Twenty minutes later.

The van stopped in front of a large toy store.

Then the scales rushed into the toy store eagerly.

Seeing the dazzling array of toys, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva wildly: "I want these remote-controlled cars, airplanes, and transformers."

"Little friend, don't joke, you can't afford these toys." The clerk looked disdainful.

Although the scales are ten years old.

But because of chronic malnutrition, he looks a little thin.

Especially dark skin, and rural accent.

It is clearly a rural person who has just entered the city.

How can such a person afford to buy two or three hundred, or even thousands, of toys in a store?

The scales hadn't spoken yet.

The trafficker Wang Mei was immediately angry.

She is also from the countryside.

I can empathize with the feeling of being looked down upon.

She pinched her waist with both hands and glared like a shrew: "Who do you look down on when a dog looks down on people's low things? Who do you look down on? Isn't it just a bunch of toys, what's the big deal?" "

Buy, buy all these toys that my nephew said!" The

clerk endured his anger and said: "These toys are worth more than 20,000 at home." "

More than 20,000..." The expression on Wang Mei's face changed suddenly, obviously she didn't expect these toys to be so valuable.

But he still said: "How can more than 20,000 be enough? Do you think we can't afford it? More

than 20,000 is not a small amount for her.


As the old saying goes.

I can't bear the child can't set the wolf.

If you can really make those twenty-odd children believe in themselves and go with themselves.

It's going to be a big profit!

That's it.

Wang Mei bought more than 25,000 yuan of toys for Lian Yan.

All are some high-end toys.

Thanks to a van outside, otherwise there would not have been enough to fit so many toys.

After the toys were loaded, Lian Yan and Wang Mei also rushed towards the 'orphanage'.

Wang Mei asked curiously: "Lian Yan, why are all the toys you buy for boys?

"So there were more boys in the orphanage and almost no girls."

Wang Mei didn't doubt this.


It's all boys.

Because in the market, the price of boys is much higher.

Unless you meet an extremely perverted customer, you will buy girls.


car out of the city.

I came to a dilapidated orphanage in the southern suburbs.

"This is it.

After the car stopped, the scales said: "I'll go in and call someone, you guys help unload the toys first, they must be very happy when they see it." Saying

that, he happily ran into the dimly lit room.

Wang Mei and the driver also laughed.

Start unloading the truck.

And right at this moment.

A group of police officers rushed out of the dimly lit room.

Saw the police show up.

Wang Mei and the driver's faces turned green.

After all, what they are most afraid of is the police.

Although it is not known why there are police here.


Just run.

But they can't wait to escape.

More than a dozen police officers appeared behind him.

Wang Mei and the driver were directly pressed to the ground and handcuffed.

"Why arrest us?" Wang

Mei was pressed to the ground, her head raised, her eyes full of anger.

The policeman led by Yu Zhen looked indifferent: "You are suspected of child abduction, why do you say you were arrested?" Wang

Mei protested loudly: "Who said that I was suspected of child abduction?

"Police Shu Huang, she just wants to kidnap me." Lian

Yan followed Chen Nan out: "When I was looking at toys in the supermarket, she found me and said that she wanted to find me a parent so that I could have a happy family." He

followed Yue Qimeng, when Yue Qiluo's twins went to the supermarket.

Once told the two about his life.

And then.

Wang Mei is not far away.

They must have eavesdropped on their conversation.


He didn't panic at all.

Because he knew Chen Nan's strength.

Even if it's lost.

He can also find himself.


Chen Nan sent him a soul message.

Step by step, he guided the scales, and finally brought Wang Mei and the two to this orphanage.


I'm indeed from the countryside."


ignore my IQ because I'm from the countryside?"

Although no one liked him in Qingshan Ravine.

Think of him as a lone star.

But no one took him for a fool.

But I didn't think about it.

When I came to Kyoto, I was taken for a fool.

The young man beside Yu Zhen checked the wanted warrant on the Internet and became extremely excited: "Boss, you can confirm the identity, she is Aunt Mei, who is being wanted." Everyone

was boiling.

Aunt Mei is an existence that countless families hate.

Too many children were abducted by Aunt May and then sold.

It's just that.

Aunt May is rumored to have been active in the south.

Who would have thought.


Zhen shouted angrily: "Torture them away!"

Many trafficked children can be saved.

"Comrade police, I called the police, this child is a fraudster. When she got into the police car, Wang Mei struggled violently, and her eyes were full of hatred when she looked at Lian Yan.

"She made me spend more than 20,000 yuan to buy so many toys, saying it was for his brothers, but it turned out that he had no brothers, he was a fraud!"

She has dealt with so many children, which one is not played by her.

But today.

But he was tricked by a child

! Pitted by him!

All the policemen were dumbfounded.

Is this something that a ten-year-old child can do

? Lian Yan looked embarrassed: "Did I force you to buy it?

I didn't know what to say.


Those toys are what you want to buy.

After that, Wang Mei was taken away.

Yu Zhen also looked at Chen Nan and Lian Yan: "Brother Chen, Aunt Mei was arrested and you two should be credited, so what, I will go back to the bureau to interrogate Wang Mei first, and I will inform you as soon as there is any progress."

Lian Yan's face was full of nervousness, and he couldn't help but ask: "What about these toys?"

Now I have so many toys that I like to my heart.

There is also a fear of confiscation.

Yu Zhen smiled and said, "These toys should be a reward for you for luring human traffickers and successfully arresting them!"

After that, Yu Zhen and others left.

Chen Nan also received those toys into the storage space, and then weighed them when he returned to Yan Wushuang.

Chen Nan walked towards a red Ferrari, and at the same time said to the scale: "You did well this time, but remember, don't lie to people in the future."

Lian Yan asked rhetorically: "Is Wang Mei a person?"

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