss of the Black Dragon Hall in public, no one can save your life!" Chen

Nan looked over: "Which green onion are you?"

Fan Yi raised his chin with a proud face: "My name is Fan Yi, a fifth-level alchemist!" Chen

Nan chuckled: "This name is indeed quite cheap

!" Fan Yi was furious, gritting his teeth and saying: "My cousin is the deputy hall master

of the Black Dragon Hall!" Chen Nan frowned: "That is, you let the Black Dragon Hall find me trouble?"


!" "I didn't expect you to be so bold as to kill

the people of the Black Dragon Hall on the street!" "Do you know what this is called?"

"Heaven's evil is still violable

!" "Self-inflicted sins can't live!" Fan

Yi: "Yes, the Black Dragon Hall is not something that a jumping beam clown like you can provoke, offend them, you will die!" There

was an exclamation from the crowd: "The people of the Black Dragon Hall are coming!"

As soon as these words came out

, everyone looked into the distance in unison

! I saw the black dragon with dozens of brothers, swaggering

over the street! Seeing them! Many people subconsciously retreated into the distance

! For the Black Dragon Hall, the common people have heard about

it! Know that they are not good stubble

! If you really offend them

, there will definitely be a disaster!

In particular, there were a few drops of blood on the black dragon's

face! His body exuded a rising killing intent

! He was carrying a black package in his right hand, and blood dripped everywhere he passed

! It looked like a head was wrapped inside!

The appearance of the black dragon made the atmosphere instantly solemn

! Xia Youwei's face was full of nervousness, and

she subconsciously hugged Chen Nan's arm: "Master, what should we do?"

Chen Nan frowned: "Don't panic first, although the black dragon is a tyrant in the underground world, but now it's daytime, he shouldn't dare to make a move on the street!" He

didn't know why the black dragon appeared!

Black Dragon senior, you came just right, this Chen Nan made a big fuss, openly insulting you is not a thing, you must severely punish this kind of guy who has no one in sight

!" "Where have we met?" The black

dragon's eyes were indifferent! He just felt that

Fan Yi was very familiar! But he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while!

Fan Yi was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly said: "My cousin is a lone dragon, we have drunk together before!"

The black dragon looked like he suddenly realized, and then said with a smile: "Chen Nan said that I am not a thing, right, then what am I in your eyes?"

Fan Yi blurted out

: "You are not a thing!" The words fell!

He snorted, and his face was like a cold sweat: "Black Dragon senior, I don't mean this, I don't mean this, I mean you are a person, not a thing..."

He and the black dragon have only seen him a handful of times! Although this person is very emotional

, but he is ruthless and moody

! Even if his cousin is a lone dragon, if he offends him, he will not have good fruit to eat

! The black dragon snorted coldly and walked straight to Chen Nan

! Fan Yi breathed a sigh of relief

! As long as this master did not get angry

! But at this moment!

The black dragon bowed to Chen Nan with an apologetic face, and said, "Brother Chen Nan, I have found out the truth of the matter, it was Dulong who made people find trouble with

you!" "In order to express my Black Dragon Hall's apologies, I cut off Dulong's head and specially made amends to you!"

Who is the owner of that head not Dulong?


Fan Yi let out a terrified scream

! He never dreamed that

his cousin, who was still alive when he met yesterday, would be cut off by the black dragon today

! And his purpose in doing this was only to apologize to Chen Nan! Everyone

else also had numb scalps and a thick layer of goosebumps rising from their bodies!

There were even many timid people who shivered with fear!

What is the situation? Why did

the black dragon cut off the head of his deputy hall master

? This is just to apologize to Chen Nan?

Could it be that Chen Nan has a powerful backer behind him?


! It must be so

! Otherwise, with the status of the black dragon, he would not have put Chen Nan in his eyes at all

! Let alone kill his deputy hall master in order to apologize to him! Feng Yan was stunned, and his mouth was open as if he could stuff a goose egg! The

black dragon killed his own deputy hall master!

Just to apologize to Chen Nan

Can anyone tell me what is going

on? Why does this kind of unreasonable plot happen?

This kind of plot even the storyteller in the tea house does not dare to talk about it, right?

Chen Nan did not expect that the black dragon would be so ruthless, and after returning to his senses, he said: "It's just a little thing, there is no need for this!" The black dragon said: "

It may be a small matter for you, but it is not a small matter for us Black Dragon Hall."


of respect, we in the Black Dragon Hall should show our own attitude

!" "After all, the contradictions between us are all because of the solitary dragon!" "

If he hadn't sent Luo Rang to find you trouble, we wouldn't have clashed at all!"


he directly controlled the formation, the Black Dragon Hall would have already been removed from the Yan Country! Chen Nan was a little embarrassed

! He didn't think about directly destroying

the Black Dragon Hall! After all, with the formation of the Black Dragon Hall, destroying everyone was just a matter of a snap of his fingers! The

reason why he gambled with the Black Dragon

! In the final analysis, it was because he didn't know where Mu Kuisan's antidote was!

If it

weren't for

this, the Black Dragon Hall would have been destroyed by him a long time

ago! However

, since the other party cut off Dulong's head, then their direct beam can also be dissolved!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan said: "Since you Black Dragon Hall has taken out your own attitude, I, Chen Nan, am not an unforgiving person, and yesterday's incident will be revealed!"

The black dragon was overjoyed, and then looked at Fan Yi, and his eyes flashed with amazing killing intent: "Brother Chen, yesterday's incident was all because of Fan Yi, you say, how should this guy deal with it?"

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