Li Aohan said nervously

: "Yes!" Ling Yanran nodded slightly: "Since you want to, then let it go

!" "Thank you, Great Priest!" Li Aohan was grateful

! In his opinion

, as long as Ling Yanran acquiesced in this matter, then he could take the opportunity to get rid of Chen Nan!

Want to kill my brother-in-law, really eat bear heart leopard gall

!" "As far as you Li Aohan, do you have this ability?" "

As long as you dare to hurt my brother-in-law's hair, I will definitely let your Li clan destroy the family

!" Thinking of Chen Nan

, the chill on her face quickly disappeared, and some just worshiped: "Sister is right, this man is really extraordinary, and has a special charm!"

"I really hope that he will come to the Snow Country as soon as possible and warm his bed

!" "If he knew the news, he would definitely come to the Snow Country desperately, right?"


"Nie Yao's previous proposal was good

!" "But now there are two questions

!" Dai Yuan said, "Six of the seven of you have the ability of a sixth-level alchemist!"

However, no alchemist

can guarantee that he can refine his favorite weapon every time!" "After all, refining pays attention to the right time and place!" "

Who can guarantee that everyone can refine a medium-grade immortal weapon?"

Although Chen Nan has also refined

a medium-grade immortal weapon before, can he refine a medium-grade immortal weapon next time?" "Ten thousand steps back, even if he refines a medium-grade

immortal weapon!" "Who will refine the seven middle-grade immortal weapons?" Chen Nan said: "The matter of refining the middle-grade immortal weapon is not a big problem, as for who will return the seven middle-grade immortal weapons

to the furnace and refine..." This matter has to be carefully considered!"

Wu Tian pouted: "Junior Brother Chen, you can't just say wild words just because you have refined a mid-grade immortal weapon

!" "Although I already have the title of a sixth-grade alchemist, my success rate is only seventy

percent!" "I only have sixty-five percent!" "I am sixty percent!"

Although my success rate is a little higher, there is only a seventy-five percent chance that I can refine a medium-grade immortal weapon!"

Nie Yao looked a little embarrassed

, although she had refined a middle-grade immortal weapon before, but thanks to Jing Tiancheng! If there was no Jing Tiancheng, she didn't think she could refine a middle-grade immortal

weapon!" "Chen Nan, do you really have

a way to let everyone refine a middle-grade immortal weapon?" Dai Yuan looked at Chen Nan seriously! Chen Nan

nodded slightly: "There is a way, but you have to borrow something from Emperor Yan!"

With a loud voice, Emperor Yan walked in with his head held high

! Everyone quickly got up and saluted

! Only Chen Nan had an unhappy expression

! As if he hadn't seen

Emperor Yan appear! This frightened Wei Xufeng and Wu Tian and the others

! Although Emperor Yan was approachable, Chen Nan's attitude was a little disrespectful!

"It doesn't seem to offend you, right?"

Emperor Yan smiled bitterly


Soul transmission Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's eyes were resentful: "Why did you tell Ling Yanran that I am from the Wu Kingdom?"

Without much thought, he got up and bowed to Emperor Yan, and then said, "The junior wants to borrow a wisp of national luck from the Yan Country!"

Although it is a friendly match between the two countries

, but if the Yan Country can win, it will win a hundred consecutive times

! This is a supreme honor! It

is also related to the status of the Yan Country Sword Forging Academy Palace in the immortal world

! So the Yan Emperor wants to win

! Because he knows

! The snow country proposed this competition rule and no one can do it!

And the purpose of doing this is obvious!

They want to draw

with the Yan Kingdom! This is bound to weaken the prestige

of the Yan Country's alchemy! It can be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow

! ------

time flies

! In the blink of an eye, three days later

! The square in front of the Golden Luan Hall is crowded with people

! Many ministers of the Yan Country have come to watch

today's big competition! Although they say that they are watching today's big competition!

But many people's eyes all looked at Ling Yanran in unison

! Although her appearance is not as good as

the female emperor's crown, she is also a famous beauty in the immortal world

! and she is also the sister of the female emperor!

Man, who doesn't like to look at beautiful women?

The old eunuch beside Emperor Yan held a whisk in his hand and made a sharp voice: "This refining competition lasts for three days

!" "You can start!" "

The winner can go to the True Dragon Treasury to choose a magic weapon!" The

Yan Country and the Snow Country were divided into two camps

! With the old eunuch's order

! Dai Yuan took out seven storage bags, all of which contained the weapon spectrum and ore for refining the medium-grade immortal weapon!

In order to make the final fusion simpler

! So the weapon spectrum is the same

! In addition,

the lecturers of the Formation Academy Palace were also invited to let them assist the refining on the side

! After all, except for Chen Nan, a monster who is proficient in formations!

They also used the same strategy

! The seven people participating in the competition all refined the medium-grade immortal weapon, and then one person fused the seven-sword middle-grade immortal weapon into one

! Although it was refined by one person

!, all seven people participated together

! This is also within the scope allowed by the rules

!"Emperor Yan, I have a proposal!" Just as everyone was preparing to refine the weapon, Ling Yanran's voice suddenly sounded!

Emperor Yan: "Great priest, please!"

Ling Yanran said, "It's better to let the formation mages of the two countries change positions and assist the alchemists of friendly countries in refining!" Hearing


! Emperor Yan's face changed slightly! The

formation mages decided whether they could refine high-quality

weapons! But if the formation mages of the Snow Country secretly made it bad, I am afraid that it would be difficult for their side to refine the medium-grade immortal weapons!


that Yandi was silent, Ling Yanran smiled: "If Yandi thinks this proposal is too much, then I haven't said it

!" The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched

! This woman is really not a fuel-saving lamp

! A word makes Yandi powerless to parry!

The next second, Yandi's voice sounded in his head: "Chen Nan, quickly think of a way, how to resolve this matter!"

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