
?" "Someone poisoned?" Xie

Churan's scalp was numb and creepy as he was shocked by Chen Nan's words.

"The water in the Qingshangou reservoir is of drinking water quality. "

The bottled water in the city is also disinfected and filled here.

"Not only that.

"Many villages downstream rely on the Qingshangou reservoir to irrigate their crops. "

Even waterworks are built downstream. "

If someone is poisoned, then this is not a trivial matter!"

Chen Nan did not expect that the value of the water in the Qingshan Gully would be so great, and quickly said: "Sister, quickly call the police and close the flood gate."

"We must not let the water here affect the crops of ordinary people." "

It hasn't rained for more than a month this year.


The Qingshangou Reservoir has been releasing water for irrigation by people downstream.

Of course.

There are also many people in the village who pump water for irrigation.

Seeing that the autumn harvest is still more than two months away.

If you use the water here, the consequences are unimaginable.

Xie Churan also realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately called the police.

He also called the staff in charge of the orchard on the mountain and asked them to stop irrigating.

While they were anxiously waiting for the police from the police station to arrive.

A white Honda Civic drove up in the village.

The car is fast.

A splash of dust.

When the car came in front of the two people, it stopped sharply.

Then Tao Dazhuang took a cigarette and walked down in the car with a smile.

He glanced at the dead fish in the reservoir and grinned: "Sister Xie, what's the situation, why are all the fish you raised dead?"

After contracting the Qingshangou Reservoir, she directly invested one million silver carp fry.

First, because silver carp purifies water quality.

Second, silver carp is also the most important economic fish species for fishermen.

After feeding for two years and preparing to sell for money, can she not be distressed when she dies?

What really made her angry was that the water was polluted, and it was unrealistic to want to return to what it was before.

Xie Churan clenched his fists and asked angrily

: "Tao Dazhuang, did you do this?" The corners of Tao Dazhuang's mouth rose: "Sister Xie, you are talking to talk about evidence, you falsely accuse me of poisoning without evidence, this is slander, do you believe me to let you suffer a lawsuit?"

They know who poisoned them.

But without evidence, everything is empty talk.

Tao Dazhuang lit a cigarette and said disdainfully: "Okay, even if I cast dichlorvos, do you have any evidence

?" "Remember what I said yesterday?"

"That's the end of being my enemy." Said and spat viciously.

Xie Churan's face was full of anger: "Even if you see that I am unhappy and want to drive me out of Qingshan Gully, there is no need to use such despicable means, right?"

"Do you know that the Qingshan Gou Reservoir is related to the lives of tens of thousands of people downstream

?", "It is related to the irrigation of hundreds of thousands of acres of good land?

", "Now when farmers are irrigating, have you ever thought about the consequences of polluting those lands?"

Tao Dazhuang frowned and asked with a puzzled face: "I am me." They are them.

"What does their life and death have to do with me?"

Comrades from the town police station and people from the water conservancy bureau arrived at the scene as soon as possible.

"Ms. Xie, when did you find out that the fish in the reservoir died?" Director Hu looked at the scene and couldn't help but ask.

Xie Churan said: "I got up for a morning jog before, but at first it was not yet dawn, and I didn't notice this situation.

"It wasn't until dawn that I saw dead fish on the shore."

"I seriously suspect that someone was poisoned. Speaking of this, his icy eyes looked at Tao Dazhuang.

Tao Dazhuang snorted coldly: "The surname Xie, what do you see me doing? I said before, if you suspect me of poisoning, then take out the evidence, and shut your mouth without evidence." "

The comrades of the water conservancy bureau also completed sampling and testing as quickly as possible.

The expression was very solemn: "Director Hu, Ms. Xie, the test results are out, the water in the reservoir contains a large amount of DDVP, which is the so-called dichlorvos."

"This body of water... It is completely wasted and cannot be used for fish farming or crop irrigation. Speaking of this, Wang Jiadong of the Water Conservancy Bureau sighed deeply.

Qingshangou Reservoir was not famous before.

Although the area of the reservoir is more than three thousand acres.

However, because of the uneven terrain, even fish farming is difficult to catch.

Coupled with the fact that there is no one to manage it, the water source can only be said to be good and not bad.

But after Xie Churan returned, she spent a lot of money to transform here.

The water source of Qingshan Gully has reached the drinking water level.

This is a good thing for the benefit of one party.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the merit is immeasurable.

But who would have thought.

Director Hu spoke: "Although dichlorvos is highly toxic, a bottle of dichlorvos is simply not enough to destroy such a large area of water. "Speaking of which.

The afterglow from the corner of his eye glanced at Tao Dazhuang.

As an old police officer.

His professionalism perceptively told him.

This matter is directly related to Tao Dazhuang.

It's just that.

There is no evidence.

"Ms. Xie, do you have surveillance here?" asked Director Hu.

Xie Churan looked listless: "Only on the reservoir dam, it is impossible to monitor the entire reservoir."

Director Hu nodded slightly: "Dichlorvos is a highly toxic pesticide, which ordinary farmers generally do not have." If the villains want to destroy the waters of the clear ravine, they will definitely buy dichlorvos in large quantities. "

Speaking of which.

He looked at a young policeman: "Xiao Wang, go back to the town, go to several pesticide stores to investigate and monitor, and see who has purchased dichlorvos in large quantities."

"If I follow the vine, I don't believe that I can't find out the whereabouts of the murderer." "

This time.

Director Hu was also furious.

The nature of this thing is too bad.

It will affect tens of thousands of people and dozens of acres of good land.

He had to find the murderer.

Whoever it is.

We must bring him to justice.

Tao Dazhuang on the side also said indignantly: "Director Hu's words are reasonable, the murderer has lost his conscience and committed many evils, and he must be arrested and make him pay a heavy price." "

Let's say it.

But there was an intriguing smile on his face.

He is not a fool.

How can there be so many handles?"

Actually, this matter is not that complicated. Chen Nan's voice sounded: "The murderer poisoned, he will definitely leave a medicine bottle, as long as we find the medicine bottle, according to the fingerprints on it, can't we determine the identity of the murderer?"

Chen Nan smiled: "The other party should not leave such a deadly handle, and the medicine bottle may not be found by the reservoir."

Director Hu frowned: "Then what do you mean?"

Chen Nan squeezed his hands.

A fairy force spread.

I saw dozens of dichlorvos pill bottles flying out of the calm water.

It's just that at this time it is full of sand.

See this scene.

Tao Dazhuang was struck by lightning.

His face was pale, and he sat directly on the ground.

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