Emperor Yan: "If my Yan Kingdom has this holy medicine, I am also willing to give it away."

King Wu: "I am also willing."

"You talk about how generous you are, but do you have holy medicine?" The human emperor's voice contained monstrous anger.

Thunder Emperor: "I gave the Divine Land to Chen Nan, and the value of that thing is not weaker than the holy medicine."

Shi Huang also spoke: "I gave the divine water to Chen Nan." "

Emperor Yin, you should be here too, right?" The Human Emperor looked at the endless void.

The next moment.

An old man with white hair stepped on golden light and appeared in the depths of the void.

It was none other than the Emperor of the Yin Kingdom.

Yin Wuji.

He ranked second in strength among the eight Terrans.

The art of divination with one hand shakes the ancient and the present.

"I wanted to come to see the liveliness, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the emperor." Yin Wuji smiled: "Make it clear in advance that this emperor has not seen Chen Nan.


"Let Bendi judge this matter from an objective and rational point of view."

He looked at Ao Lie with a hint of jealousy in his eyes: "This senior has some means... Too gentle.


"Borrowing, stealing, and robbing, these three words are still fundamentally different."

"If I change to you, grab it, what can I do?"

As soon as the words came out.

The human emperor's face instantly turned green.

He thought that Yin Wuji would remain rational and objective.

I never expected it.

Will lean towards them.

"What Emperor Yin said is reasonable, those who have the ability to know the treasures in the world know it, even if they rob it, what if they are robbed?" Qian Di laughed.

Qinglong looked at Chenjin: "Little fellow, it's up to you to go to the snow country."

"No one wants to leave without my permission." The Human Emperor was furious, and a huge large seal appeared in the void between his raised hands.

It is the jade seal of the Middle Continent.

Human Emperor's Seal.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to stop him!" Yan Guang tore through the void and threw Chenjin directly into it.

Its attainment in the laws of space is not comparable to anyone.

"Find death!"

The Human Emperor probed into the void with one palm.

I want to catch the morning brocade in the void.


The eight-eyed demon spider spit out a piece of spider silk and entangled the human emperor's wrist.

"Just because you are a beast, you dare to stop this emperor?"

The Emperor was furious.

The Human Emperor Seal in the air lowered a dazzling sword qi.

Emperor Yan slashed out with a sword.

Resisted the sword qi descended by the Human Emperor Seal.

The eight-eyed demon spider glared coldly: "Emperor Yan, even if you don't make a move, I can withstand this blow." Do you really think that this emperor is a vegetarian? "

It's furious.

He is also a super strong man who is one of the four emperors of the demon world.

But he was insulted by the emperor and cursed the beasts.

There is simply no pardon.

"Human Emperor, stop at enough!" Yin Wuji spoke, and let out an old voice: "Even if you are the supreme head of the Terran race, even if this place is your human imperial city."

"However, have you noticed that the power of the Human Emperor Seal is not as powerful as before?"

The Renhuang Seal is the first inheritance magic weapon of the Baili family.

Power horror.

Comparable to an artifact.

Everyone knows this.

It is precisely because of the human emperor's seal.

The Baili family can entrench in Zhongzhou for millions of years.

"There are some things, people are doing, and the sky is watching."

"There are things that people are doing, and sentient beings are watching."

Yin Wuji: "Do you think you can use all sentient beings in the world as chess?" "

The creation of a world-grabbing cultivator?"

"Your game is really wonderful."

"But we won't let you bully."

Emperor Qian asked suspiciously, "Emperor Yin, what do you mean by this?"

Yin Wuji: "Human demon, in a million years, has anyone ever ascended to the God Realm?" Emperor

Qian shook his head: "In millions of years, I have not heard of anyone flying to the Divine Realm.

Yin Wuji looked at the human emperor and did not hide the anger in his heart: "All this is the means of the Baili family.

"They used secret methods to steal the creation of the world's powerhouses."

"So that the three realms of human demons, no one can soar."

"They control the immortal world and play the world in the palm of their hands!"

"The Baili family is not extinguished, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the immortal world will never have peace."

As soon as the words came out.

It immediately caused an uproar.

Several Terran emperors, including the powerhouses of the demon realm, also felt numb.

No one expected it.

No one ascended, it was actually the Baili family who secretly made a ghost.

Although this statement sounds appalling.

But no one doubted Emperor Yin's words.

Because the Yin family has a huge heritage.

Know a lot of hidden secrets.

"Yes and how?"

The Renhuang showed a disdainful smile.

He took the determination of creation to the extreme.

The body bloomed with dazzling golden light.

He stood proudly and overlooked everyone: "Er waits are just leeks planted by my Baili family, and they will be harvested when the time is ripe."

"It's just that your stubble was cut earlier than I expected."

Qinglong said angrily, "Taiyi Xuantian, do you really want to gather the creation of ten thousand people into one?

"So what?" The Renhuang was furious: "I don't want to do this, but this is all forced."

"Forced by those high saints."

"I work hard to cultivate, just to be able to transcend the world and become a saint."

"I do this just so that people don't look down on me."

"But I didn't expect that even after sanctification, there would still be a chain of contempt."

"Those high ancient saints didn't put me in their eyes at all."

"Therefore, I will collect all the creations of all peoples in one."

"I want to be the strongest saint."

"I'm going to trample them all underfoot."

His face was full of hideousness, and he roared out the thoughts in his heart.

"Is that why you escaped that battle and reincarnated?" A wry smile appeared on Qinglong's face: "If this is the case, I am afraid that they will be very disappointed."

"There's something you don't know."

"They value you very much."

"They know that you have a heart that does not admit defeat, and this will suppress you."

"Just so you can become stronger."

"Shoulder the future of the Three Realms."

"They have high hopes for you!"


"Who would have thought that this would make you a demon?"

The Human Emperor looked into the depths of the Nine Heavens and did not hide his killing intent in his heart: "Let's go and see, when I finish my final plan, I will kill back to the God Realm and trample those who look down on me under my feet."

Qinglong's eyes were sad: "They are already dead, dying for all the people under the world." The

Renhuang smiled, with a bright smile on his face: "So, my choice to reincarnate and recultivate was the right one, wasn't it?"

Qinglong shook his head: "Whether it is right or wrong, no one can judge."

"The only thing we can do is stall for time."

He is well aware.

All the strong people present combined are by no means the opponents of the human emperor.

After all, the human emperor is the reincarnation of a saint.

The only thing that can break the game... Only Chen Nan!

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