

It must be a coincidence.

Even if Chen Nan could compete with Mo Yuan, it would definitely be impossible to control the heavenly thunder.

Unless he's fairy!

How could he be a fairy?

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

a plump woman in a silk nightgown ran to the balcony in a panic.

Fan Chi didn't stop it.

He wants to verify it.

Will the heavenly thunder fall on his younger siblings.

If it really falls, then this matter is not a coincidence.

He doesn't need to take it to heart either.


He really didn't know what to do.

Without warning.

Another bolt of lightning fell on the beautiful woman.

She let out a scream.

The clothes on his body instantly turned into flying ash.

Covered in charred black.

Lost breathing.

This moment.

Fan Chi's expression was extremely solemn, and he whispered: "Everyone hide in the room and don't come out!"

This is definitely no coincidence.

It wasn't just him who panicked and upset.

Even the strong people who were guarding around had a sense of foreboding.

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon.

Today it is beyond their awareness.

The clansmen of the Fan family were all frightened and looked earthy, nervously hiding under the bed in the room.


In the closet.

For fear of being killed by lightning.


Fan Chi made an icy voice.


This time he was extremely well prepared, bringing eight peak powerhouses of the Tribulation Period.

Eight people can work together to form a large defensive formation.

In a flash.

A white glow shrouded the entire Fan family.

And the next second.

With a white lightning bolt landing.

The formation disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The eight peak powerhouses of the Tribulation Period were even countered.


"How can it be so terrifying?"

Fan Chi looked at the sky in horror.

The moon is sparse and starry.

There is clearly not a single dark cloud.

But there was such a terrifying heavenly thunder.

Although he didn't want to admit that all this was Chen Nan's means.

But he had a strong premonition.

All this is inseparable from Chen Nan.

He must have a powerful magic weapon.

"Go, follow me to the mass grave in the west of the city!" Fan Chi spoke, leading more than a hundred strong men under his command to take off into the air, and it only took a few breaths to reach the mass grave in the west of the city.

Chen Nan: "I'm sorry, I'm very dissatisfied with your performance.

"Are you in control of the Heavenly Thunder?" Fan Chi's eyes were cold.

Although Chen Nan showed great strength.


He didn't think Chen Nan dared to kill him.

Otherwise, it is the enemy of the cultivators in the world.


He also summoned three other presidents when he arrived.

As long as they come.

With the ability of four people, he can completely fight with Chen Nan.

Chen Nan did not answer his words, quietly looking at Qin Hongyu and Mengguo's grave: "I once asked Fan Chenglong to bring you a word.

"If you Fan family members come here obediently today, I will let them die."

"Speaking of which, they are also innocent.


You didn't take my words to heart!" Fan

Chi snorted coldly: "Chen Nan, you are just a deserter from the old times, that's all."

"Do you think you can execute us for life and death?"


listen to the sound of breaking wind.

Three middle-aged men with extraordinary appearance and imposing momentum appeared in the mass grave.

Behind them each carried more than a hundred masters.

Together with the people brought by Fan Chi, there were almost more than five hundred people.

The weakest ones have reached the merging period.

Chen Nan: "It is undeniable that great changes have really taken place in the past two years.

"But, Xianfan is different.

"Although a true cultivator is not an immortal, he should not be attached to red dust.

"You shouldn't do evil in the world!"

He paused: "Thinking that there is a good life in heaven, as long as you return to your own little world, I can let you have a life."

A middle-aged man named Yan Lang snorted coldly: "Chen Nan, you are too arrogant. "

He is Mo Yuan's apprentice.

It has six layers of cultivation during the Mahayana period.

"Yes, you think you can dominate our lives, do you really think that the world is invincible?" a middle-aged man with sword-eyed stars had a disdainful smile on his face.

His name is Hao Ren.

From the East China Sea God of War.

It also has the six-level cultivation of the Mahayana period.

"Chen Nan, you are guilty of killing the relatives of the president of the Truth Cultivators Association!" The fourth president of the Truth Cultivators Association was named Dai Yan, the son of the Barbarian God of War.

The four presidents of the Truth Cultivators Association gathered.

Li Mu's eyes showed astonishing killing intent: "Chen Nan, the four of them have done that kind of thing to Hong Yu!" Dai

Yan looked at the grave and said with a smile: "Not bad, this woman is very moist."

Hao Ren also smiled: "Although she begged for mercy in front of the four of us, we can feel that she is

very cool," "It's not only very cool, it's clear that she is cool." Yan Lang looked regretful: "It's all to blame on us, if she didn't die of happiness, we could have played a few more times." "


Heavenly anger rushed straight into the sky.

A terrifying killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Let the night sky twist.

The wind blows in the air.


four powerhouses of the Truth Cultivator Association all gasped.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan could actually trigger the power of heaven and earth.

This is a means that only the peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period have!

"Summon the God of War behind you, let them roll to die!"

Chen Nan spat out thunder, causing the eardrums of more than five hundred strong people to tingle, and the blood and qi in the body boiled.

"Forget it.

"Let me say hello to them." "

Next second.

His voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, the deepest soul of all Truth Cultivators.

"Mo Yuan, Su Zhibai, Feng Ye, Dai Wei.

"I'm Chen Nan.

"If you don't want the Truth Cultivators Association to collapse, then come to the mass grave in the western suburbs of Kyoto

!" "You guys, only have ten minutes!"


I will uproot the Truth Cultivators Association!" All the cultivators

in heaven and earth woke up in their sleep and cultivation.

Chen Nan actually declared war on the four gods of war?


A peerless powerhouse with the peak realm of the Mahayana period.

Chen Nan alone declared war on the four gods of war at the same time, and

also threatened to destroy the entire Truth Cultivator Association?

Countless Truth Cultivators had chills down their spine.

They realized one thing.

The sky is falling!


There are also a small number of rational people who feel unprecedented panic and unease.

"Chen Nan is in Kyoto?"

"But we are in southern Xinjiang." "

Why can Chen Nan's soul transmission cover the entire country?"

The four war gods also heard Chen Nan's soul transmission.

Deep fear gripped them.

Even if they are the peak powerhouses of the Mahayana period.


Nan's means shocked the gods of war high in the four directions.

They are also aware.

The era that belonged to Chen Nan did not become a thing of the past, on the contrary, it was the beginning of a new era!

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