Nie family.

Chen Nan looked at the beautiful man in his arms and said softly: "I heard that your grandfather is good at repairing all kinds of broken weapons?"

"Isn't it convenient for Fang to take me to meet him?"

"How do you know that my grandfather is good at repairing broken weapons?" Nie Yao's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of curiosity.

Chen Nandao: "I have a broken artifact in my hand, but I don't know how to repair it, so I thought of consulting the old man." There

was a pause.

He added awkwardly: "Even if you don't come back, I will come to Wushuang City."

"Of course, even if I don't fix that broken artifact."

"For you, I will also come to Wushuang City."

"It's just that these two things happen to run together, so don't think about it."

Nie Yao said softly, "I believe you." "


get up and get dressed.

Nie Yao took Chen Nan's arm and left the house.

Because Nie Qingsong is addicted to gambling.

Therefore, Old Master Nie had long since broken off contact with him.

A person lives in the old mansion.

Old man Nie's real name is Nie Dazhuang.

He was an ordinary blacksmith.

But one day he got an adventure.

Got a codex.

The method of repairing the weapon is recorded above.

Then he helped others repair weapons for a living.

Therefore, he became a cultivator.


With the rise of the alchemist industry.

He was gradually eliminated.

Now I am also going back to my old business.

Make a living by making farm tools for people.

Not much earned.

But the victory is in leisure.


Haven't entered the door yet.

A dull tapping sound entered Chen Nan and Nie Yao's ears.

Enter the fence yard.

I saw a silver-haired and spirited old man striking iron in front of the stove with his bare arms.

"You two sit first."

Old man Nie saw his granddaughter and Chen Nan, and a shallow smile appeared on his face: "Ermazi on East Street urgently needs a hoe, I have to help him build it."


That's it.

Chen Nan and Nie Yao sat down under the tree in the courtyard.

While drinking tea, he watched Old Master Nie quench the hoe.

This was Chen Nan's imaginary refining method.

When he was a child, he had seen people build utensils like this.


Times are evolving.

A lot of things in memory have changed.

It can be fully manifested in alchemy.

Today's alchemy techniques are more efficient, and the quality of refining is also very high.


Old man Nie's most primitive forging method gave people a pleasing feeling.

Especially whenever he raised the hammer in his hand and fell.

It was as if it had smashed into some spatial node.

The crisp and pleasant knocking sound is intoxicating.

I waited for almost half an hour.

Old man Nie was also finished.

A dark and hard hoe came out.

What surprised Chen Nan was.

That hoe actually had the quality of a medium-grade spirit weapon.

Seeing Grandpa pick up the towel on his neck and wipe his sweat, Nie Yao got up and said, "Grandpa, let me introduce you..."

Before she finished speaking, Old Master Nie interrupted her: "No need to introduce, I know who he is."

Nie Yao was taken aback: "Do you know who he is?"

Chen Nan also had a surprised expression on his face.

Old man Nie showed a kind smile: "I felt the breath of the artifact in him, if I guessed correctly, this guy should be the famous three grandmasters during this time, right?"

"Junior Chen Nan has seen the old man." Chen Nan saluted Old Master Nie, shocked in his heart, and the other party could feel the aura of an artifact on his body.

"Young and famous in the world, but not arrogant and irritable, but a good junior." Old man Nie praised with a smile.

This made Chen Nan feel that Emperor Yan and Dai Yuan were lying.

Is this what you call moodiness?

Without much thought, Chen Nan said straight to the point: "I heard that the old man has mastered the method of repairing weapons, and the junior came to ask you for advice."

Old man Nie was stunned and sneered: "Is that necessary?" "

Isn't what your alchemists are best at refining?"

"Broken weapons are discarded and refined."

"Why bother?"

You can see it.

He did have a deep grudge against the alchemist.

Chen Nandao: "The juniors do not agree with this statement.

"Why do you say that?" Old man Nie picked up the teapot and drank his saliva, his eyes staring at Chen Nan.

Chen Nan expressed his opinion: "The younger generation is foolish, in my opinion, there is no difference between a weapon and a person.

"They all have souls."

"We can't abandon a man just because he's injured and sick."

"Any person's encounter is the greatest fate."

"We should cherish it."

"Even if you can't end well, do your best and have a happy ending."

"You really think so?" Old man Nie's eyes showed a hot gaze.

Chen Nan: "Of course.

Old man Nie obviously didn't believe Chen Nan's words: "I have repaired seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two weapons in my life!"

"Sixty-nine thousand six hundred and eighty-seven farm tools were made."

"What about you?"

"Do you remember how many weapons you have refined in this life?"

Chen Nandao: "Remember."

"The junior has refined three weapons in this life."

Old man Nie's scalp was numb: "What did you say?"

"You have refined a total of three weapons in your life?"

"Are you kidding?"

"You refined three weapons and refined an artifact?"

Chen Nan was stunned and said embarrassed: "It's not too accurate to say this.

Old man Nie breathed a sigh of relief: "Scared me to death, if you refine three weapons and refine an artifact, then you are too against the sky!"

"To be precise, it is three and a half pieces, after all, that artifact was refined by the seven of us." Chen Nan was extremely embarrassed.

He knows that telling the truth is easy to hit others.


He is an honest man.


The water in Old Man Nie's mouth sprayed out directly, and his face was full of anger: "Do you think Old Immortal will believe your nonsense?"

"Grandpa, Big Brother Chen didn't lie."

Nie Yao spoke: "He refined a top-grade spirit weapon in the first refining tool, and refined a middle-grade immortal weapon for the second time.

"The third time was when the palace and the Snow Country masters were duel with the artifacts refined."

"Although the seven of us joined hands to refine it, without him, that artifact would not have come out at all."

Old man Nie is like a decaying wood.

He really couldn't believe it.

A newcomer refined an artifact for the third time.

Take a deep breath.

Old man Nie tried to calm his emotions.

"You are right, people have souls like weapons."

"In the face of damaged weapons, we should be more patient."

"It's like treating people."

"The patient we can ask about his condition and where he is unwell."

"But weapons can't speak, we need to communicate with it with our hearts."

After a pause, Old Master Nie suddenly said, "I explain to you in this way, can you understand?"

Chen Nan smiled: "My main business is doctor, refining, alchemy, formation, all of which are my side business." The

atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

And right at this moment.

A yin and yang strange voice came from outside: "The surname Nie, the three-year period has arrived, has the top-grade immortal weapon been repaired?"

"If it doesn't fix it."

"We're going to cut off your head and take it back for the night."

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