The four gods of war were uneasy.

Realize that Chen Nan is a steel plate that cannot be kicked.

As for showing up...

They simply do not have this guts.

Chen Nan's soul can cover the entire country, and this kind of person's means are not something they can compete with.

The only way is to avoid fighting.

As for the Truth Cultivators Association.

Even if they are removed, it is a good thing for them.

Chen Nanzhen wanted to remove the Truth Cultivators Association.

It is bound to anger the cultivators of the world and become a thorn in the side of all cultivators.


mass graves in the western suburbs.

Chen Nan said, "Before the four gods of war appear, let's solve your Fan family first!"

He snapped his fingers.

The crisp sound echoed in the night.

Next second.

Fan Chi was shocked to see it.

A familiar figure in the east is flying quickly.

That was his relatives.

"Who are you?"

Fan Chi slumped to the ground in fright.

A snap of his fingers can control his relatives flying tens of miles away, and the cultivator has this means?


?" "Why don't you listen to me?" There

was a heart-rending scream in the air.

It's Fan Chenglong.

He also flew in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"I have long said that Chen Nan is not a person, and it will definitely be better to live than die if he is an enemy.

"Fan Chi, you are a sinner of our Fan family.

Fan Chenglong howled.

The worst fears happened.

Chen Nan looked at Qin Hongyu and Mengguo's grave, his voice was low, and his eyes were full of anger: "They have all contributed their youth to this country, and they sacrifice their ego just so that the lights of ten thousand families will not be extinguished."

"But you, for your own selfish desires, not only brutally killed them.

"They even humiliated and killed them in the wilderness."

"Where is the heavenly reason if I don't kill you?" "

Where is justice?"

"Retribution will come sooner or later!"

his voice fell.

A fresh breeze blows in the distance.

That breeze blew on the Fan family.

In an instant

, everyone in the Fan family was like sand, disappearing with the wind in Fan Chi's eyes!

"Immortal, are you an immortal?"

Chen Nan did not show many means.

But each is hard to accept.

Everyone else's eyes widened as well.

There is a feeling of being alive.

"Three clans, right?"

"I do what you want.

Chen Nan leaned into the void with one palm.

The next moment.

Void tremor.

There were screams in the nine days.


The other three presidents of the Truth Cultivator Association were shocked to see it.

Their loved ones fell above the nine days.

It made them chill all over.

To know.

Their loved ones all live in small worlds.

Chen Nan can catch their relatives here with a single grab, do the immortals have this means?"

"Sister Yu, fat brother."

"Huangquan Road is full of darkness.

"Let them use their lives to illuminate the darkness on the Huangquan Road for you!"

"This is the last thing my brother will do for you in this life."

Chen Nan's eyes froze.

A stream of blood mist bloomed in the air.

It's like fireworks.

It looks dazzling under the starlight.


Dai Yan and the others realized Chen Nan's horror and flew in all directions.

If you don't run, you can't do it.

With their strength, they couldn't fight Chen Nan at all.

Staying here will be erased by Chen Nan.

Chen Nan stood there quietly, staring at Qin Hongyu's grave, with a gentle smile on his face.

He thought of the woman in the red cheongsam dress.

"You said it wasn't bright enough?" "

Brother knows how to do it!" "


! Poof!

Poof, more

than five hundred powerhouses above the realm of the Convergence Stage exploded in the air one after another!

Chen Nan can do whatever he wants on Earth.

Mo said cultivators above the merging period.

Even at the peak of the Mahayana period.

In his eyes, he also looks like an ant.

Chen Nan looked at Qin Hongyu and Mengguo's tomb.

I couldn't help but think back to the past: "When we first met, you were afraid that I would lose my mind and endanger the world.

"It turns out that I've stayed true to my heart.

"On the contrary, many cultivators have lost their hearts and have bullied others in the mundane world.

"In that case, let the world restore peace." "

Speaking of which.

He took a deep breath.

Then slowly closed his eyes.


The cultivators on Earth were all horrified to discover.

Enveloped by a mysterious, unknown energy, it flew into the air.

No matter how they struggled, they were indifferent.

And then.

Except for the four gods of war, the people who guard the four directions.

The remaining millions of Truth Cultivators flew in all directions in the direction of Small World Eighteen.

Since it is impossible to dismantle the influence of the Truth Cultivator Association in a short period of time.

Why not solve this matter at the root

? Wouldn't it be once and for all to lock those cultivators into the eighteenth small world?

The problems raised will not be solved.

Isn't it enough to solve the problem of the people who ask the problem?

Small world eighteen has collapsed.

But it still exists.

And before they entered, Chen Nan had already restored the eighteenth small world.

Do this.

Chen Nan also felt a long-lost sense of weakness.

At the same time, controlling millions of people to enter the small world is also a big consumption for him.


It's just a little weak.

Sleep to recover.


He joined forces with Li Mu.

Qin Hongyu and Meng Guo were buried in the cemetery.

Do this.

It's almost dawn.

The two of them left the cemetery.

Back to Kyoto.

Randomly looking for a roadside breakfast stall, Chen Nan ordered some xiaolongbao and fritters, which was a taste he missed very much in the immortal world.

While eating, Chen Nan said, "It's time to take off the brand of the Truth Cultivator Association."

"I contacted the media yesterday and will go to the Truth Cultivators Association today to take off that sign." Li Mu couldn't contain his excitement.

He knows.

What does taking off the brand of the Truth Cultivators Association mean to the common people.

It means that the cultivators will be completely away from the sight of the common people.

Order will also be restored to two years ago.


"In my name, make a covenant with the Quartet God of War. Chen Nan gulped down the fritters: "The time is set in a week!" Li

Mu looked up at him: "A week later is the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"I know. Chen Nan said, "The four presidents of the Truth Cultivator Association are all apprentices or close relatives of the Four Directions God of War. Now the people of the Truth Cultivator Association are dead, caught and caught, and they are not allowed to go to the netherworld to reunite?"

Li Mu's expression was complicated: "Although you have solved the Truth Cultivator Association, the influence of the four gods of war in the people is extremely large, and you can kill them without knowing it."

"But if you kill them publicly, you won't be afraid of arousing public opinion?" Chen

Nan showed a sneer on his face: "Do you think they will really duel me head-on?"

Then return to their respective little worlds with their men.

"In this way, I am the target of public criticism.

"After all, it was my persecution that made them resign from the position of God of War.

"Under normal circumstances, if no one can take their place, the people will definitely hate me to the bone."

"But if I could, I could hold the four sides."

"Do you think the common people hate me, or the people who abandoned them?"

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