Chen Nan looked loveless!

Come on!

You are the Yan Emperor!

And I'm just a contestant!

Why do you want me to help you figure it out?

This world can't function without me, right?

"The match between the Formation Academy Palace and the Alchemy Academy Palace is not important, even if you lose, it doesn't matter!"


"This side must win!" Emperor Yan's solemn voice echoed in Chen Nan's head!

The Yan Kingdom is the smallest of the eight countries!

It is also thanks to the Yan State's Sword Forging Academy Palace that many excellent alchemists have been trained!

It also made the alchemy technique of the Yan Kingdom famous in the entire immortal world!

If Yan Guo loses to Snow Country in the alchemy competition, or it is a tie!

After that, what did the Yan Kingdom rely on to gain a foothold in the immortal world?

Chen Nan sighed helplessly and said to Ling Yanran, "Great Priest, can I say a few words?"

Ling Yanran smiled slightly: "But it's okay to say!"

Chen Nan said, "Alchemist is a sacred profession!

"But in my opinion, if there is a formation mage assisting on the way to refining!"

"Then this profession will become less pure!"

"Even, I can't tell if it's the alchemist refining or the formation mage refining!"

"In my opinion, a qualified alchemist must have the ability to refine divine weapons independently!"

"As you can see, we also have seven formation mages behind us!"

"But these seven formation mages are not here to assist us!"

"To be precise, it is for the alchemists of friendly countries!"

"Because, the disciples of our Sword Forging Academy Palace are not disdainful to let the formation mage assist on the side!"

"On the contrary, you need their assistance even more!"

As soon as Chen Nan's words came out, he caused a burst of exclamations!

Don't say people in Snow Country!

Even those ministers of the Yan Kingdom, and even Wei Xufeng and the others felt that Chen Nan had made a big statement!

Especially the seven powerful formation mages in the Formation Academy!

We're here redundant, right?

That's not what you said when you invited us over!

The corners of Emperor Yan's mouth twitched uncontrollably!

I want you to help me with my advice!

It's not for you to do things!

"In that case, then according to your words, I want to see how strong your country's alchemists can be!" Although Ling Yanran likes Chen Nan!

Get ready to be a bed warmer for him!

But she didn't think that the alchemists of the Yan Kingdom could independently refine high-quality immortal weapons!

Of course!

None of this matters!

Importantly, she wanted to see what medicine was sold in her brother-in-law's gourd!

"Senior brothers are bold in refining, it's no big deal!" Chen Nan looked at Wei Xufeng and the others with a confident smile in his eyes!

"You're a real chicken who can do things!" Wu Tian sighed!

But that's it!

They have no way back at all!

So the seven people sat cross-kneeled and released the divine fire!

Take out the ore and start refining!

Li Aohan and other geniuses in the Snow Country refining world also began refining weapons one after another!

Fourteen divine fires appeared at the same time, igniting the air in an instant!

The scalding heat wave spreads in all directions!

Fortunately, the formation has already been prepared here, but it can isolate this heat wave!

"I'd better honestly refine the Chinese Immortal Weapon!"

"If you accidentally refine a top-grade immortal weapon, it will be more difficult to fuse with the weapon refined by the six of them!"

Chen Nan gave up the idea of refining a top-grade immortal weapon!

Although he really wanted to refine a top-grade immortal weapon to open the sixth layer of immortal mansion!

But I also know that now is not the time!



A dull knocking sound sounded between heaven and earth!

All fourteen contestants began to quench the ore!

It can be seen that the dazzling Mars of the Dao Dao burst out!

It is especially eye-catching in heaven and earth!

The hard ore also turned into a sword embryo under their quenching!

"What a situation!"

"Why do you feel so easy this time refining?" Wu Tian's face was full of excitement, and he noticed something abnormal!

Wei Xufeng also said: "I do have this feeling, this is refining a medium-grade immortal weapon, but refining a spirit weapon!"

Nie Yao said nervously, "I feel this way too!" "

Brush brush brush!

One after another, his eyes couldn't help but focus on Chen Nan!

They thought that before they came, Chen Nan asked each of them to drink a bowl of water!

If you think about it, after that bowl of underwater belly, they feel relaxed and their thoughts are clear!

Chen Nan smiled slightly!

He borrowed a wisp of national fortune from the Yan Kingdom and put it directly into the water!

This can greatly increase their lucky points!

"I feel that we need to change our strategy!" Wei Xufeng suddenly said, "We can try to directly refine a top-grade immortal weapon!"

"Instead of refining seven medium-grade immortal weapons, fuse them together!"

"Although the idea is a bit crazy!"

"But I feel... It may work!

"Although no one in history has ever refined a top-grade immortal weapon in this way!"

"If you don't have it before, won't it appear in the future?"

Chen Nan also felt the blood in his body burning: "Then do it!" "


"Even if you lose, why be afraid?"

Seven people were excited!

They hit it off!

A consensus was reached!

Immediately, seven sword embryos folded in the air!

The soul power of the seven people transformed into an invisible sledgehammer, bombarding the seven sword embryos in all directions!

The power of seven people is extremely terrifying!

Let the thickness of the sword embryo quickly weaken!

"Your Majesty, do you still think that failure is a terrible thing?" Dai Yuan, who was beside Emperor Yan, looked at the seven people, and his eyes showed a look of satisfaction!

"You are pinning the future of the Yan Kingdom on the seven of them!"

"Not only did they not feel the pressure!"

"Even willing to give it a go in a desperate situation!"

"Even if you lose, you will lose frankly!"

"People, living a lifetime is hard in itself!"

"Doing whatever you want is the greatest mercy to yourself!"

"Why should success or failure be taken so seriously?"

Emperor Yan was silent!

But these seven taught him a lesson with practical actions!

Failure, it really doesn't matter!

Think of this!

The heart knot of the seven of them was defeated and the human emperor was quietly untied!


A surging immortal power erupted in the body!

He actually had an epiphany!

And not just because of these words!

And the credit for the bowl of water that Chen Nan asked people to send him...


"Great Priest, it seems that they can really complete this impossible task!" A Level 7 Immortal Emperor beside Ling Yanran had a solemn expression!

They didn't expect that the people of Yan Country really refined a top-grade immortal weapon at the same time!

Ling Yanran said indifferently: "The immortal weapon has not yet enlightened the spirit, everything is too early!" "




The terrifying soul power constantly tempered the sword embryo!

Under the combined force of seven people!

The sword embryo became as thin as a cicada's wings!

Although it has not yet been enlightened!

But it exuded a sharp sword qi!

The sword qi is so strong that it seems to be able to tear the sky!

It gives a strong sense of oppression!

And at this time!

Everyone is exhausted!

Wei Xufeng looked at Chen Nan: "Junior Brother Chen, or you will give this sword enlightenment!" "

Although he knew this was an opportunity to make a name for himself!

But he knows his strength better!

It is not enough to enlighten this sword and give it a more powerful level!

Chen Nan shook his head: "Let's still work together to enlighten the spirit!" Saying that with both hands pinching, a pale golden national fortune power did not enter the long sword!

The other six people also cast magic techniques, controlling the immortal qi between heaven and earth to inject into the long sword and perform the spiritual enlightenment ceremony!

But right now!

Dao light appeared in the firmament!

Directly illuminated the night sky!

Colorful rays of light appeared in the sky above the entire capital city of the Yan Kingdom!


Like a dream!

This moment!

Countless powerhouses watching gasped!

Emperor Yan suddenly opened his eyes!

The eyes are full of incredulity!

He felt the breath of the artifact!

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