Mo Yuan's appearance shocked everyone.

You know, since he accepted the God of War reward.

I've always stayed in the North.

Never showed up.

Although today it is not the Buddha-figure who has come here.

But it also gave Chen Nan enough face.


After hearing Chen Nan's words.

Countless people rose up with a thick layer of goosebumps.

Although Chen Nan asked the other party in a very polite tone.


Which onion do you count?

Are you asking the other person's origin?


You almost took off your shoes and smacked Mo Yuan's face.

This is defiance of Mo Yuan's existence!

Everyone regarded Chen Nan as a madman.

He was so arrogant.

You shouldn't put a strong man of Mo Yuan's level in your eyes.

It's not hard to know.

His end was destined to be miserable.

Han Feiyang, Han Jian's father and son's eyes lit up.

Mo Yuan lowered his mind projection, which shows the importance he attaches to the Han family.

Not to mention that Chen Nan also humiliated Mo Yuan in public.

He is today.


Immortal Mo Yuan, the God of War in the Northern Realm. "

The peak powerhouse of the Mahayana period.

"Do you know the origin of the old man now?"

came the deep voice of the face in the sky formed by the gathering of white clouds.

The lake boiled again.

It was as if a dragon was rolling at the bottom of the lake.

Chen Nan plucked his ears with his little finger and said lightly: "Maybe you have the peak realm of the Mahayana period.

"But with your strength, it's not enough to call the strong in front of me." That

was like a fuse.

It ignited the anger in the hearts of countless people.

Chen Nan did do things to save all living beings.


The only people who truly feared him and regarded him as a god were the people of Wuyang City.

But Moyuan is different.

He guarded the northern realm and saved all living beings in the world.

Chen Nan repeatedly despised Mo Yuan, who is not angry?

Chen Nan really didn't lie.

Those who can make him call a strong person must at least be a strong person at the Terran Supreme level.


, with his current strength, it's hard to say.

Even the ninth-level Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Realm, the Supreme of the Terran Race, was an ant-like existence in front of him.

Mo Yuan smiled angrily: "Chen Nan Xiaoyou is really young and vigorous, and the old man likes you as a young and frivolous person, and has the style of my youth." "

He was embarrassed and found a step for himself.

Then he said, "Chen Nan Xiaoyou, Feipeng and I fought in the northern realm to kill demons, and everyone knows about this.

"His family members are using his influence to do wrong, which is something that no one wants to see."

"However, my northern realm will not favor anyone who breaks the law.

"I also hope that Chen Nan Xiaoyou will give the old man a face."

"Except for Han Feipeng, the Han family is at your disposal.

"Of course, Feipeng is not good for disciplining his family, and I will also severely punish him." "

Hear this.

Han Feiyang's father and son's faces turned green.

Is this to give up on them?

Chen Nan stepped on the void.

Every step is like stepping on an invisible step.

He walked step by step to the sky, until he looked at Mo Yuan's thought projection, and then stopped.

He doesn't like to look up and talk to people.


although he has invincible strength.

But it will not be above others.

Reverence for life is his pattern, as well as the most basic quality.

He lit a cigarette and said lightly: "Senior Mo Yuan's words please forgive Chen someone who does not dare to agree."

"Since the Truth Cultivators Association has enacted a new law.

"Then everyone has to comply." "

Only in this way can the new law win popular support."

"Unless, the new law is only used to bind mortals." "

Or is the new law useless?"

he said in a flat tone.

But the world feels the taste of determination.


Either repeal the new law.

Or abandon the car to the marshal.

Let Chen Nan kill Han Feipeng.

Mo Yuan's face was distorting.


He never expected that Chen Nan would be an enemy with him.


A voice came from a distance: "Chen Nan, General Han has made great achievements, and he can avoid death!"

"Yes, General Han's merits are all over the world, and every knife wound on his body is his glory." Even if his people violated the law, they could not impose it on him.

"The law is merciless, but we are to be merciful. "

A lot of people defend Han Feipeng.

Don't want him to die.

Chen Nan suspended quietly in the air: "In other words, the sentence that all beings are equal is just talking

?", "As long as you have merit, you can do whatever you want in the world

?", "Take the wealth of others at will

?", "Trample on the dignity of others?",

"Obliterate the lives of others?"


When did the merits that were exchanged for blood and lives become a death-free gold medal

?" An old man shouted loudly: "In the previous feudal period, meritorious achievements could become death-free gold medals, is there any problem with this?"

"But now it's all twenty-first century

!" "The world has long been peaceful!"

"You actually use the old system of the feudal period to restrain the world today

?" "Why, after eating a few days of peaceful meals, you forget the suffering and sins of your ancestors

?" "Are you not afraid that your ancestors will hear your words and push open the coffin board and come out and strangle you?" A

roar made the old man's face pale.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to scold.

This is insulting to Sven.


Chen Nan's words also resonated with a small number of people.

Facts aside.

This remark is still very powerful.

The ancestors abolished the old system in order to make the life of future generations better.


Meritorious service cannot be a death-free gold medal.

"In other words, you have to kill Han Feipeng?" Mo Yuan's voice was cold and resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "No!"

"I don't want to kill him."

"I also know that General Han is credited to the Jiangshan Society.

"But, it's not me who wants to kill him!"

"It's the rule set by the Truth Cultivators Association."

"As long as you repeal the new law, according to the previous law."

"Even if Han Feiyang did a lot of evil, he couldn't implicate Commander Han. "

Isn't it?"

he had a big smile on his face.

"The new law cannot be abolished, and Han Feipeng cannot die!" Mo Yuan's voice was thunderous.

The cultivators finally gained the recognition of the common people by resisting demons.

The Association of Truth Cultivators was finally created.

Strike while the iron is hot and change the rules.


Nan said lightly: "Sorry, this is a multiple-choice question, there are only two options." "

I don't choose any of these two options, I choose to kill you!"

Mo Yuan roared angrily.

The face formed by the white clouds in the void turned into a white long sword.

This long sword exudes worldly might.

Tear the void.

It's like an aurora.

Under everyone's hot eyes, he pierced through Chen Nan's chest.


The long sword flashed.

A red blood splattered on Chen Nan's chest.

He looked at his chest with an incredulous face, and his eyes were full of horror: "What is the situation, I couldn't resist Mo Yuan's attack?"

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