Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

It is impossible for a normal person to have divine power in his body.

But if.

Is this child named Wei Dong the reincarnation of the Heavenly God?

He quickly checked Wei Dong's body.

It's a pity.

The other party did not have any divine power in his body.

"Was it an illusion just now?" Chen Nan frowned, and there was no answer in his heart.

"Chen Nan, can you cure Wei Dong?" Xie Churan stood nervously behind Chen Nan.

Although she had met Wei Dong before.

But every time I see it, I have an inexplicable fear.

On the bed lay a figure with a completely unrecognizable face and burns all over his body.

He had almost no intact skin.

It looks shocking.

Chen Nan: "It's not a big problem. "

Speaking with a one-handed pinch.

An immortal force was injected into Wei Dong's body.

Next second.

An emerald green glow appeared on Wei Dong's pink skin.

That ray of light was repairing the burns on Wei Dong's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


itchy!" "It's itchy!" Wei

Dong gripped the sheets tightly, his thin body constantly standing up.

A painful moan also came out of his mouth.


The scars on his body are being repaired quickly.

"Immortal manifestation, immortal manifestation!" Wei

Dong's grandmother knelt on the ground with a snort, kowtowing reverently to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan hurriedly picked up the other party: "Don't be like this, madam, I'm just a doctor, not an immortal." "


He can only be called an immortal.

But it is not God.


With his strength, healing Wei Dong's burns was nothing at all.

About ten minutes later.

Wei Dong stopped crying out in pain.

The skin on the body also returned to its previous appearance.

Under Chen Nan's healing, he was reborn.

The skin is crystal clear and can be broken by blowing.

"Thank you immortals, thank you immortals.

Wei Dong put on his trousers, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Chen Nan to thank him.

He is eight years old.

I already know how to be grateful.


Xie Churan received a call from her daughter.

People from the police station have come to the reservoir dam.

"Lady, Meihui is on the reservoir, let me take Wei Dong over!" Xie Churan looked at Wei Dong's grandmother.

Wei Dong's grandmother cried with joy: "If Mei Hui saw Dongdong recover, she would definitely be very happy." "


Xie Churan and Chen Nan took Wei Dong to the reservoir dam.

Because considering that Wu Meihui wearing handcuffs will affect Wei Dong's growth.


She had previously sent a text message to the comrades at the police station, removed Wu Meihui's handcuffs, and did not pursue the matter.


Wei Dong called out Mom.

Wu Meihui, who was originally dejected and full of self-blame under the villa, suddenly raised her head.

Look in the direction of the sound.

A figure that only appeared in her dreams was running over happily.


Wu Meihui looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure with an incredulous face.

Even if the son threw himself into his arms.

She didn't come to her senses.

Because my son's burns were very bad.

Even the doctor said it.

Even if it costs a lot of money, through skin grafting, it will not be fully recovered.

"Is this a dream?" Wu Meihui burst into tears, not daring to imagine that her son had really recovered.

Of course.

If this is a dream.

She was willing not to wake up for the rest of her life.

Wei Dong said happily: "Mom, my injuries have been healed by this uncle. "

At this time.

Wu Meihui also saw Chen Nan who came side by side with Xie Churan.

She raised her hand and slapped herself hard.

The intense pain let her know that what was happening in front of her was not a dream.

Wu Meihui pulled Wei Dong to kneel on the ground and cried silently: "Thank you benefactor for healing my son, I, Wu Meihui, will repay your kindness as a cow and horse in my next life."

Xie Linger said on the side: "Aunt Meihui, can you now tell who instructed you to do that?" Wu Meihui

hesitated and sobbed: "It's Tao Jun, Tao Jun called and said that someone wants to buy a large number of free-range native chickens, and fifty yuan a piece."

"So I got carried out and cut the barbed wire.

He also said that if this incident happened, he could not be reported.

"As long as I keep my mouth shut, I will be given 100,000 yuan."

Speaking of this, she looked at Xie Churan, raised her slap and slapped her face fiercely: "Boss, I eat inside and outside, I am not a thing, I am willing to accept the punishment of the law."

Xie Churan was a little disappointed.

She thought that Wu Meihui would provide Tao Dazhuang, but she didn't expect that it was Tao Jun who instructed Wu Meihui to do this.

Although it was Tao Jun who instructed her to steal chickens.

But Xie Churan is not stupid.

Use your brain to know that Tao Dazhuang is the real culprit behind the scenes.

Tao Jun is just a puppet under him.

Xie Churan looked at a policeman and said, "Hu Suo, since the chickens have been sent back, then this matter will be settled."

The other party nodded and said, "Ms. Xie, you were born in Qingshan Gully, you should know the influence of the Tao family."

"If there is really any misunderstanding, let's try to resolve it as much as possible." "

Tao Zhigang is the village chief of Qingshan Gou.

Don't look just a village chief.

But it is said that the Tao family has a deep social background.

It is very difficult to bring them down.

After that, Xie Churan found a few villagers and helped transport the chickens to the West Mountain.

Of course.

The hole in the protective net on the mountain was also repaired.

Reservoir side.

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask: "Is the Tao family's power very strong?" Xie

Churan shook his head: "The Tao family is just a common man in Qingshan Gully, but when the demons invaded two years ago, a relative of the Tao family became Han Feipeng's right-hand man. "

As the old saying goes, a man ascends to heaven. "

After the rise of the Tao family's relatives.

Tao Zhigang became the village chief of Qingshan Gou.

"Although he has little knowledge, he has become a single-handedly covering existence in Qingshan Gully.

Chen Nan was relieved.

Unexpectedly, there were forces in the northern realm behind the Tao family.


That's it.

Han Feipeng will return to Jeju the day after tomorrow.

Once back.

The Han family and he can only live one.

It's clear.

The Han family will fall.


At that time, the relatives of the Tao family will also die.

Rats leave a sinking ship.

What kind of climate can a small Tao family become?

Chen Nan controlled Xie Linger's mind and let her fall asleep.

As for him, he played with He Shanshan and Xie Churan to fight the landlord.

The difference is.

Chen Nan was a fixed landowner.

He Shanshan and Xie Churan are farmers.

The three of them had a lot of fun and were engaged.

Forget oneself.


I didn't go to sleep until late at night.


Just when Chen Nan was hugging He Shanshan to sleep.

Xie Churan, who got up early and ran in the morning, ran back to the bedroom with a worried face: "Chen Nan, something happened."

"The fish in the reservoir all turned over and floated to the surface.

"And a lot of deaths."

Chen Nan quickly got up, dressed while following Xie Churan to the reservoir.

You can clearly see many dead fish suspended on the surface of the water.

In addition to this, there are a lot of fish that turn over.

It looks like life hangs in the balance.

Chen Nan's forehead was bruised, and a strong anger surged in his heart: "This is someone poisoning!"

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