Chen Nan looked stunned,

it seemed that he didn't expect Ling Yanran to ask like this!


When did I become your brother-in-law! How can you see a handsome man and ask if you can call someone a brother-in-law?

Although Chen Nan's mentality has collapsed, it has not reached the point of losing his mind!

The female emperor must have told her what happened in the land of creation

! And her previous action against herself was pure temptation! Thinking

of the female emperor telling others about bullying herself, Chen Nan felt loveless!


can you tell others about that kind of thing

? Have you ever considered my feelings?

Ling Yanran had already walked into the room, closed the door with her hand, and said softly: "Brother-in-law, my sister has always missed

you!" "You come back to the Snow Country with me

!" "If she sees you, she will definitely be very happy!" Chen

Nan returned to his senses, and said with sincere trepidation: "Great Priest, you recognized the wrong person! I am an ordinary person, I have never seen a female emperor at all!"

But at the moment

, she was like a playful little girl: "Although my sister did not share her memory, you fit the man she described

!" "Moreover, your physique has proved that you are the man who has been with her in the land of creation for a year!"

Chen Nan is like a deflated balloon


! Yan Emperor, Yan Di! You mother is really not a thing!

I saved you 30 million people in Yan Country, but you betrayed me like this?

Ling Yanran said: "Brother-in-law, I don't understand, why do you pretend not to know my sister?"

Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood

! Really in love? I'll go to your mother

! I can't fall in love with the female emperor!

As for the female emperor...

She seems, really, probably in love with herself...

But her liking is above her own pain!!

"Brother-in-law, why don't you speak?" Ling Yanran muttered, with a very aggrieved expression

! Chen Nan sighed: "Don't call

me brother-in-law!" "Why?" Ling Yanran was puzzled: "You and my sister are both double cultivators, is there a problem with me calling you brother-in-law?" Chen

Nan cleared his throat: "In our place, the sister-in-law is going to warm the bed with my brother-in-law! ···"

He didn't say any more

, but he believed that Ling Yanran must know what he meant

! This made a perverted idea rise in Chen Nan's heart:

he could sleep with Ling Yanran to take revenge on the

female emperor


If the female emperor knew that he slept with her sister,

she should be very angry!

Maybe this can achieve his goal

, it can make him feel the pleasure and feeling of revenge

, but it is unfair to Ling

Yanran! Moreover

, he can't do such a unconscionable thing

! Unexpectedly, Ling Yanran blushed shyly, and said shyly: "It turns out that you also have a saying that your sister-in-law warms her brother-in-law's bed!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched wildly!

You two sisters are just like two beasts!!

"Junior Brother Chen, Dean Dai has a request, discuss the matter of the competition in three days!" Nie Yao's gentle voice sounded outside! "

I'll come right away!"

Chen Nan said and looked at Ling Yanran, "The matter between me and your sister is not what you think, so you don't have to call me brother-in-law!"

"Don't expect me to go to the Snow Country with


"Die this heart early!" said and walked towards the door!

Ling Yanran suddenly said, "Don't you want to know about my sister's recent situation

?" Chen Nan paused and said coldly: "What does her life and death have to do with me?"

But as the old saying goes, a hundred years of cultivation can cross the same boat, a thousand years of cultivation sleep together, how can there be no quarrel between husband and wife

?" "Even if you hate your sister now

!" "But I believe that one day, you will go to the snow country without hesitation!" Speaking of this, an intriguing smile appeared on his face!

Chen Nan: "There can't be this day!" Ling

Yanran: "What if there is?" Chen

Nan's eyes flashed with a brilliant light: "Then... You will be my bed warmer!" said and left angrily

! "Perhaps, there will really be a day!" The voice of the green dragon suddenly sounded

! "Do you know something?" Chen Nan frowned

! I didn't expect even the green dragon to say this

! The green dragon said mysteriously: "The heavenly machine must not be leaked!" Chen

Nan ignored him!

Seeing Chen Nan appear, Dai Yuan said, "Since everyone has arrived, then I will tell you the topic of the competition in three days, it is very simple, refining the Upper Grade

Immortal Weapon!" Wu Tian said: "Senior Brother Wei already has the ability of a seventh-level alchemist, and he is fully capable of this!" Among the

seven, only Wei Xufeng has refined a Superior Immortal Weapon!

Dai Yuan shook his head: "It would be nice if it was just like this, but the problem is that seven people are required to refine a top-grade

immortal weapon at the same time!" As soon as these words came out,

everyone was shocked!"

"Seven people refining an immortal weapon at the same time?

Seven people can refine an immortal weapon at the same time, but at least they have to run together for decades, and if there is no absolute tacit understanding, they can't refine a high-grade immortal weapon at all!" Chen

Nan also felt a little incredible

! In layman's terms, this is like a group of chefs stir-frying a dish at the same time!

After all, everyone's understanding

of cooking is different, cooking such a simple thing is still so

, let alone seven people refining a top-grade immortal weapon at the same time!

This is simply an impossible task

!" Nie Yao said: "Each of us refines a medium-grade immortal weapon, and finally refines these seven immortal weapons!"

Although this method may not work

, it is also feasible! At

the same time! Ling

Yanran's room!

Li Aohan stood respectfully in front of Ling Yanran: "Great priest, the junior has something to ask for!"

Chen Nan cut off my childhood sweetheart's legs, I want to find an opportunity to kill him!" "

He knew that killing Yan Guo Tianjiao would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble

! That's why he came to see Ling Yanran!

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