Fan Hai didn't believe his son's words at all.

Although there are many cultivators in heaven and earth.


Nor did he believe in such absurd and bizarre things.

"What's wrong, big brother?"

accompanied by a loud voice.

Fan Chi walked in.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Fan Chenglong hurriedly said, "Third Uncle, I'm dead."

"I was slapped into a blood mist by Chen Nan.

Then, he snapped his fingers and I was resurrected.

Fan Chi's face changed slightly: "Have you seen

Chen Nan?" Fan Chenglong nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I fell in love with a set of courtyards before, and Chen Nan appeared when bargaining."

"He insulted my girlfriend, and I was so angry that I wanted to teach him a lesson."


He slapped me and turned my slap into a mist of blood.

"But my soul is not extinguished."

Then Chen Nan snapped his fingers, and my physical body was restored, and my soul returned to my body.

"Third Uncle, why are you looking at me with such stupid eyes?"

"I'm not lying, what I said is true!"

"Not only that, he also said that he hoped that we would be more knowledgeable in the early morning of the day after tomorrow, so as not to force him to kill." He

said verbatim what had happened before.


Not a single person believed his words.

Instead, each showed a regretful, disappointed look.

It seems to take him for a madman.

This is difficult for Fan Chenglong to accept.

He screamed: "I'm not crazy, I'm really not crazy, what I say is true." If you don't believe it, you can search your soul and watch my memory.

Fan Chi snorted coldly: "You still dare to say that you are not crazy, don't you know that only immortals can search souls?"

Like a big powerful hand.

Directly strangled Fan Chenglong's neck.


, soul searching is a means of immortals, even if the peak powerhouse of the Mahayana period can rarely spy on the memories of others.

Fan Chi looked out the door: "Come, send Jackie Chan to the fourth hospital for treatment."

"Yes!" The

two powerhouses of the Truth Cultivator Association walked in directly, holding Fan Chenglong's arms and walking outside.

"Third Uncle, I'm really not crazy, I'm really not crazy!" Fan

Chenglong cried bitterly: "Even if you treat me as a madman, but listen to Chen Nan's words, don't be ignorant, okay?"

"Yes, his strength can destroy our Fan family, which is like probing for things."

"Really, he's not human.

"Don't be an enemy of him!"

Fan Chenglong felt desperate.

Despair like never before.

Even if the third uncle is the president of the Truth Cultivators Association.

Have Mahayana cultivation.



Third man, what happened?" After Fan Chenglong was taken away, Fan Hai couldn't help but ask.

Fan Chi: "It's nothing, my people met Chen Nan before." Chen Nan said that let our Fan family go to the mass grave in the western suburbs in the early morning after tomorrow to wear linen and wear filial piety to carry Qin Hongyu and Meng Kuo's coffin.

"If you don't, destroy my whole clan!"

A sneer appeared on his face: "I was still afraid of this matter before, but now it seems that all the worries before are overthinking." "

If Chen Nan can really destroy my Fan family, how can he intimidate Jackie Chan and say something like that just now?" Fan

Hai gritted his teeth and said: "Old third, Chen Nan made Jackie Chan a madman, you must help him take revenge!" A

strong killing intent rose in Fan Chi's heart: "Don't worry, big brother, I will definitely find an opportunity to kill Chen Nan and avenge Jackie Chan



A quaint room.

Yan Wushuang wore a black silk nightdress.

Lazy, and contented leaned in Chen Nan's arms.

There are fine beads of sweat on the forehead.

His face was flushed, like a ripe peach.

Just now.

Enough addiction.

A moment later.

Yan Wushuang slowly got up, opened the drawer, took out a bundle of hundred yuan bills and threw it at Chen Nan: "I performed well just now, this is a reward for you." Saying that, he raised an eyebrow and propped up the wall to the bathroom.


Chen Nan looked stunned.


did everyone give him money after the incident?

Jian Ning gave it.

He Shanshan gave it.

Xie Churan also gave it.

And now.

Even Yan Wushuang gave money.

Ouch groove!

With you being so generous, your feelings are treating me like a duck?

Look at the 10,000 dollars.

Chen Nan felt humiliated.

Right at this moment.

His cell phone rang.

It shows Yue Qimeng's number.

After pressing the answer button, Yue Qimeng's anxious voice came from inside: "Brother Chen, are you finished?

Chen Nan sat up and said, "Don't be nervous, what happened?" Yue

Qimeng's voice had a hint of crying: "I just went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and the scales said that they wanted to see the toys, and I didn't think much about it, so I let him go to the toy area, but after I came back, the scales disappeared."

"I looked at the surveillance, and Lian Yan followed a middle-aged woman out of the supermarket, now nowhere to be seen."

Chen Nan also realized the seriousness.

If nothing else.

The scales must have encountered human traffickers.

Don't think about it.

He unleashed the power of his soul.

And then.

Silently took it back.

"You two come back first to prepare dinner.

"If nothing else, when dinner is ready, the scales should be back." Said

and hung up the phone.

I recalled the nervousness in my heart when I just heard that the scales were taken away.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although Lian Lian has just come to live in the city.


He lived alone in the village when he was two years old.

And loneliness, darkness.

Even when you see a demon, you can kill it.

It can be seen that the IQ is superior.

Even if he meets a human trafficker

, even if the divine power in his body is sealed,

he can turn the other party's tricks around by IQ alone.


a commercial car, Lian Yan looked at the middle-aged woman beside him: "Aunt Wang, the director of our orphanage has died, and now there are more than twenty children who are homeless." "

Can you help them find a family too?" the

woman's eyes lit up.

If so.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said: "Aunt Wang is a warm-hearted person, since you want to have a home, Aunt can help you find a family."

Lian Yan sighed and said, "I believe that Aunt Wang has good intentions, but my younger brothers are very guarded, and if you tell them to find a family, they will definitely treat you as a human trafficker." The

corners of the woman's mouth twitched.

Are today's children so defensive?


woman couldn't wait to ask: "What way?"

"Isn't it a toy, Auntie completes them." The woman was full of excitement and said to the driver: "Go to the toy city to buy toys!"

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