The news of Jian Ning's engagement was like a thunderbolt to him.

He had seen all the confidants before he left.

I told them that I was going to go far away.

And not necessarily when you'll be able to come back.

Also said.

If it really doesn't work, just find one.

After all.

He is also a person.

Although... Slag a little.

But good villains still have a conscience.

It is impossible to give them wholehearted love.

How can they expect them to wait for their return in the long run?

If so.

That's too selfish!

It's just that.

When they first talked about finding another one, they decisively refused.

They all said they would wait for him to come back anyway.

It's a big deal to buy more adult products...

Chen Nan was very moved at that time.


Now I heard that Jian Ning was engaged.

He felt a dull pain in his heart.

Don't think about it.

He went to the bedroom and found the clothes he had worn before.

After changing it, he walked towards Jane's house.

When he came to Jane's doorstep.

He saw eight Rolls-Royce Phantoms.

All are extended versions.

The price of each car is more than 10 million.

There are not many people in Ningji who can drive such luxury cars.

Not to mention.

This luxury fleet too.


What surprised Chen Nan was.

The license plates are all white and begin with the word 'North'.


Jian Ning wore a white wedding dress and slowly walked out of the villa.

On the left and right sides were also followed by two flower servants, a man and a woman.

The moment when the four eyes are facing each other.

An incredible look appeared in Jian Ning's eyes.

Crystal tears followed.

She didn't expect that.

Chen Nan will come back.

"Long time no see." A bitter smile spread across Chen Nan's face.

Jian Ning converged her emotions, and her voice gradually became cold: "You shouldn't come back." Saying

that, he resolutely sat in the head car.

Chen Nan stood there dumbfounded.

Until the convoy is gone.

He came back to his senses.

Two years away.

Even if she has a new love.

But why is he so indifferent to himself?

When she saw herself, she was obviously very excited!

Chen Nan was puzzled.

I always feel that Jian Ning has other feelings about herself.

It's as if there is a last resort.

He wanted to ask about the Jane family.

But everyone was gone.

Don't think about it.

He took out his phone in the storage space.

Fortunately, there is still some remaining power after booting.

After the phone has restored the signal.

He received a lot of text messages.

But he didn't have the heart to look at it now.

Found Li Mu's number and dialed it.

Li Mu was a guardian before.

Amazing connections.

On his side, he may be able to find the information he is looking for.

After all.

Left for two years.

He had to figure out what had happened on Earth in the past two years.

Only in this way can we fully integrate into the world.

"Lying groove, defrauding the corpse?"

"You're back?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Mu's exaggerated voice came from the earpiece.

In fact.

He has been paying attention to Chen Nan's departure.

Knowing that he entered the cosmic black hole.

It was also when Chen Nan entered the cosmic black hole that Chen Nan died in his heart.

Although at that time, Chen Nan had the cultivation of the Mahayana period.

But cosmic black holes are terrifying places that humans have not explored.


Receiving Chen Nan's call today, you can imagine how shocked he was in his heart.

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Yes, I'm back."

"Tell me about the origin of the North character license plate."

License plates on a white background are rare, but the license plate Chen Nan at the beginning of the north character has never heard of.

Just figure out the origin of the license plate that begins with the northern character.

He could understand why Jian Ning was so indifferent to herself.

Actually, seriously.

Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness.

Even if Jian Ning wanted to marry.

He will also respect the other person's ideas and sincerely bless her.

But if.

If you are coerced, then it is another matter.

Li Mu's voice was low: "In the second month after you left, four extraterritorial channels appeared in our country one after another. "

There are a lot of demons out there."

"They went into the world and caused a lot of casualties."


"The Guardians sent those strong men in Hell who were loyal to you to stop it."


"The strength of those demons is very strong."

"Even if they came forward, they didn't last long."

"All tragically sacrificed!"

Chen Nan chuckled in his heart.

No wonder I didn't feel the breath of those old subordinates.


They all died in battle!

Li Mu continued: "The situation at that time was very chaotic and people were panicked.

"The common people are worried that the demons will kill the world in a big way."

"If that's the case, no one can resist them."

"At this time."

"The Quartet God of War has appeared."

"They come from four small worlds, and they all have the peak cultivation of the Mahayana period."

"And carrying tens of thousands of cultivators."

"The momentum was huge, and they guarded all sides and successfully resisted the invasion of demons."

"This move has also been recognized by the state and the people."

"If they hadn't come forward, our country would have been overrun by demons long ago."


"In recognition of them, the state named four peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period as gods of war."

"Yes, after you were named the God of War to protect the country, four more God of War were born."

"Gave them supreme glory."

Chen Nan said softly, "They deserve it.

A simple sentence ignited the anger in Li Mu's heart: "what you deserve."

"Do you think everyone loves this mountain and river as much as you do?"

"Do you think that everyone remembers the life and death of the common people in their hearts like you?"

"Brother, the human heart is as deep as the sea."

"Not everyone is selfless."

"Especially those cultivators who live in a small world."

"When they have power, and when they have status, they are above the law."

"Trample the common people under their feet, regardless of their lives and deaths."

"This is a typical front door to resist wolves, back door into the tiger!"

"Not only that."

"They even set up a cultivator association."

"Now, this cultivator association has become an existence that is almost beyond the law."

"Although you have only been away for two years, the pattern of the earth has been completely rewritten by them!"

Speaking of which.

Let out a long sigh.

"So, the license plate number at the beginning of the north character is the person of the northern god of war?" A monstrous anger rose in Chen Nan's heart.

He never expected it.

The mountains and rivers that are guarded will become like this.

If he loses to the demon, he has nothing to say.

Defeated in the hands of his own people, how could he endure this breath?

What the is Nest Fighting?

Li Mu said helplessly, "I have heard about Miss Jian Ning.

"Brother Nehe is just an ordinary person now, and he has a weak heart and can't help her."

"Since you are back, then save her from the sea of suffering!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and there was a hint of madness in his voice: "Although I don't know what cultivation you are doing now."

"But brother believes in you, since you can come back alive."

"Definitely trampling them all underfoot."

Chen Nan's eyes exuded earth-shattering killing intent: "I'll take Jian Ning back!" "

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