"Have you ever thought that it may be that the sky looks at you unfavorably and wants to kill you?" Chen Nan grinned, the qi of bad luck is really powerful!

Wang Sen looked up at the sky, his eyes full of hatred: "Even if I want to die today, I must kill Chen Nan first!"

The long sword landed heavily on the remnant sun with the momentum of destroying the sky

and the earth! Boom! Chen Nan was smashed

to the ground! The blood and qi in his body flowed backwards

! But it was only like this

! "With my current strength, it is not enough to kill an immortal emperor head-on!" Chen

Nan exhaled! Then

his tiger body shook, and the

immortal qi contained in the flesh and blood was instantly refined!

The image of the fat man has also undergone earth-shaking changes

! Yushu is in the wind

! He is extremely handsome


Like a true god

! This is what he looked like before!

Wang Sen's brows are locked

! What is the situation

? He will even transform?

"Die!" Chen

Nan killed Wang Sen!

The collision of the top-grade immortal weapon is not lost to thunder in the slightest

! However

, even if Chen Nan's strength has improved a bit, it is only comparable

to Wang Sen! After all, this guy has a strength comparable to a second-level immortal emperor!" "Your strength really feels incredible

!" "It is obviously an Earth Immortal Realm, but it is comparable to a first-level immortal emperor!" Wang

Sen's eyes were full of solemnity

! If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes!

Chen Nan sneered: "There are many incredible things, where is this?"

The void was instantly ignited, forming

a sea of fire in the sky

! Even though Chen Nan's body was terrifying,

but now there was a burning sensation of being burned

! "Die!" Wang

Sen slammed a palm

towards Chen Nan! The next moment

! A fire dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in the sea of fire

! It roared and rushed towards Chen Nan! Chen Nan

did not dare to underestimate it!

After all, this is a spell cast by the power of rules

! Take a deep breath

! He cast the [True Phoenix Seal]

! This is the technique he obtained in the demon world

! It originated from the true phoenix! Although he had rehearsed it countless times in his mind,

this was the first time he cast it

! Yo! A

high-pitched phoenix roar suddenly came from the depths of the nine heavens!

It seemed to have crossed a long river of time

! It came from the other side of the starry sky

! Immediately after

! A faint flame appeared in the Nine Heavens

! In an instant

! A true phoenix with a body length of 100 meters appeared in mid-air

! It wielded huge fire wings and exuded the breath of the spirit of a hundred birds

! "What kind of spell is this?"

Wang Sen's pupils trembled!

He felt powerful and uneasy

! The next second,

the true phoenix pounced on the fire dragon and tore it to pieces!

Wang Sen was shocked to the point of being beyond belief! He didn't expect the True Phoenix Seal to be so terrifying

! He was unwilling and pinched it again

! More than a dozen fire dragons appeared in the sea of fire, roaring towards the True Phoenix in all directions

! And at this moment

! A heavenly thunder fell

from the air! It fell on Wang Sen without the slightest defense

! "!"

Wang Sen burst into foul language!

Although he has the strength of a first-class immortal emperor

, although the heavenly thunder cannot directly kill him

, it will aggravate his injury

!" "The opportunity is coming!" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up, and the residual sun turned into an afterimage in the air, instantly piercing Wang Sen's

shoulder! "Not good!" After

the shoulder was pierced by the long sword

! Wang Sen was shocked to feel that his soul was in a state of dizziness!

He never

expected that Chen Nan's sword would have the effect of paralyzing the soul! At this time

, Chen Nan appeared in front of him!

With a malicious smile on his face: "My sword is called Residual Yang, it can paralyze the enemy for three seconds, and in these three seconds, you will become a fish on my board!"

Wang Sen

frowned angrily

! I never expected his end to be so miserable

! If Chen Nan really pinched time to cut him

, his soul would always be paralyzed

! "If you are a man, we will have a fight!" Wang Sen gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Nan!

If the eyes can kill,

Chen Nan has long been cut by him with his eyes

! "Okay, I'll give you a chance and promise not to cut you!" Chen Nan

put away the long sword! Wang Sen was overjoyed

! This realistic fruit is really brainless

! A single radical method successfully made him put away the long sword! As long

as he does not cut himself within three seconds,

his soul will not be paralyzed!



Chen Nan put away his long sword

, time seemed to become eternal

! He couldn't feel the wind, couldn't feel any sound! even! couldn't feel his heartbeat

! "You said, I don't know that the Immortal Emperor can control the power of rules?" Chen Nan's voice came into his ears, making him creepy


I'm afraid you don't know the strength of Xiao Ye

!" "It's my honor to inform you that you are the first Immortal Emperor to die in the hands of my law power!" "It's

your honor

!" "Well, my move is called eternal!"

"Looking at your eyes a little puzzled..."

"Well, for your sake, then I'll give you the origin of popularizing eternity

!" "Who made me a good person!"

When the words fell, he stretched out his hands and grabbed them in the air!

The law

of yin and yang appeared in his hands under Wang Sen's

stunned eyes!



only a strong person at the Immortal Emperor level is expected to spy on the law and master the law! Moreover, not all Immortal Emperor level powerhouses can control some kind of

law! What is even more outrageous is that

this guy has mastered two laws! The two

strongest and

strongest law !! in the world

The most outrageous thing is that

he actually fused these two laws

! Who the can stand this?

"No doubt, right?" "

Well, I'll send you to see your son, and your brother!" Chen

Nan snapped his fingers

! Eternity was annihilated in an instant

! Together with Wang Sen, he disappeared into heaven and earth!

An Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse died in Chen Nan's hands like this

! "The feeling of killing an Immortal Emperor head-on is really cool!" Chen Nan's face was full of excitement, although he had also killed the Immortal Emperor beside Liu Yingying when he was in the Wu Kingdom

! But by sneak attack

! And

now! He killed an Immortal Emperor head-on!

"The Yin and Yang Law Fusion is for eternity, and now, eternity can only cover about ten meters!"

Although the coverage area is not large

!" "But you can also take advantage of people's unpreparedness and shroud it in eternity!" "

If that's the case, even if it's a third-level immortal emperor, you have to drink hatred, right?" Chen

Nan was in a good mood, just as he was about to leave

! A dazzling light in the sea of fire below caught his attention!

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Could it be a treasure?"

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