Heard Chen Nan's voice.

Everyone had a tingling scalp.

A thick layer of goosebumps rose on the body.

Is it Chen Nan's voice?

What's the situation?

Is he still alive?

No way!

He has incarnated as rules and made up the sky.

How could it be still alive?

"Husband, is that you?"

"Are you really alive?"

The female emperor's face was full of weakness, but her face was full of excitement.



A divine light condensed into Chen Nan's figure.

He smiled and looked at the figures who were related to him, with a shallow smile on his face: "I have never been as strong as I am at this time!" He said with a finger in the air.


A bolt of lightning burst out from his fingertips.

Silently, it pierced through the human emperor's chest.

Let his body fester, miserable.

"How so?"

"Why are you so strong?"

The human emperor vomited blood.

Chen Nan is still alive, he is very happy.

But seeing him so powerful.

He couldn't remember it again.

Just now, he had thought about using the Law of Silence to resist that heavenly thunder.

But there is a weak heart.

Everyone else widened their eyes in unison.


Too strong!

Chen Nan's strength at this time made them almost suffocated!

After all, even the Human Emperor had no power to fight back against him.

"I see."

"I see."

Qinglong's face was full of excitement: "When you were mending the sky, the power of the law and the rules of this world were fused together.

"Regardless of each other."

"So, you become the sky."

"And, the sky is you!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone gasped.


Chen Nan actually became a heaven?


Is this true?

Chen Nan landed in the air, appeared next to Qinglong, and stroked his head: "It has to be me Longlong, who knows more things than others."

The green dragon was furious: "Get out!" "

Call me Long Ye!"

Emperor Yin's voice suddenly sounded: "In other words, the legendary strong man who came from the demon world did not just unify the immortal world by strength.

"The so-called unification, in fact, he became heaven?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone else nodded.

They all thought before that Chen Nan would unify the Immortal Realm with his cultivation.

Now it seems.

It doesn't seem to be what I imagined.

Unifying the Immortal Realm with strength alone is too nutritious.

How can there be a law that unifies the immortal world?

To put it bluntly.

Today, Chen Nan and the Immortal World coexist.

As long as he is not killed by others, he will live as long as the immortal world exists.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"He is my pawn, how come I fulfilled him?"

The human emperor was like a madman, his face was full of madness, and he couldn't accept this matter.

He asked himself.

If it weren't for the use of the sage sword qi himself.

The firmament does not collapse.

Chen Nan will not make up for the rules of protecting the incarnation of billions of living beings.


Chen Nan can become the master of the immortal world.

It's all his assists!

"Taiyi Xuantian, how long have you been a saint?"

Qinglong sneered: "You think, you like to play chess?"

"No, no, no!"

"Those ancient saints have existed for countless years."

"They have long controlled a complete avenue and become Dao ancestors."

"Cultivation will be a meaningless thing for them!"


"They also like to play chess to pass the long time when they are idle."

"And the chess skills are very profound."

"You think you're better at chess?"

"I'm really sorry."

"It turns out that you are also a pawn in their hands."

"It's different."

"As a pawn, you failed to change your destiny!"

"And he is above billions of living beings."

"All this thanks to you!"

When he guessed that the Human Emperor was the reincarnation of Taiyi Xuantian, a big question mark arose in his heart.

Didn't those ancient saints expect the reincarnation of Taiyi Xuantian?

With their vision.

It is impossible not to guess this.

It's just that.

Taiyi Xuantian is scheming.

Moreover, he is good at using the heavenly path sentient beings as chess.

His presence is too much of a threat to Chen Nan's rise.

How can they turn a blind eye?

It turns out.

The green dragon underestimated the pattern and vision of those ancient saints.

The reason why Taiyi Xuantian was able to reincarnate and recultivate.

Perhaps it was also tacitly approved by those ancient saints.

That's the only way.

In order to let Chen Nan rise.

Of course.

Those ancient saints should be gambling.

Bet on the future of the Three Realms.

Because no one expected that Chen Nan would turn into a rule to make up for the sky.

Emperor Yan also laughed out loud: "Human Emperor, you think you can control the life and death of people in the world, but you didn't expect it to be today, right?" Everyone

else laughed.

There is mockery in the laughter, but also in the sense of joy.

Today's war is full of twists and turns.

But it ended well.

The black-tailed monkey sang very undisciplinedly: "Listen to me and thank you, because of you, it warms the four seasons."

"Refill, love you, touch and insert ~~~"

said and threw a disgusting wink at the emperor.

"Enough!" The Renhuang was furious, exuding an earth-shattering anger: "No one can control my destiny, not even those ancient saints."

"My life is up to me!"

"Even if Chen Nan becomes the master of this world?"

"I can still kill him!"

With a roar.

The Sword of Creation appears in the hand.

He held the sword of creation and killed Chen Nan.


The long sword created and condensed by all living beings is not an artifact, but it is above it.

A sword cut out.

The Void is broken!

Destroy the decay!

Chen Nan suspended quietly in the air.

When the fatal blow of the Emperor appeared in front of him.

He stretched out his finger and flicked it gently!


The long sword made a crisp crashing sound.

Then there was a crackling sound!

Next moment!

The sword body shattered and collapsed between heaven and earth!

The Renhuang's face was full of horror: "Impossible!

"This is a long sword created and condensed by sentient beings, how can you destroy it so easily?"

Chen Nan shook it in the air.

A huge palm held the human emperor in his hand.

Accompanied by palm force.

There was also a crackling sound of broken bones in the human emperor's body.

It also made him let out a heart-rending scream.

Chen Nan's eyes were cold: "Do you think that the creation of all beings is the most powerful force in heaven and earth?" The

Renhuang's face was full of unwillingness: "Isn't it?

Chen Nan: "Unfortunately, it's not what you think.

"The most powerful power in heaven and earth comes from all living beings."

"Gathering the power of all sentient beings can shake the sky!"


"That's why the Heavenly Court collapsed."

"So many saints, heavenly gods, sacrificed their lives to die and generously went to righteousness for the reason for life!"

"Because they always firmly believe that if all beings do not perish, the three realms can rise!"

"It's a pity."

"You have never put the power of all beings in your eyes."

The human emperor's face was sluggish.

He finally understood that he had lost there.

He is not under the control of those ancient saints.

It was not lost in the hands of Chen Nan.

He lost in not putting all living beings in his eyes!

After returning to his senses, a crazy smile appeared on his face: "So, my good apprentice, do you want to blade your own mentor?" "

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