Seeing the eyes of the black dragon

, Fan Yi suddenly had a feeling of five thunders hitting the top

! The whole person sat uncontrollably on the ground

! A light yellow liquid flowed from under his body!

He crawled in front of Chen Nan with a rolling belt: "Junior Brother Chen, please raise your noble hand and let me have a way of life?"

Chen Nan kicked him out more than ten meters away, and said indifferently: "Didn't you pretend to be forced in front of me before, why are you begging me to let you live now

?" "Are we very familiar

?" "What does your life and death have to do

with me?" Fan Yi's face was bloodless, and he kowtowed like garlic: "Junior Brother Chen, it was Feng Yan who asked me to find trouble with you, it's none of my business!

Because of the excessive force

, his forehead was already blurred with blood and flesh, and he looked very miserable

! He had already thought about it! Even

if he died today

, he had to pull Feng Yan's back!

Feng Yan's face turned pale, and he said angrily: "Fuck your mother, when did I let you find trouble with Junior Brother Chen?

Junior Brother Chen, I admit that there is something unpleasant between us, but this matter really started because of Fan

Yan!" "If you don't believe it, I can swear to the sky!" The

black dragon looked at Feng Yan

! If Chen Nan gave the order, he would kill him as soon as possible!

Junior Brother Chen Nan is really a benevolent living bodhisattva

! Why did I make enemies with him everywhere before?

I really am not a thing

! Thinking of this

! He couldn't wait to slap himself twice

! Because he didn't expect Chen Nan to forgive him!

The black dragon said, "In that case, then I will take Fan

Yi away

!" said and made a look at his junior brother

! "No!" "

Don't!" Fan

Yi screamed again and again

! If he is taken away

, he will be better off alive than dead

! The people of the Black Dragon Hall didn't pay attention to him at all, and even knocked him unconscious and took him directly out of the downtown area!

"Brother Chen, don't fight or don't know each other, the door of my Black Dragon Hall is open for you at any time, you are welcome to play!" The black dragon surrendered his hand, and then turned and left!

Seeing that there were many people gathered around, Chen Nan began to shout while the iron was hot: "Come on, let's continue

!" "The immortal weapon of the Sword Forging Academy Palace is unattainable!" "

After this village, there will be no such shop!"

Many people joined the ranks of opening blind boxes

! So much so that even

Feng Yan helped Chen Nan to drink! It seemed as if he had been touched by

Chen Nan! Chen Nan felt sorry for Feng Yan

! After all, he planted the seed

of bad luck in his body! When that seed of bad luck germinated, it was when his bad luck came!


Yan actually called a dozen younger brothers to help Chen Nan sell blind boxes for free

! This wave of operations made Chen Nan dumbfounded

! Is this product really impressed by his own personality charm?

He should not be so kind

! Forget it

! It doesn't matter

! The important thing is to have free labor

! If this momentum continues!

Don't say three months

! You can sell

all the blind boxes in one month! Night falls! An accident happened

! The dozen or so guys who helped Chen Nan sell the blind boxes were all beaten up

! They were beaten severely

! They were not robbed

! It is said

! They were all covered with their faces!

They couldn't see what they looked like!

More than a dozen people had their limbs all broken

! "Is it someone from the Three Swords Society?" Chen

Nan's eyes were gloomy;

he was sure that the Black Dragon Hall did not dare to engage in such a method

! After all, the Black Dragon had cut off Dulong's head

! The two had already resolved the contradiction and conflict!

Would he still be stupid enough to send someone to sabotage his business?

After all

, last night, he slapped the owner Wang Jing after three swords! It

is reasonable for the other party to use such inferior means to retaliate

! Thinking of this

! Chen Nan let Xia Youwei return to the Academy Palace first, and then go to the casino of the Black Dragon Hall

! In fact, he doesn't like the black dragon

! But as the old saying goes, if

you have a common enemy, that is a friend!

"Brother Chen's arrival really makes Hanshe Pengxian shine!" "Knowing that Chen Nan was coming, the black dragon came to the first floor for the first time and invited Chen Nan to a quiet room!

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "My booth was smashed by someone!" The

black dragon's face changed, and he quickly said: "Brother Chen, you shouldn't suspect that it was our Black Dragon Hall who did it, right?

Don't be so nervous, I didn't say that your Black Dragon Hall did it!" The

black dragon breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you know who did it?"


hearing this, the black dragon said: "This person in the Wang Realm will be rewarded, Brother Chen beat him yesterday, he will definitely not be indifferent

!" "He asked his subordinates to beat your people, although this kind of thing is very tasteless, it is also in line with his style!" Chen

Nan asked: "Is there a beam between you?"

Black Dragon Hall, Three Swords Society, Heavenly King Building controls the underground world, in terms of ranking my Black Dragon Hall is better!" "

The Three Swords Society and the Heavenly King Tower have always wanted to get rid of me!" Chen

Nan nodded slightly, and then said: "Or, you and I join forces and destroy the Three Swords Society together?"

The black dragon just wanted to say well, and then seemed to think of something, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I would like to destroy the Three Swords Society, but the Three Swords will have three Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses!"

It's just me

now!" Before, he and Dulong could still face the attack

of the three Immortal Emperor powerhouses of the Three Swords Society! But now

! He was alone and lacked skills, and he was not the opponent of those three Immortal Emperors at all!


, a disciple of the Black Dragon Hall broke through the door and gasped: "Boss, something happened

!" Wang Lin came with the master of the Three Swords Society to kill!"


" The black dragon's face changed greatly

! I never expected that the other party would take advantage

of the void! "Let Shi Lao control the formation to resist them!" The black dragon's expression was solemn, Wang Lin was the second in command of

the Three Swords Society, and his strength itself was very strong! Moreover, this time the Three Swords Society attacked the Black Dragon Hall, it was definitely premeditated

! If they want to win

! It's hard and difficult! The

only situation is to use the formation to keep them out! !

Chen Nan spoke: "No need to open the formation

, let them in!" The black dragon subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Brother Chen Nan, are you sure you want to let

them in?" Chen Nan grinned and said: "Wouldn't it be cool to put them in, a pot is served?"

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