Old Zhao: "I just looked along Xishan with a drone and found that the protective net of Xishan was damaged, you wait, I will send the photos to your mobile phone." "

West Hills is huge.

Therefore, it is very impractical to patrol the entire West Mountain through manpower.


Xie Churan bought a drone.

It didn't take long to hang up.

Xie Churan received a photo from Old Zhao.

The protective net on the other side of the West Mountain Col has a gap more than one meter high.

Don't talk about chickens.

Even people can calmly drill through.

He Shanshan gave her opinion after seeing the photo: "This is clearly someone deliberately sabotage. "

Sister Chu Ran, did you offend someone?"

Xie Churan was stunned.

For some reason.

She instantly thought of Tao Dazhuang.

Except for him.

I haven't offended anyone at all.

Chen Nan came over with his apron on: "How many chickens are there on the mountain?" Xie

Churan said, "Almost more than five thousand."

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "More than five thousand chickens leave in a short time, which is not at all what ordinary people can do." Not surprisingly, this matter may have been done by insiders.

Chen Nan also thought of Tao Dazhuang.


Even if he cut the protective net and made a gap, more than five thousand chickens would not escape from the West Mountain in a short time.

Xie Churan said, "In addition to Old Zhao, there are two women in Xishan.

"Sister Zheng went to drink happy wine today.

"Only Wu Meihui remained.

Chen Nan asked: "When the chickens were first released, was it Wu Meihui and they were responsible for feeding

the chickens?" Xie Churan said incredulously: "How do you know?"

Chen Nan shrugged: "All things have animism, Wu Meihui first fed the chickens, and those little chickens

must know them."

"This also explains why the chickens on the mountain have fled."

Xie Churan's face was full of anxiety: "Then what should I do? Five thousand chickens is not a small number." "

Five thousand chickens a day is a lot of money.

Not only that.

Chickens live in the mountains and eat a lot of insects and grasses.

It will lay a lot of eggs with high nutritional value.

More than 5,000 chickens alone lay eggs, which can be sold for more than 100,000 a month.

Moreover, chicken manure falling in the orchard can also provide nutrients, which can save fertilizer money.

Conservative estimates.

The loss of more than 5,000 chickens brought her more than a million losses.

Of course.

This amount of money is equivalent to a month's net income of the beauty salon.

But the question is, who lost more than a million and is not distressed?"


Nan said with a smile: "Of course, call

the police!" "You call the police, just say that the chickens in the mountains were stolen by someone, and let the police comrades go to Nanwa Village to intercept them."

Xie Churan was stunned.

To the west of the Qingshan ravine is a mountain range that stretches for tens of miles.

Only on the south side of the mountain there is a small village called Nanwa.


Nanwa Village is five or six miles away from the place where the barbed wire fence in Xishan was cut.

Although I don't know why Chen Nan said this.

But Xie Churan still chose to listen to Chen Nan's words.

An alarm is selected.

Xie Churan is a big man in town.

I heard that more than 5,000 chickens were stolen in the mountains.

The police at the police station also paid special attention to this matter.

Immediately sent people to Nanwa Village.


was when Chen Nan and the others were enjoying dinner.

Xie Churan received a call from the police station.

After hanging up.

She said with a smile: "The case is solved, it is indeed Wu Meihui who did it."

"Comrade police directly seized her stolen goods."

"The more than five thousand chickens that have been stolen today are on their way back." Chen

Nan was not surprised by this result.

Because he had covered the West Mountain side with his soul power before.

I saw Wu Meihui and others pack those chickens in sacks and go towards the truck on the other side of Nanwa Village.

Just call the police.

You can get them all.

Xie Churan sighed lightly: "Wu Meihui is most likely instructed by Tao Dazhuang, otherwise she would not dare to do such a thing with her guts!"

Xie Linger couldn't help but ask: "Mom, Tao Dazhuang is your right hand, why did he instruct Aunt Meihui to steal chickens?"

Xie Linger muttered, "I'm no longer a child." Then he

said helplessly: "Aunt Meihui, this person is still very good."

"This time she stole chickens most likely to see a child."

He Shanshan asked curiously, "What disease does her son have?" Xie

Linger said while eating: "Wu Meihui's son is called Wei Dong, and he is eight years old this year. "

We first came the year and there was a fire because of the aging wiring in our home.

Although the villagers rescued Wei Dong in the fire.

"But he had 95 percent severe burns."

"Fortunately, the rescue was timely, but it burned beyond recognition."

"The doctor said there was no recovery at all.

"Even with skin grafting, you can only recover 40 percent at most."

"But it costs a lot of money."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "If I heal Wei Dong, do you say that Wu Meihui will identify Tao Dazhuang?"

Chen Nan has absolute self-confidence.

Xie Churan was overjoyed in his heart: "I asked the police comrades to send Wu Meihui back." He

said and dialed the number he had called himself earlier.

Wu Meihui loves her son the most.

If Chen Nan could heal Wei Dong's burns, she would definitely tell the truth of the matter.

Instigating others to steal is also a crime of theft.

It is completely capable of arresting Tao Dazhuang.

Do not expect a sentence of several years.

Even if he is locked up for ten days and a half moon, he can hit his arrogance fiercely!

Chen Nan also had no appetite and said, "Let's go to the Wei family first and heal Wei Dong."

Xie Linger said, "Aren't you afraid that after healing Wei Dong, Wu

Meihui refuses to cooperate?" Chen Nanshun took a cigarette in his hand and held it in his mouth: "The heart of the healer's parents, even if Wu Meihui refuses to cooperate, I can't watch her son endure the torment of illness."

"Of course, I didn't think about threatening Wu Meihui with Wei Dong.

"That means are too dirty.

Xie Linger lowered her head with a look of shame.

At this time.

She finally knew why Chen Nan was in front of her, but she felt a sense of distance.

The pattern of people is vast and boundless.

I don't deserve it at all...

Then Chen Nan followed Xie Churan to Wei Dong's house.

Wei Dong's father went out to work to see his son.

Wu Meihui stayed on the mountain, and Xie Churan gave her a salary of 5,000 yuan a month.

On weekdays, it is his grandmother who takes care of his diet.

I learned that Chen Nan was a doctor.

Wei Dong's grandmother was very excited and quickly invited Chen Nan into the house.

Chen Nan also saw the child lying on the bed, burning beyond recognition.


In the moment of seeing him.

Chen Nan's scalp was numb.

How could there be a divine power in his body?

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