She didn't want to take Chen Nan to her boudoir.

It is clearly Chen Nan's body.

After that, Chen Nan followed Nie Yao to her boudoir.

Although she hasn't been back for a long time.

But there are people who come to clean regularly.

In addition to the fine solid wood furniture, there are also red sheets and futons.

It looks very festive.

Of course.

We must not forget the caution behind the visit to the boudoir.

Can't live up to Nie Yao's affection.


Nothing special either.

It is nothing more than a visit in the small house of the future child.

Although they had skin relatives in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave.

But it doesn't come from the heart.

And several people participated at the same time.

So it's far less than this investment.



That's the real way to go.


Nie Qingsong came to the Qin Mansion mansion with a look of trepidation.

As the ruler of Wushuang City, the Qin Mansion covers an area of hundreds of acres, and there are two lifelike stone statues at the door.

"Master Nie, why are you here?"

The subordinates of the Qin Mansion knew Nie Qingsong.

Showed enthusiasm.

Nie Qingsong said a little nervously, "I want to meet Hou Ye." "

Because the old man of the Qin family followed the Immortal Emperor to suppress the demon race, and then rewarded him for his merits and made him a marquis.

"Master Nie, please follow me." The subordinates of the Qin Mansion made an inviting gesture and invited Nie Qingsong to enter the vast Qin Mansion.

After that, go to the Wanting.

Five minutes later, he went and returned and came to Qin Zheng with Nie Qingsong.


Qin Chu also heard the news of Nie Qingsong's visit, and couldn't wait to ask: "Father-in-law, why did you come to my Qin Mansion today?"

"If there is something to order, the son-in-law personally came to the door, why do you need to run it yourself?"

Although the tone is polite.

But Qin Chu didn't put this father-in-law in his eyes at all.

Because, what he despises the most is a gambler.

You should never believe what a gambler says.

Can't even believe a single punctuation.


You can believe that Nie Qingsong has a daughter with beautiful skin and outstanding temperament.

And famous all over the world.


When Qin Chu saw Nie Yao at a banquet held by the Yan Kingdom.

Suddenly there was a feeling of shock.

He didn't expect Nie Yao to be a person from Wushuang City.


But he knew that there was a big gap between the two.

After all, he is just a wealthy man.

On status.

It is not worthy of Nie Yao today.

It's just that after learning that Nie Yao's father is the biggest gambler in Wushuang City.

He counted it.

He had people do a round.

Very simple.

Gambled with Nie Qingsong.

Nie Qingsong lost Nie Yao to him.


Even if Nie Qingsong is about to become his father-in-law.

He didn't treat him like a human being either.

"I've seen Hou Ye, I've seen Qin Gongzi." Nie Qingsong saluted and said nervously: "I'm here this time..." Yes..."

He didn't dare to say it anymore.

Because everyone knows that the Qin family is ruthless.

If you ask for a divorce yourself.

It will definitely infuriate them.

"Brother Nie has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it." Qin Zheng made a loud voice.

Nie Qingsong hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to withdraw from marriage." "


"You're an old immortal kidding, right?"

"You actually offered to withdraw from the marriage?" Qin Chu was furious.

As the number one in Wushuang City.

He never dreamed that someone would dare to ask him to withdraw from marriage.

Killing intent erupts.

Frightened, Nie Qingsong shivered.

Qin Zheng's eyes also flashed a cold light: "Patriarch Nie, do you know what you were talking about just now?" "

Our Qin family takes a fancy to your daughter, which is a good thing that green smoke is coming out of your Nie family's ancestral grave."

"It's just that you are not grateful, and you even want to withdraw from my Qin family?"

"Do you think that your daughter will not put my Qin family in her eyes when she becomes a world-moving alchemist?"

"If you withdraw from this affair, where will my Qin family's face fall?"

"How to gain a foothold in this unparalleled city in the future?"

"Do you know that all the joy posts of our Qin Mansion have been dispersed?"

His voice was low.

There was a strong anger.

Nie Qingsong came to withdraw from the marriage, which they did not expect.

"Hou Ye is angry, Young Master Qin is angry." Nie Qingsong's face was full of trepidation: "It's not that my Nie family wants to withdraw from the marriage, but we have a last resort!" "

Here's the thing."

"Before, Third Grandmaster Chen Nan came to my Nie family to raise his family."

"He also said that His Majesty will give marriage soon!"

As soon as the words came out.

Qin Zheng, Qin Chu's father and son's faces changed suddenly.

Qin Chu asked in a low voice, "The three grandmasters you are talking about are Chen Nan?"

"Exactly." Nie Qingsong sighed: "I told him that Qin Gongzi and the little girl had a marriage contract, but he didn't listen at all.

"Now I have no choice but to come to the Qin Mansion to withdraw from marriage."

"I also hope that Hou Ye can understand."

Qin Zheng's father and son looked at each other.

They all saw a deep sense of jealousy in each other's eyes.

Although the Qin family is the boss of Wushuang City.

But Chen Nan's name is well known.

And deep Yan Emperor's favor.

They had no doubt about Emperor Yan's marriage.

It's just that.

The Qin family has already publicly rejoiced that they want to marry Nie Yao and become the daughter-in-law of the Qin family.

All this time is busy with the wedding thing.

If the wedding is announced at this time, where will their faces fall?


Chen Nan's side could not afford to offend.

"Patriarch Nie, we still have to consider about the wedding, you go back and wait for news first." Qin Zheng directly issued an eviction order.


Where did Nie Qingsong dare to stay.

Turned around and left the Qin Mansion.

"Father, what should we do?" Qin Chu looked at his father anxiously.

He was haunted by Nie Yao.

Everything that is in her heart is her.

I thought I would be able to hug the beauty back three days later.

He Cheng wanted Chen Nan to step in sideways.

Qin Zheng's expression was solemn: "You also know that Emperor Yan favors Chen Nan very much, if we don't withdraw from the marriage, Emperor Yan's side will inevitably be angry, once this happens, we will be very passive."

"Even lose grace."


"If we withdraw from marriage, our Qin family is destined to become a laughing stock in Wushuang City."

There was a pause.

Qin Zheng said, "In this way, you go and contact Chen Nan and let him help us refine an artifact."

"If he promises."

"Then this marriage will be withdrawn."

"After all, if we can get an artifact, it is not a loss for us."

Qin Chu was taken aback: "Father, artifacts are not so easy to refine. If he doesn't say yes, then what should we do?

Qin Zheng's eyes flashed with a chill: "If he doesn't agree, then find someone to kill him!"


Qin Chu gasped, his eyes full of shock: "Father, Chen Nan is a red man in front of Emperor Yan, if we kill him, will there be big trouble?"

Qin Zheng gave him a roll of his eyes: "Use your brain more in everything, can our Qin family interfere in this kind of thing?"

"You can go to the master of the Mixed Yuan Sect and borrow a knife to kill."

Qin Chu's eyes lit up.

The Mixed Yuan Sect is a great sect in Wushuang City.

The sect master has the strength of a fourth-level immortal emperor.

Isn't it easy for him to obliterate Chen Nan?

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