Han Feiyang's words made everyone's hearts tremble.

Unexpectedly, he actually admitted what Chen Nan said.

Look at Han Feipeng again.

His face was full of anger: "Chen Nan, you are also the first god of war, you actually cast a spell on mortals and tortured to extract a confession?"

Many people who supported Han Feipeng were extremely angry.

Think that Chen Nan's means are too despicable.

Even if Han Feiyang admitted Chen Nan's identification of him, could such words be taken as evidence? Chen Nan

chuckled: "It's just a mantra, why do you torture to force a confession?"

A small means to get people to tell the truth.

Of course.

This small trick is also limited to Chen Nan.

Because this is the immortal law of the immortal world.

Ordinary people can't do it at all.

"Since you said that you can't convince the public, let's play a big ticket!"

Chen Nan pointed out in the air.

A ray of light did not enter Han Fei's eyebrows.

In a flash.

Han Feiyang was stunned in place.

Next second.

A ray of light centered on him spread in all directions.

Covered tens of thousands of people on the shore.

At the same moment.

Han Feiyang's memory was shared by Chen Nan with everyone.

Of course.

It's all memories of his evil deeds.

Those memories were like marquee lanterns, flashing in everyone's minds.

It also includes Han Feipeng.

"What means did he just use

?" "Why is it so terrifying?"

This moment.

Whether it is the Huashan Sword School.


Jia Jiajiujie.

Or Zhou Daoyuan.

Huge waves rose in my heart.

The strength of the Mahayana period powerhouses is beyond doubt.

But memories cannot be shared with tens of thousands of people.

They were shocked.


Chen Nan's strength rose too fast.

It's unbelievably fast.


For those who came to aid Chen Nan.

Isn't that a good thing?

Chen Nan's voice resounded through the heavens and the earth: "I heard that you have reinstated the crimes of the Nine Races.

"So, with what Han Feipeng did.

"Three clans, it should be enough to destroy the Han family, right?" tens

of thousands of people on the shore were silent.

If according to the old law.

Han Feiyang committed so many crimes that he would definitely be executed.


The rest of the Han family will definitely not be affected.

But according to the new law, the three tribes can't run away.

Even if Han Feipeng is the three commanders under Mo Yuan.


The new law was proposed by the Association of Truth Cultivators.

And behind the Truth Cultivator Association stood the four gods of war.

This is the real purpose of Chen Nan's trip.

Either repeal the new law.

Or kill Han Feipeng.

This is his god of war to the four directions.

and Operation Bright Sword of the Truth Cultivators Association.

It was the first engagement!

no matter how it ended.

It is all beneficial to Chen Nan.


Many people on the shore, as well as those who were watching the live broadcast, burst into tears.

They all understood Chen Nan's thoughts at this moment.

His real purpose was not to destroy the Han family.

He used this as an entry point to counter the new law proposed by the Quartet God of War.

He wants to repeal the new law and restore the old system!

Many people have red eyes.

A thick layer of goosebumps rises on the body.

They know.

No matter where Chen Nan has been in the past two years.

As before, he cares about the world.

No matter how powerful the enemy is.

He will protect the world with his own ability.

Take the protection of the world as our own responsibility.

After all.

The new law is like a boulder pressed on the hearts of ordinary people.

Many people who are pressed can't breathe.

Because in the face of the new law.

Ordinary people have no human rights at all.

They are just tool men for the enslavement of truth cultivators.

Han Feipeng was embarrassed and angry: "Whether the Han family is guilty or not, it is naturally investigated and judged by the Truth Cultivators Association."

"What qualifications do you have above the Truth Cultivators Association?"

Chen Nan looked at the firmament and muttered, "Isn't it my duty to be a cultivator of my generation for the Heavenly Walking Dao?"

Han Feipeng squeezed his hands, and the lake water under him suddenly boiled, and countless water droplets seemed to be weightless.

Show off your wealth into the air under the shocked eyes of everyone.

Transform into a water sword.

Although it is formed by the convergence of water, it emits a powerful sword qi.

After all.

The strength of the Mahayana period powerhouses is beyond doubt.

It is the ceiling of the combat power of the True Cultivation Realm.

The heavenly sword qi surrounded Chen Nan in all directions.

Let everyone have a strong sense of oppression.

It also made Han Feipeng's fans' heartbeats faster.

In their opinion, Chen Nan was about to be pierced through his body by sword qi and turned into a hornet's nest.

And those who cared about Chen Nan all had solemn expressions.

Worried for Chen Nan.

"Die!" accompanied

by Han Feipeng's roar.

The heavenly sword qi tore through the sky and slashed towards Chen Nan at the same time in all directions.

"Hmph!" a

disdainful smile crept at the corner of his mouth.

Just a hum.

The heavenly sword qi instantly turned into water droplets and fell in the air.

It's like pouring rain.


was taken aback.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to defuse his move so easily.


Chen Nan's strength is above him.


He was unafraid, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Directly holding the long sword to kill Chen Nan.


He also knew why Chen Nan would provoke the Han family.

He wanted to oppose the new law proposed by the Truth Cultivators Association.


At all costs.

Kill him today, too.

"Die!" the

Horcrux flashed in the air.

It was like a touch of Changhong arriving in front of Chen Nan.

Chen Nan gently flicked a finger.


long sword erupted with a pleasant sword sound.

Immediately, the sword shattered.

Han Feipeng, the third commander of the Northern Realm, spat out blood under everyone's shocked eyes and flew out.

Countless people have numb scalps.

I almost didn't drop my jaw.

That was the third-ranked super powerhouse under Mo Yuan in the Northern Realm.

However, the three commanders of the Northern Territory who have made great achievements in battle.

In his hand, he even has a high-grade spirit weapon.

But who would have thought.

Such a super strong man had no power to fight back when facing Chen Nan,

and even the Essence Spirit Weapon was shattered by the other party's fingers

! The strength of the First God of War really deserves its name!

"You actually have the late Mahayana realm?" Han Feipeng's face turned sallow.

In his opinion.

Chen Nan was able to break his long sword, at least he had to have the late Mahayana realm.

Chen Nan: "Just be."

Han Feipeng stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "Even though my Han family has done something that people and gods are angry with, I, Han Feipeng, am the three commanders of the Northern Realm.

"The Self-Cultivators Association intervened, and you can't judge it."

Chen Nan: "What if I have to be judged?"

Han Feipeng subconsciously swallowed.

If Chen Nan really wanted to judge the Han family, he would not be able to resist it at all with his strength.

Without warning.

The white clouds in the air converged into a huge human face, and then an old, deep voice sounded: "Chen Nan Xiaoyou, Han Feipeng is the commander of the old immortal command, and he has made great achievements in battle."

"Although the sins committed by his people are unbearable, they should not be imposed on him. "

How about giving the old man a face and letting him die?"

Countless people are boiling.

They recognized that it was the voice of Mo Yuan, the God of War in the Northern Realm.

Chen Nan slowly looked into the air and asked politely, "Which onion are you?"

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