After hanging up.

Chen Nam's soul power covers the entire Jeju.

His strength is not as good as that of the immortal world on earth.

After all, he was the master of the immortal world.


He also has the strength of a ninth-level immortal emperor.

Covering the whole of Jeju is like playing.

Next second.

He locked onto the fleet of Rolls-Royces.

What he didn't expect was.

He also felt Li Mu's breath.

At this moment, he was driving the modified Volkswagen Jetta towards the mid-level villa.

"Now, there is no need to take a taxi."

A shallow smile spread across Chen Nan's face.

Although he can appear anywhere on the earth in an instant.


There is a saying.

He didn't like that kind of life.

Too unreal.

Now that we're back on Earth.

He still wants to live like a normal person.

Just when he came to the entrance of the mid-level villa area.

Li Mu also arrived by car.

Li Mu lowered the window and said with a smile: "Get in the car!" "

I saw him blind in his left eye.

Lost his left arm.

The anger in Chen Nan's heart was instantly ignited.

An invisible anger rose up into the sky.


Heavenly Dao Rules felt his anger.

A dull thunder erupted.

It has caused trepidation and anxiety for millions of people in Jeju.


It's been a sunny few days.

The weather forecast also did not indicate rain.

Li Mu: "Why are you stupid?"

"Get in the car, or your woman will be engaged to another man."

"Although you have a lot of women, you still have to fight for it."

"Unless, you want another man to cuckold you."

His mouth.

Still as cheap as ever.

Chen Nan sat in the co-pilot and said in a low voice: "What's going on with your eyes and arms?"

Li Mu said lightly: "It's nothing, after the Northern Realm War God Mo Yuan was consecrated, he wanted to control the guardians."

"Our nine groups didn't obey, and then..."

Speaking of which.

He gripped the steering wheel deadly.

The face is hideous.

The whole body released a strong killing intent.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "They killed Mengguo."

"And humiliate Hong Yu to death!"

"Fat man and Sister Yu are dead?" Chen Nan's face turned pale.

Li Mu's situation made him unbearable.

He didn't expect that.

Meng Kuo and Qin Hongyu actually died.

He couldn't accept that the fat man who was happy all day and held a chicken leg would die.

I can't accept that the woman in a red cheongsam dress will also die.

Li Mu couldn't cry: "I should live and die with them."


"They sent me out desperately to make me wait for your return."

"Let you help them avenge them."

After that war.

Li Mu fled to Jeju.

Because he knows.

If Chen Nan comes back.

His first stop was Jeju.

Chen Nan took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, I will avenge Sister Yu and the fat man."

"No matter who the other party is."

"I'm going to make them pay a heavy price."

Li Mu wiped the tears from his face, and his voice choked: "Brother, two years is not long, but this world has changed dramatically. "

The rise of the four gods of war has allowed them to gain a large number of adherents."

"How can it be so easy to take them down!"

Chen Nan lit two cigarettes and stuffed them into Li Mu's mouth.

He calmed his irritable mood and said lightly: "In this world, there is nothing I can't do." "

The so-called Quartet God of War..."


"That's it."

As the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

He really didn't put the so-called Quartet God of War in his eyes.

"The one who is engaged to Miss Jian this time is called Han Jian."

"The Han family has just risen for less than a year."

"But he became the number one giant in Jeju."

"Dominated Jeju's economy."

"Oh, Han Jian's uncle is Han Feiyang, the eight commanders under Mo Yuan."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

Work between conversations.

The two came downstairs to a large five-star hotel.

There are countless luxury cars parked in the parking lot.

There are also countless security personnel in front of the hotel to maintain order.

A security guard stopped Chen Nan and Li Mu with a condescending posture: "Two of you, please show the invitation."

Chen Nan looked at him, and a ghost light flashed in his eyes: "Do I need an invitation?" The

security guard's eyes were dull and he hurriedly let him go.

That's it.

Chen Nan and Li Mu swaggered into the hotel.

Then take the elevator towards the engagement site on the top floor.

Li Mu was shocked by Chen Nan's tumultuous operation, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Are you now strong enough to control other people's souls at will?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Do you really think I am so strong? "

Don't make trouble."

"I'm stronger than you think."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

This goods.

As always, I like to pretend.

On the top floor of the hotel is a huge starry sky restaurant.

This is the most upscale, luxurious restaurant in Jeju.

A casual meal costs tens of thousands.

Not at all a place where ordinary people can consume.


Want to eat here.

Reservations must be made at least one month in advance.

The dishes here are expensive.

The service was also very good.

Especially on sunny days.

A sky full of stars.

Just watching the stars here is a wonderful thing.

And today.

It's a private place.

Set up a romantic engagement scene.

There are many big people with heads and faces gathered in Jeju.

The Jian family, led by Old Master Jian, also sat downstage.

It was hard to hide the excitement on his face.

The Jane family was once an obscure small family.

But now.

but married the Han family.

The future is destined to be human.

At this time.

On stage.

The former richest man in Jeju was built.

The microphone is in hand.

With a red face, he said: "Next, let's use warm applause to invite tonight's protagonists, Mr. Han Jian, and Miss Jian Ning to appear."

Applause and cheers rang out in the Starry Sky Restaurant.

And then.

Han Jian, who was dressed in a tall suit and handsome, and held flowers in his hand, appeared on the left side of the stage.

He had a shallow smile on his face.

It made many young women confused.

Since the rise of the Han family.

Han Jian became the Prince Charming in the minds of countless women in Jeju.

Many people have thought about becoming Han Jian's girlfriend.


Except for Jian Ning, no one could be put in his eyes anymore.


Jian Ning also appeared on the right side of the stage wearing a holy wedding dress.

Jiang Jiancheng said with a smile: "Next, please use the warmest applause to welcome the two newcomers to the stage." "

It's a two-way love."

"Destined to grow old and happy for a lifetime."

The applause was thunderous.

Han Jian, who had a bright smile on his face, and Jian Ning, who was expressionless, walked towards the middle of the stage.

And right now.

An icy voice like thunder suddenly sounded.

Chen Nan walked in with a gloomy face: "Jiang Jiancheng, you eat something inside and outside."

"I've saved your life many times."

"Now, you preside over my woman's engagement ceremony with someone else?"

"Are you dead for me?"

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