
Chen Nan believes that he is absolutely unambiguous in the major issues of right and wrong.

As long as the country and the people need him.

Even if you pay with your life, you will not hesitate.

But he also has a flaw.

Too fancy, too scum.

Has a strong sense of possessiveness.

Especially when I see a woman I like, I will come and not refuse to take control of all my subordinates.

I didn't feel anything before I left the earth, anyway, those confidantes didn't live together.

Even if they meet, they will not be like wolves.

He was still able to deal with it calmly.

But this time back to Earth, he found.

Things seem to be a little different.

Paste after meeting, which has become a fixed process for all confidants.

There is a saying.

After coming back, he has been sticking, even if he is comparable to the existence of the Immortal Emperor, he is a little unbearable.

After all.

He did not practice acorticism.

In that regard, there is not much difference from ordinary people.

After the fact.

Xu Qianxin had a hint of trilling in his tone: "Husband, can you do me a favor?"

"I feel like my aunt is looking for a boyfriend, and I want you to help me find it."

Chen Nan's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but say, "Inquiring into other people's privacy, this kind of thing is too immoral, right?"

Xu was stunned.

Then he nodded, feeling that what Chen Nan said also made some sense.

She frowned and said, "Actually, everyone in the family hopes that my aunt will find a boyfriend, even if she doesn't want children, but she will have a companion when she is old."

"After getting sick, there is also a person who serves tea and water by the bedside."

"But do you feel that between lovers, it is a very excessive thing to let a woman buy Duss?"

"I feel that the boyfriend my aunt is looking for is very unreliable."

Chen Nan suddenly didn't know how to answer.

He said he didn't need such a thing.

But who would have thought that the promise would buy that kind of thing?

"It's about time, go, go downstairs to eat." Chen Nan diverted the topic.

Xu Qianxin said weakly: "I'll slow down first, you go down first." He said and pulled open the drawer and found a few hundred dollars of pocket money: "Dam, take the candy and eat it." "

She lives here a lot, and she still has her money in her bedside table.

Chen Nan's face turned green: "Lying groove, what do you mean?" Humiliating people, huh?

The corners of Xu Qianxin's mouth rose: "It is obviously a reward for you, how can it be considered humiliating?"

"Okay, you wait."

Chen Nan was angry.

In addition to promises.

Everyone would give him a red envelope.

Said as a reward for him.


This is what they negotiated.

Otherwise it won't.

Chen Nan had already thought about it.

Bring everyone together when you have time.

Give them a spell.

And then...


Give them back all the shame of today.

Let them know what will happen to them as enemies.

Huffed and came downstairs.

A lot of hearty dishes are already on the table.

"Tired, huh?"

"I'll eat more abalone and sea cucumber later to replenish my body." A shallow smile spread across Xuan's face.

Chen Nan gave her a roll of the eyes: "Do I need to make up for it?" Promise

: "Okay, okay, count you good, right?"


Chen Nan was speechless.

Count me bad?

Isn't that true?



Kunlun Mountain.

With the sound of thunder.

I saw the sky twisted.

Immediately, a strong man from the immortal world crossed the border.

There were only a dozen people.

But there is a powerful aura in everyone.

There is also a trace of electric light flashing on the body.

They were attacked as they crossed the void.

Fortunately, they hid their cultivation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have come here at all.

In the end, more than a dozen people landed on a vast snowy mountain.

See that it is your ancestors.

Mo Yuan was extremely excited, leading the descendants of the Mo family to crawl on the ground, and shouted reverently: "Junior Mo Yuan, meet all the seniors."

Mo Ran nodded quietly and said, "Let me introduce you, this is a Yuanyan senior next to me, a seventh-level immortal emperor.

Mo Yuan gasped.

Although he was a true cultivator, he also knew that the strongest realm was a ninth-level immortal emperor.

Which Cheng thought.

In the mortal world, he saw a seventh-level immortal emperor.

"Junior meets Lord Immortal Emperor!" Mo Ran hurriedly saluted.

Yuan Yan snorted quietly: "I heard Ink Dye say that there is a rune in your small world?" This emperor came to the lower realm this time for the rune. "

It was exactly what I expected.

These big people really came for the runes.

Don't think about it.

A golden-red rune appeared in Mo Yuan's hand.

This rune came out.

The void trembled slightly.

Exuding a surging divine power.

"It's it!"

"Indeed it is!"

Yuan Yan's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect to get the rune so easily.

He had also heard others say it.

If you get a rune, you will get the opportunity for holiness.

That's why it crossed the border.

I thought it would be troublesome to get the runes.

But he didn't expect that as soon as it came, the descendants of the Mo family contributed the runes.

"Although this emperor came for the runes."

"But it's not easy to come to the mortal world."

"Just rest here for a few days and feel the customs and customs here!" Yuan Yan was in a good mood, and in an instant, his soul power covered the entire world.

Looking to the east, he said, "I can feel that there is a city in the east that is very prosperous.

Mo Yuan hurriedly said, "That's Kyoto, the most prosperous place in the world. Yuan

Yan nodded slightly: "Just go there and rest for a few days, oh, I heard, you met a difficult opponent?" Is he strong? "

Take people's hands short, since you received people's runes.

Can't help others?

In terms of human affection, Yuanyan still knows how to do it.

Mo Yuan replied respectfully: "Back to the senior, that person is called Chen Nan, and I don't know what kind of cultivation is the junior. However, Chen Nan is now in Kyoto.

Yuan Yan said lightly: "Then go to Kyoto to meet this guy named Chen Nan for a while!" "

Mo Yuan is overjoyed.

This is a seventh-level immortal emperor!

Even if you look at the fairy world.

That's also a rare master.

With this kind of master, how could Chen Nan survive?

Could it be that he could crush the seventh-level Immortal Emperor?

Just as Yuan Yan was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a chill down my spine.

Instinct told him that there was a powerful being here.

Even if he is a seventh-level immortal emperor.

Definitely not that one's opponent.

He looked at the distant peaks.

Although hundreds of miles apart.

But he clearly saw a dragon mastiff like a male lion with burgundy hair.

There is also a young dragon mastiff beside it.

Feel the look in the dragon mastiff's eyes.

Yuan Yan had a feeling of being targeted by death, and quickly withdrew his gaze: "Go, quickly leave this place!" Everyone

else was terrified.

I don't know why Yuan Yan is so uneasy.

Above the peaks in the distance.

Chen Nan's mastiff sister looked at her father beside her and couldn't help but say, "Father, are they trying to kill Chen Nan?"

That ninth-level Demon Emperor Dragon Mastiff's eyes flashed with regret: "Since you have already obtained the rune, why should you stay in the world?" Why provoke that person?

"That's the Lord of the Immortal Realm, even the Human Emperor was killed by him, how could the seventh-level Immortal Emperor hurt him?"

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