
Wang Sen

who followed behind him felt incredible

! This

guy obviously didn't use any magic weapons

! He didn't fly with a royal sword

! But his speed was comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor!

"With my current strength, I can kill Wang Sen while he is unprepared!"

"Will he give me a chance?" Wang

Sen must die! otherwise it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the capital

! Chen Nan looked back and followed behind

him! Although he couldn't see Wang Sen's figure, he

could clearly feel a powerful aura following him!

Chen Nan silently took out

the doom seed, leaving his soul power in it! "I only hope that this doom seed can help!" He

pinched it with one hand

! The doom seed soared into the air and suspended in the air

! At the same time,

Wang Sen chased along his breath

! The doom seed was planted directly in his body!

For these!

Wang Sen didn't know

it! Even if he was a high-ranking Immortal Emperor, he couldn't feel the seed of doom appear in his body

! ------

in an instant,

Chen Nan appeared on a mountain hundreds of miles outside the capital! The mountain

was lined with strange rocks and many big trees

! He hid in the mountain!

Waiting for Wang Sen to appear and deliver a fatal blow!"

Damn, where did that guy go, why can't

you feel his presence?" Wang Sen appeared in mid-air, his eyes full of anger

! He could feel that Chen Nan was in the mountains

! But his breath disappeared

! It was as if it had evaporated out of thin air

! "Want to find me? Huh!" "

You deserve it too?" Chen

Nan's face was full of disdain!

The method he used to hide his aura was taught to him by Qinglong

! Not to mention Wang Sen, a first-level immortal emperor! Even a ninth-level immortal emperor could hardly feel his presence

! "Burst!" Feeling

Wang Sen overhead, Chen Nan directly detonated the seed of doom in Wang Sen's body

! Boom

! Without warning

, a thunder erupted in the air!

"For no reason, how can there be thunder?" Wang Sen looked up at the night sky, and for some reason, an inexplicable sense of crisis rose in his heart!

"I must find a way to get rid of Chen Nan, I am afraid that I will be in a catastrophe if I stay here!" Taking

a deep breath, Wang Sen roared angrily: "Chen Nan, I know that you are hiding in this mountain, get out quickly!" "I

want to kill you to avenge my son and brother!" Chen

Nan's voice sounded in the mountains and forests below: "You have the ability to come to me!"


main thing is that today this bureau can only live one of the two

! If he is not against the other party, even if he escapes, it will

be even more difficult to kill Wang Sen in the future

! This is very passive for him

! So

! He needs to let the bullet, oh no, let the qi of bad luck fly for a while!

"Found you!"

Wang Sen's eyes froze, and then he turned his fingers into swords and slashed towards

the location where the voice came! The sword qi roared out

from the sky! It was like a meteorite descending from the sky

! It exuded the aura of destruction and decay

! Boom

! The sword qi instantly swallowed the location where Chen Nan's voice came! The

landslide cracked for a while

! The ground shook!

Countless trees turned into powder!

Wang Sen

didn't see Chen Nan's figure

! "Want to kill me? This strength is not enough!"

Chen Nan's voice revealed a hint of playfulness

! He practiced the Dapeng Technique

! This technique is a space system exercise

! You can control the sound to sound in different positions!

Wang Sen gritted his teeth and said, "You deliberately lured me out?"

"Yes!" Chen Nan said with a smile: "Only in this way can I kill you and never suffer from future troubles

!" "Hmph!" Wang

Sen snorted coldly: "Do you think that I won't find you if I hide in the mountains?

From a distance, it looks like a round of blazing sun hanging in the night sky

! The terrifying high temperature makes it difficult for Chen Nan hiding in the mountains to adapt!

"The information of the black dragon is wrong

!" "This product has mastered the development of the fire system!" Chen

Nan's expression was slightly solemn

! If it was an ordinary fire system spell, there would be no such power at all

! "Burn!"

He poked out his palm!

A huge palm of fire appeared in the depths of the nine heavens

! It

fell heavily in the mountain range below! The moment the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked

! Phew

! The trees on the mountain, the stones were instantly ignited

! Then more than a dozen fire palms fell on the mountain range, completely igniting the entire mountain range!

Chen Nan had nowhere to dodge, and cast a great peng technique and appeared in the air!"

You continue to hide!" Wang Sen burst out with amazing killing intent, so that the void behind him trembled

! His son and brother died tragically at the same time!

Chen Nan looked up at the night sky where the thunderclouds were rolling

, and grinned: "You can't kill me!" "You overestimate your strength too much!" Wang Sen gritted his teeth and said: "You are an insignificant ant in my eyes, I want to kill you easily!"


!" "I won't kill

you!" "I will use all the cruel torture in the world on

you!" "Only in this way can I vent the killing intent in my heart

!" "Not only you, but I also want to get rid of the people of the Black Dragon Hall and let them pay for my son's life!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain: "If I'm not mistaken, the people of the Black Dragon Hall should have captured your Three Swords Society's base camp!"

Wang Sen's face changed: "What do you mean?" Chen Nan held a dead grass in his mouth, looking like a hanger

: "If I don't lead you out, how can I kill you?" "If I don't

lead you out, how can the Black Dragon Hall take advantage of the void to destroy your Three Swords Society?" Wang Sen's eyes were torn, and terrifying energy burst out: "Even if the Black Dragon Hall can destroy the Three Swords Society while I am away, you will not want to kill an ant..."


heavenly thunder tore apart without warning, and the night fell on him

! Boom

! Accompanied by a deafening thunder

! Wang Sen was blasted out for thousands of meters, his skin and flesh blooming, very embarrassed

! He raised his head angrily

! His eyes were full of jealousy and anxiety

! He didn't know why he was struck by lightning!

Chen Nan gloated and said: " There is a proverb in our hometown, pretend to be forced to attract lightning

!" "It seems that you have not pretended to be forced in your life

!" Wang Sen: "Die!"

He turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Chen Nan, the long sword in his hand exuded an icy cold light!

The two long swords collided, and a deafening impact suddenly erupted

in the air! The terrifying energy directly blasted Chen Nan out!

At the same time

, Wang Sen appeared in front of him again, and he angrily raised the long sword in his hand: "You can have this kind of strength, it is really ancient and shining

!" "But you shouldn't kill my son!"

Before the words were finished

, a heavenly thunder fell in the air again

! It fell unmistakably on the long sword in Wang Sen's hand! Wang Sen

was blasted out, and a miserable cry came out of his mouth: "Oh, lying groove, why do you always chop me?"

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