"You are now the Lord of the Immortal Realm."

"Above billions of living beings."

"If, you kill me."

"Isn't that a bit of a big deal?"

"How do you convince the people of the world?"

Although he lost.

But if Chen Nan didn't kill him.

Look around the strong.

No one could kill him.


To be precise.

Only those who control the power of all living beings can kill him on behalf of all living beings.

Chen Nan showed a complicated expression: "I naturally can't kill you."

"After all, you are the guide on my path of cultivation."


"Who am I?"

"I am a living being."

"Even if I kill you."

"It is also the will of all beings."

"What does it have to do with me Chen Nan?"

The words fell.

A chill flashed in his eyes.

The power of all beings converges on the palm of the hand.


Accompanied by a red blood mist.

The soul of the human emperor flew away and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

But his hysterical screams echoed in the air: "I am unwilling! "

Although he was a saint in his previous life.

But it is also difficult to stop the power of all sentient beings.

This is the strongest force in the world.

There is no one.

Qinglong sighed: "Actually, if you don't escape, you won't have today." "

Catastrophe is coming.

Gu Sheng stepped forward.

If Taiyi Xuantian hadn't escaped that battle.

He will be the master of the new world.

Those ancient saints who fought to the death would also save him.

Not to mention looking for Chen Nan's fire among all sentient beings!


He lived up to the expectations of those ancient saints.

Successfully killed Taiyi Xuantian.

But Qinglong knows it.

Wanting to rebuild the Heavenly Court is a long way to go.

Taiyi Xuantian was nothing more than a roadblock.

Chen Nan still has a long way to go.

Chen Nan was suspended in the air.

Overlooking the Imperial City of People, which has been reduced to ruins.

He pointed at the air.

A ray of light fell on the earth.

Next second.

The earth, which was originally in ruins, seemed to have been pressed the back button.

Quick repair of the house.

In an instant.

The Emperor City of Man reappeared in heaven and earth.

It's not just the Imperial City that reappears in heaven and earth.

Even those who lived in the Human Imperial City came to life.

Chen Nan is the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

He can work backwards in time to bring everyone back to life.

For him.

It's all a trick.

It's not worth mentioning.


He erased the memories of the people of the Human Imperial City.

Don't want them to live in fear.


He also built dozens of large teleportation arrays.

It allows people to teleport directly to the demon realm from Xiling.

Across millions of miles.

Moreover, he also built hundreds of teleportation formations according to his heart.

It can make the people here feel like they are on Earth.

Regardless of the distance, real-time communication, communication.

He controls the Immortal Realm.

Changed the fairy world.

Do this.

He nodded contentedly.

Then take out the merit column.

He will Nangong Wan.

Cao Rufeng.

Hei Yan, the names of the two demons were engraved on it.

Although they died.

But wait for him to rebuild the Heavenly Court.

But they can be resurrected and even become gods.

After all.

The merit pillar is an existence that is even more heaven-defying than the list of gods.

And at this time.

There are four names on it.

Concubine Yu, Nangong Wan, Cao Rufeng, and Hei Yan.

These people.

It's all important to him.

It's just that.

They were all gone.

Even if Chen Nan could revive the people in the city, he couldn't let them be reborn.

Put away the pillar of merit.

He descended in the air.

Just find out.

The female emperor was sitting on the ground cross-kneeled with a weak face.

Although very weak.

But there was a big smile on his face.

The female emperor spoke, and her voice was extremely weak: "It's so good, you won."

"Don't talk." Chen Nan didn't expect the female emperor to be injured so badly, and a rich immortal qi was injected into the female emperor's body.

But it was found.

Her body is like an hourglass.

No amount of immortal qi can be stored.

"It's useless, my soul has been eaten back by the avenue, and now it has dried up." The female emperor leaned gently into his arms, appearing very quiet, and she looked far north.

A happy smile appeared on his face: "I'm glad I met you in this life."

"Even if we spend less than a hundred days together."

"But this time is the happiest and most unforgettable memory of my life."

"I know..."

"The reason why you forgive me for everything I have done to you is all because of the existence of my daughter."

"But I also want to say... Thank you. "

Stop talking." Chen Nan controlled a wisp of meritorious power to inject into the female emperor's body, wanting to repair her damaged soul.

But at the moment.

Even the power of merit failed to repair her injuries.

He was unwilling.

Control time regression.

But there is still nothing to make up.

Qinglong sighed: "It's useless.

"She forcibly urged the Avenue of Life, which in itself is a way to kill herself."

"Even if you have the power of merit."

"Even if you can make time pass."

"But it's impossible to get her back." Saying that, it turned into a blue light and submerged into Chen Nan's chest.

This time.

He consumes too much.

Need a long sleep.

Chen Nan suddenly felt as if his heart had been cut by a knife.


Nangong Wan died in his arms.

Concubine Yu also died in his arms.

He had secretly swore by it.

It is necessary to protect the confidantes around you.

I don't want to experience the feeling of a woman I love dying in my arms anymore.

But in the end.

Even if he became the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

It can bring back the billions of people in the imperial city.

It is also impossible to heal the wounds of the female emperor.

I could only watch her gradually wither in her arms.

The pain is unforgettable.

That powerless unwillingness almost suffocated him.

He couldn't imagine it.

After the death of the female emperor, the daughter asked how to answer her mother's whereabouts.

If the daughter cries and wants to find her mother.

What should I do myself?

The female emperor said quietly: "I know that you came to the immortal world as a last resort.

"You know, your heart isn't here at all."

"Perhaps your heart has stayed in this world."

"But also because of the daughter."

"One day, you will leave this world."

"If you can..."

"I hope to go back to your hometown with you."

"Even if I'm dead."

"I also want to be buried in your hometown."

"Accompany you in another way."

Chen Nan endured the grief in his heart and said softly, "Okay, I'll take you back to Earth." "

Although he became the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

It became the supreme existence of the immortal world.

became part of the law.


If you want to rebuild the Heavenly Court.

It is also necessary to return to Earth.

Because the earth is the place of origin.

Regardless of the fairy world.

Divine Realm.

They are all just sub-planes extending from the earth.

On Earth.

Perhaps a way can be found to rebuild the Heavenly Court.

Of course.

This was something that Qinglong had told him.

He looked at the three-headed demon of Nirvana Mountain.

Look at Yan Guang.

and the other four demon emperors of the demon clan.

Look at King Wu.


Qian Di.


Stone Emperor.

Emperor Yin.

Bowed to them: "Thank you for your assistance this time, this kindness is in my heart."

"If you need to, you can open your mouth at any time."

"A feast for the whole world."

"Let's leave it at that." Saying that, he picked up the female emperor and disappeared into heaven and earth.

He's going to Snow Country.

Bring your daughter.

Return to Earth together!

I don't know.

How are the relatives on the earth and the confidants living now?

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