Chen Jin's words shocked Chen Nan too much.

He had thought.

Qinglong can take the holy medicine with a single shot.

But he never dreamed of it.

The four emperors and one emperor of the demon world also came.

The other six Terran Supremes also joined in.

Looking at the holy medicine in Chenjin's hand.

Then look at the curious daughter in the arms of the female emperor.


Chen Nan's heart was extremely heavy.

Even if more than a dozen emperor-level powerhouses besieged the Human Emperor, he didn't think they could win.

They knew that it was death, and they also wanted to obtain the holy medicine for themselves.

Just want to make yourself careless against the emperor.

It's just that.

That's too much to pay for.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said softly: "Girl, no matter what, you will also live well in the future."

"You can't live up to those benefactors who fought with the emperor for you."

"Your life belongs to you."

"It belongs to them too."

Chen Nian didn't understand the meaning of these words.

But still nodded solemnly.

"I want to retreat and refine the Three Lives Creation Pill."

"After I get out of customs, let's go to the Human Emperor City together."

Chen Nan's eyes were firm.

Put away the magic medicine sent by Chenjin, and enter the female emperor's dormitory alone.

He wanted to refine the Three Lives Creation Pill quickly.

Only in this way can we be worthy of those brothers and friends who fought for him.


"Yanran, the thought will be left to you."

"I'm going to the Imperial City."

The female emperor gave her daughter to Ling Yanran.

"Sister, Niannian and her brother-in-law can't do without you, I'll go to the Imperial City to help them." Ling Yanran's eyes were firm.

She knew what it meant to go to the Imperial City at this time.

It means never to return.

The female emperor shook her head: "Although you have the strength of a ninth-level immortal emperor and are infinitely close to the Terran Supreme, your laws are not enough to change the entire battle situation.

"And I'm different."

"I have mastered the road of life."

"Although I only have a small grasp, I can change the tide of the war."

Speaking of which.

She paused, pinched it with one hand, and a soul imprint entered the depths of Chen Nianzhihai.

"Remember, baby."

"No matter what happens later, you have to live every day happily."

"Only in this way will you live up to the affection of those benefactors for you."

Although Chen Nian did not understand things.

But inexplicably felt a pang of sadness.

She cried and didn't want to leave her mother's arms.

But the female emperor still resolutely gave her to Xiaomei.

Immediately, the law of life enveloped the body.

She tore through the void and disappeared into everyone's eyes without looking back.

Change to before.

Even if she is the Terran Supreme.

They also dare not cross the void.

After all, not everyone was as ignorant of the Void Rift as Chen Nan was.

But now.

She has mastered the Avenue of Life.

Even if it hurts.

It can also be cured instantly.

Flew for almost an hour.

She felt a terrifying fluctuation ahead.

She knows.

The Imperial City of Man is ahead.

She tore through the void.

Fly out of the void.

Next second.

The sight in front of her shocked her.

Blood stained the palace red.

A mountain-sized eight-eyed demon spider was cut off three legs and lay dying on top of the human palace that had turned into ruins.

A white tiger was cut off by the block, and the blood flowed nonstop.

King Wu had a sword mark on his chest.

You can see Senran's white bones.

and a beating heart.

Emperor Yan had one arm cut off.

Half of Shi Huang's head was cut off.

Fortunately, it did not hurt the soul.

The Qilin Demon Emperor was blind in one eye.

And at this time.

Qinglong, Emperor Qian, Emperor Yin, and Emperor Thunder are fighting fiercely with the Emperor of Ren.

The appearance of the female emperor.

Let the battle stop.

The human emperor looked at the female emperor breathlessly: "I really didn't expect that you would also come." The

female emperor squeezed her hands.

The emerald green light submerged into the bodies of those injured demon emperors and Terran supremes.

The eyes were indifferent: "They fought with you here for my daughter, how can I be indifferent?" The

Renhuang said angrily, "Even if you come, it won't change the final result."

"Not only that, but you will also make Chen Nanduo suffer the pain of a beloved dying tragically..."

"No, no, no!"


"You are cultivating the Ultimate Yin Law, how can you control the Avenue of Life?"

"Has that one really fallen?"

The Renhuang's face was full of horror.

He felt the breath of the Avenue of Life.

I also saw that those injured were healed in an instant and became alive.

Qinglong: "You are right, the ancient saint of life has indeed fallen.

"In fact, when that catastrophe comes, she can choose to reincarnate like you."

"But she didn't."

"She poured her thoughts into the runes."

"As long as someone can obtain her thoughts, they can inherit the Avenue of Life."

"But she died after all." The human emperor looked lonely.

That was his goal.

But now.

The other party is dead.

He felt empty in his heart.

Qinglong sneered: "Maybe in your eyes, the ancient saint of life is dead."

"But as long as her will does not perish, she will perish."

"Eternal with heaven and earth!"

"The pattern of the ancient saint, the foresight, how can you a coward imagine?"

The Renhuang said disdainfully: "It's just a way of saying self-deception."

"I really don't understand, I finally became a saint."

"Why are they so stupid and give up their lives for the sake of mortals?"

Qinglong was furious: "If they hadn't given up their lives, do you think the Three Realms would still exist?"

"If they hadn't given up their lives, do you think you would still have a chance to reincarnate and reincarn?"

"The fact that beings in the three realms can live is the meaning of their sacrifice."

"How can you be a selfish villain to understand?"

"It's useless to talk more, let's fight!"

The Human Emperor held the long sword formed by the convergence of the laws of silence.

The sword qi is rampant.

A sweeping sweep slashed at the green dragon.

The green dragon poked out a palm.

A huge dragon claw appeared out of thin air.

Resisted the fatal blow of the Human Emperor.


The Terrible Emperor appeared behind the Human Emperor.

He blasted out his palms.

Exudes overwhelming momentum.

Heavily blasted the Renhuang out for thousands of meters.


The Human Emperor spat out a mouthful of pale golden blood.

The chest is pierced.

He looked down at his chest and turned angrily to look at the Thunder Emperor: "Avenue of Destruction? You even mastered the Sage Avenue?

The Thunder Emperor gasped and grinned, "My uncle gave me the opportunity, otherwise, why do you think I can survive?"

"Damn it!"

The human emperor jumped like thunder.

"Even if you master the Avenue of Destruction, I can kill you!" As soon as the words fell, he stretched out his palm towards the endless void and used the law of time.

Borrowed a future power of the Thunderbolt.

In a flash.

A law of destruction appeared in heaven and earth like heavenly thunder.


The golden-winged peng Yan Guang pressed in the air.

The void is imprisoned!

The Law of Destruction falls to the Human Emperor.

But he was resisted by his use of the Law of Silence.

Otherwise, even he would not be able to withstand this blow.


A deafening thunder came in the far north.

The mighty Tianwei can be felt even if it is a million miles apart.

Qinglong looked to the north and grinned: "That guy succeeded!" "

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