Snow Country.

Chen Nan looked nervously at the female emperor's side and hugged her thigh.

Hiding behind the female emperor, the little head exposed.

She was white and fat.

Pink Dudu looks like a fine porcelain doll.

A girl with two sky-facing braids on her head and a red hood.

A pair of bright eyes are deeper and brighter than the stars.

The female emperor said softly: "Niannian, don't you want to find your father?"

"He's your father."

The little girl did not look nervous and afraid, but showed a very shy and shy smile.

Like an old friend I haven't seen for a long time.

Chen Nan squatted on the ground and clapped his hands at her.

The next moment.

The little girl took a cheerful step and stumbled into Chen Nan's arms.

This moment.

Chen Nan felt that the whole world had become quiet.

Just him and his daughter.

Holding his daughter, he felt as if he was embracing the whole world.

It was a feeling he hadn't experienced before.

The gentle voice of the female emperor sounded: "A few days ago, a master named Qu Cheng came over from the Demon Realm. "

Say you've ruled the Demon Realm."

"This day was much faster than I expected."

Chen Nan raised his daughter high above his head, causing the little girl to giggle.

The female emperor continued, "A year ago, the Dragon Clan sent the holy medicine over.

Chen Nan snorted.

When leaving.

He once asked people to bring words to the dragon clan.

Send the holy medicine of the demon world.

Right now.

Only the holy medicine of the Terran race can refine the Three Lives Creation Pill.

It's just that.

He doesn't know.

Whether the green dragon can succeed.

Chen Nan kissed his daughter on the face and said softly: "Girl, can you play with your mother first?" "

Although he obtained divine water.

But the laws of the water system have not yet been mastered.


Time is extremely precious to him.

Even if he really wanted to spend more time with his daughter.

But he also knows.

How important it is for him to improve his strength.

The little girl cried out with teary eyes: "No, Niannian wants to play with her father."

Chen Nan was suddenly a little at a loss, because he had never coaxed the child at all.

Not to mention that his daughter is still crying in her arms.

"You take your daughter out to play first!" Chen Nan sighed secretly, and then gave his daughter to the female emperor.

The female emperor couldn't help but say: "My daughter has been looking forward to your return, wouldn't it be good for you to accompany her for a while?"

Chen Nan lowered his heart and said in a low voice, "Qinglong is stealing that holy medicine in the Human Imperial City for the sake of Niannian.

"Although it is a divine dragon, it is only a soul body now."

"I don't know if it will succeed."

"My brother is fighting the enemy for his daughter."

"How can I slack?"

Saying that, he resolutely put his daughter, who was crying in his arms and unwilling to leave his arms, into the arms of the female emperor.


The female emperor was speechless.

Calming his daughter's emotions, he left the dormitory.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled.

Take out the divine water.

Drink it directly.

The laws of the water system enveloped him.

It gives the feeling of taking a dip in the pool.

"Sister, why didn't you tell your brother-in-law about that dragon chant before?"

Outside the dormitory.

Ling Yanran couldn't help but look at her sister.

Not long after Chen Nan returned from the teleportation array.


It was impossible for him to hear the outside world.

After all, the teleportation array can isolate time and space.

But before, they heard the cry of a divine dragon appear in the depths of their minds.

The sisters know.

That must be the green dragon.

The female emperor sighed lightly: "Your brother-in-law is a serious person, if you tell him the dragon chant before at this time, it will definitely affect his state."

"Let's wait until he fuses the laws of the water system."

Ling Yanran looked at the dormitory behind him and muttered, "Since ancient times, being able to master the two laws can become the strongest of an era.

"I really dare not imagine that my brother-in-law is about to control Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements Law."

The female emperor also looked to the rear.

She also didn't expect Chen Nan to have such a big creation.

As for how strong he will be in the future.

It is not yet known.


in the dormitory.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled.

The Yin and Yang Law under him transformed into a Taiji diagram, slowly rotating around him.

Like the gears of destiny.

Exudes mystery.

The next moment.

The rule of five elements appeared beside him.

Transform into five different rays of light.

Set him off like a god.

"Yang is heaven."

"Yin is the ground."

"Five lines are the base."

His expression was solemn.

Create your own little world.


When you reach a certain realm, you will naturally feel something.

He didn't know how to create small worlds before.

And now.

It was as if a voice was guiding him.

I saw him squeeze his hands.

The Taijitu and the Five Elements Rule disappeared around.

Look closely and you can see it.

A small fist-sized, three-dimensional world appeared in front of him.


The small world is deserted.

Next second.

Chen Nan disappeared into the female emperor's residence.

He was suspended in mid-air.

Overlooking this small, barren and empty world.

"Is this the little world I created?"

"It's a little empty!"

"Here, there should be mountains."

He pointed at the air.

The earth trembles.

Mountains rise from the ground.

Chen Nan said to have mountains.

Many mountains were born here.

"And trees."

He unleashes the Wood Law.

In a flash.

Countless trees and green plants appeared in the sky and earth like mushrooms after rain.

"And water."


An ocean instantly appeared in the empty place.

This moment.

Chen Nan is the creator god of the small world.

Here he is the absolute master.

The laws of heaven and earth obey his thoughts and calls.

He can have whatever he wants.

The pattern of the entire small world is completely according to his wishes.


The size of this small world is not large.

Only more than a hundred square kilometers.

It's not that Chen Nan doesn't want the small world to be bigger.


He didn't control many of the Five Elements Rule.

Although he controls the power of the seven laws.

But it was far less powerful than the Immortal Emperor who controlled the power of a law.

He belongs to all understands.

But the kind that is not proficient.

"With my current strength, if I meet the Human Emperor and want to win, I must introduce him into the small world."

"Otherwise, there is not much chance of winning at all."

Chen Nan got a divine sword in the demon world.

There are heavenly umbrellas.

There is a divine pot.

And the pillar of merit.

Six reincarnations.


There is also a drop of true phoenix blood in the depths of the soul.

Of course.

There is also a Yuan Baby condensed by the power of merit.

That's all he does.


Can the human emperor be defeated with these means?

He doesn't know.

Although I feel that I have many means.

But the human emperor is the reincarnation of a saint!


An angry cry came from outside: "Let go of me, I'm here to find Sir, or Xiaoye will roast you all."

"How is that little one?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he thought of the three-legged golden Wuchenjin.

Don't think about it.

He left the small world and opened the door and appeared outside the dormitory.

Seeing Chen Nan, Chenjin was aggrieved like a child, holding his leg and sobbing: "Sir, I finally saw you, woo!"

"You're not in the demon world, why did you get here?" For the appearance of the little guy, Chen Nan was very puzzled.

Chenjin wiped the tears from his face: "I'm here to deliver medicine." Saying

that, he took out the holy medicine.

Chen Jin continued, "Dragon Clan Ao Lie received the summons of the Blue Dragon Old Ancestor, and with the other four great emperors of the Demon Realm, he was gathering in the Human Imperial City with the six Terran Emperors at this time.

"They are joining forces against the Human Emperor, and specially ordered me to come and deliver medicine."

The expression on Chen Nan's face instantly froze!

They wanted to get the holy medicine for themselves.

Besieged the Human Emperor at the same time?

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