The black dragon endured the excitement in his heart, and ordered his junior brother: "Do what Brother Chen Nan said, remember, you can't do it too obviously

!" "We must pretend that we are invincible and let them occupy the casino

!" "Yes!" After

the other party left

, Chen Nan frowned, and then laughed: "The people of the Three Swords Society seem to have infiltrated in!" The

black dragon's face changed: "How do you say this?"

Hall Master, the formation was inexplicably blocked!" Shi Yu walked in with an anxious face!

After seeing Chen Nan, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Could it be that the formation was blocked by Chen Nan Xiaoyou?"

"No!" Chen Nan said: "Someone has cast a magic weapon to shield the formation, this kind of magic weapon is rare, but it is not a big deal, at best, it can only shield for a while!" At this


, Wang Lin's roar came from outside: "Where is the black dragon, get out for Lao Tzu!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and a charming arc appeared! The

black dragon and Shi Yu both inexplicably felt a panic

! This is obviously their territory

! But why did Chen Nan act so calmly?

Come to the hall on the first floor

! I saw a middle-aged man in his forties walking in covered in blood!

He was holding a long sword in his hand, and blood was constantly dripping from the sword body

! Beside him was an old man who looked to be in his sixties

! He was full of silver hair, with a solemn expression, and was holding a circular formation disk

! There were also Immortal Emperor-level cultivators

! They stepped on corpses and walked in murderously!

"The surname Chen, I knew you would come to the Black Dragon Hall!" Wang Jing followed the two Immortal Emperors, his eyes flashing with a vicious light

: "Let me think, are you discussing the Three Swords Society against me?" "Bah

!" "Just because you are also worthy to be the opponent of my Three Swords Society?" Chen

Nan: "In other words, you let people ruin my business?"

"Yes, it's Xiaoye! Xiaoye not only wants to destroy your business, but even crushes you to ashes!" Wang Jing grinned: " Only in this way can

we kill you and the Black Dragon Hall!" Wang Lin spoke: "Nephew, did he slap you?"

Wang Jing said: "Yesterday I found him, I thought of letting him cooperate with us, inside and outside to deal with the Black Dragon Hall

!" "But this person didn't know how to lift it, and even slapped his nephew!" Wang

Lin looked at Chen Nan, his cold eyes flashed with amazing killing intent: " Dare to hurt my nephew Wang Lin, your life can be regarded as coming to an end!" Wang

Jing said in a low voice: "Second uncle, this person's strength is not weak, even if the early stage powerhouse of the True Immortal Realm is not an opponent in front of him!" Although he wanted to kill

Chen Nan, Chen Nan left him with too much fear

! For example, punching a strong man in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm

! This means is not at all possessed by ordinary people!

Wang Lin disdained: "

He looked at the black dragon with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "Dulong has followed you for many years, and is your right arm

!" "With him, neither the Three Swords Society nor the Heavenly King Tower can shake your status in the Black Dragon Hall!"

Can his weight in your heart be comparable to that of the Dulong

Dragon?" the black dragon grinned: "Do you want to know the answer?" "Don't worry!" "Brother Chen Nan will tell you the answer!" Wang

Jing spat viciously: "This force will die immediately, what answer can he tell us?"

"However, there is one thing I don't know!"Chen

Nan killed your Black Dragon Hall people!"

"Why did you let him leave alive last night?"

the black dragon smiled and shrugged: "Actually, this can all be attributed to one answer!" Wang

Jing frowned

! Chen Nan spoke: "Do you really think that your formation plate can shield the formation of the Black Dragon Hall forever?" He smiled and shook his head, and then waved his arms!

"The formation of the Black Dragon Hall has been activated!" The Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse beside Wang Lin turned pale

! "What?" At

this moment

, Wang Lin's face also changed: "Hurry up and block the formation here!" The

formation of the Black Dragon Hall belongs to the sixth-level formation! Once

urged with all his strength, even the powerhouses in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor will drink hatred!

The old man squeezed his hands with both hands, and the formation plate slowly floated into the air, and then he pinched out one strange handprint after another and punched into

the formation plate! The formation plate bloomed with green light

! It echoed the color of the formation of the Black Dragon Hall

! "Give me annihilation!"

The old man roared! The soul

power roared out, thinking of extinguishing the green light on the formation plate

! But no matter how hard he tried

! The formation did not move!

This made the strong people of the Three Dao Society full of solemnity! The

formation can exist with one enemy and a hundred

! If they can't shield the formation here

! This will become their place of fall

! In layman's

terms! Their plan to annihilate the Black Dragon Hall this time can be summed up in a four-word word!

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, I know the strength of that formation master of your Black Dragon Hall, it is impossible for him to control this sixth-level

formation!" "Hahaha!" The black dragon laughed loudly: "Are you blind, don't you see who is manipulating the formation

?" "Is he?" The old man looked at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of shock!

Shi Yu laughed unkindly: "I'm just a small person, you can't ignore Master Chen because of my existence, he's a super ruthless person!"

"His attainment in the formation is not what you can imagine!" Wang

Jing's face turned pale, and he seemed to understand something: "Chen Nan forcibly took control of this sixth-level formation last night?"

My idea is stupid!"

"He can quietly take away control of my formation, how can I offend this kind of person?"


The faces of the Three Swords Society are bloodless

! The development of things has exceeded their expectations

! It is difficult to accept

! It is clear that they came to level the Black Dragon Hall

! Why did they catch turtles in the urn?

"You are happy too early, even if this person's formation is accomplished, but as long as I kill him, this formation can still be blocked!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed a cold light!

! The next second he moved

! Like a ghost appeared

in front of Chen Nan's body, the long sword in his hand went straight to Chen Nan's eyebrows

! "Did you ignore the existence of Lao Tzu?" The black dragon roared, holding a mace in front of Chen Nan, and blasted out with a stick against Wang Lin!

Without waiting for him to stabilize his body, Chen Nan controlled the formation and lowered a devastating

sword qi! Poof! The sword qi pierced through Wang Lin's body! A

red blood mist bloomed under everyone's terrified eyes!

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