Those pesticide bottles are like rockets flying out of the water.

Flying towards the dam in the distance.

The comrades

at the police station and the water conservancy bureau were taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan was still a cultivator.


The strength is still very strong.

It's just that.

They had never seen a cultivator so close to the common people.

Will help ordinary people.

After all.

In everyone's perception, the cultivator is above the common people.

"Thirty bottles of dichlorvos, you're really a beast. Looking at those empty bottles of dichlorvos, Chen Nan couldn't wait to kick Tao Dazhuang to death.

Xie Churan asked with concern: "Director Hu, can the murderer's fingerprints be found on these empty bottles?" Director Hu

said angrily: "The other party poured sand into the bottle and sank it underwater, just because he was afraid that we would find his fingerprints."

"Although he threw the vial under the water, it would definitely have left fingerprints."

He was very fortunate to have Chen Nan, a cultivator.

Otherwise with the abilities of ordinary people.

Xie Churan looked at Tao Dazhuang angrily: "Tao Dazhuang, what else do you have to say now?"

Director Hu spoke, "This is the crime of putting dangerous substances.

"According to the law, the crime of poisoning has not yet caused serious consequences.

"The penalty is imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not more than ten years."

"Causing serious injury, death, or great damage to public or private property."

"According to Article 115 of the crime of releasing dangerous substances, the penalty is fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years, life imprisonment. "

Or the death penalty."

"If nothing else, the death penalty awaits you." "

Come, torture him to Lao Tzu!"

Director Hu knew in his heart.

The nature of this incident was too bad.

Not only did it cause huge losses to Xie Churan.

It also brought irreversible losses to tens of thousands of people downstream and dozens of acres of fertile land.

Tao Dazhuang came back to his senses in shock and allowed the other party to handcuff him.

But a crazy smile appeared on his face: "Okay, don't pretend, I have a showdown, these thirty bottles of dichlorvos were indeed put by me."

"As for the death penalty you said..."

"I'm sorry.

"You also said that if nothing else, I will be sentenced to death."

"But Director Hu, you said that by coincidence, my cousin will return to Jeju with General Han tomorrow."

"With his relationship, who would dare to sentence me to death?"

Director Hu's heart trembled.

He knew that Tao Dazhuang had a relative who was Han Feipeng's right hand.

But I didn't hear that Han Feipeng would return to Jeju tomorrow.

For him.

It was hard for him to accept.

If Tao Dazhuang's cousin really intervened in this matter.

Tao Dazhuang is most likely acquitted.


A middle-aged man in his fifties, wearing a suit and tie, wearing a Rolex, came over smoking huazi: "Old Hu, didn't my son just throw thirty bottles of dichlorvos into the reservoir?"

"There's no need to affect the friendship between the two of us because of this little thing." "

Tao Zhigang.

Chief of Qingshangou Village.

His tone was flat.

It's like saying a trivial thing that doesn't matter.

"Isn't it because thirty bottles of dichlorvos were thrown into the reservoir?" Hu's face was full of anger, and he didn't expect Tao Zhigang to say such words.

He was furious.


Gritting his teeth, he roared: "Chief Tao, how can you say such irresponsible words

?" "Do you know what the Qingshangou Reservoir means to the people downstream

?" "That's their life!"

"Their life!" "

Now your son has ruined the lifeblood of all of them, how big do you say?"

Did your conscience be eaten by a dog?" Tao

Zhigang took a sip of huazi, and said with an indifferent look in his eyes: "Listening to this meaning, Hu Suo is going to break off friendship with me?"


Take away.

"Take Tao Dazhuang away."

"No matter what forces are behind him.

"As long as I, Hu Zhenguo, am alive, I will punish him."

"Even if you can't cure his sins."

"I will also imprison him to the best of my ability."

"It's a day to be detained

!" "Otherwise, I'm sorry for my original oath

!" "I'm sorry for my mission!" and "I'm

even more sorry for the trust that the people have placed in us!"

His eyes were bloodshot.

It looks extremely hideous.

The eldest husband has something to do.

Something is not done.

Even if he knew that the Tao family had the forces of the northern realm as a backer.

But he could not leave the killers at large.

Tao Zhigang's face was full of disdain, and then looked at Tao Dazhuang: "Son, since Director Hu wants to arrest you back, then you go and play, anyway, your cousin will come back tomorrow."

"When he comes back, I'll see who dares to hold you."

Tao Dazhuang looked at Hu Zhenguo with a defiant expression: "Director Hu, do you really want to take me away? "


But Hu Jianguo looked indifferent: "Even if you have forces from the northern territory behind you, I will not turn a blind eye to your crimes!"

said and personally escorted Tao Dazhuang into the police car.


Another bottle of water from the reservoir was extracted.

He also took away the 30 pesticide bottles.

This has Tao Dazhuang's fingerprints on it.

He wants to use this evidence to bring Tao Dazhuang down.

The people from the water conservancy bureau and the comrades from the police station left one after another.

Tao Zhigang looked at Chen Nan and did not hide his anger in his heart: "Young man, you are not a little bold, you dare to be an enemy of our Tao family."

"I can tell you very responsibly.

"You won't end well.

"Even if you are a cultivator, you will pay a heavy price. Chen

Nan slapped him in the air and flew him out for several meters.

Tao Zhigang's face was covered in blood.

There was also fear in his eyes.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to dare to make a move.

Chen Nan: "Do you think that if your relative is Han Feipeng's subordinate, you can do whatever you want?"

"You'll soon realize that the backer you thought was not even a fart in my eyes."

"That's right.

"My name is Chen Nan.

"Get out!"

as the word roll rang out of his mouth.

Tao Zhigang sprayed blood wildly and fled towards the village like a frightened bird.

For the first time, he felt death so close to him.

He had no doubt that after provoking Chen Nan, he would kill himself.

As it is called.

Leave the green mountains without worrying about firewood.

Anyway, my nephew will come back tomorrow, so why not let him live for a day first?

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