"Father, is that guy really that powerful?" Sister Mastiff asked curiously.

To put it bluntly.

Chen Nan is what it looks at rising.

The two are true friends of life and death.

"That guy has a great creation and is a true child of destiny."

"It's a pity... These people can obviously obtain creation and stay away from here.

"Now I am afraid that I will kill myself."


"Senior Yuanyan, what is there in Kunlun Mountain, why did you leave so quickly just now?"


Mo Ran looked at Yuan Yan.

Yuan Yan's face turned sallow, and he said in a low voice: "I feel a powerful aura, if I guessed correctly, there is a ninth-level demon emperor in Kunlun Mountain." "


A simple word.

It's like a thunderbolt.

It made Mo Yuan and the others' scalps numb.

Their little world is deep in the Kunlun Mountains.

If Kunlun Mountain had a ninth-level demon emperor.

It will be a huge threat to them.

Looking back at the ink dye, his brows furrowed: "How can there be such a powerful existence in the world?" Yuan

Yan recovered his mood: "The earth is the land of origin, it is not surprising that there are some great horrors, as long as we don't provoke it, it should not come to us for trouble."

Mo Ran nodded slightly: "Kunlun Mountain, also known as Kunlun Market, has a pivotal position in the land of origin, and it is indeed not surprising that a powerful demon emperor appears there.

"However, it is also limited to Kunlun Mountain."

"After going to the world, Yuanyan seniors are still invincible existences."

"Not necessarily!"

An intriguing smile spread across Yuanyan's face.

He felt three other powerful auras descending on the Kunlun Mountain behind him.

This is not surprising either.

After all, there are many people who know the news of the rune.

They all want to cross the border to get one.

After all, there are rumors that if you get a rune, you are expected to become a saint.

Who doesn't want to be sanctified?

A moment later.

Su Zhibai.

Feng Ye.

Dai Song.

The three gods of war rushed over with the ancestors of their clan.

Because there has been an intersection in the immortal world before.

The four seventh-level immortal emperors did not feel strange.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of meeting the old people in another country, and the two tears are in their eyes.

That's it.

The powerhouses of the four forces flew towards Kyoto.

En route.

Yuan Yan frowned: "The era of the last law has long ended, and now that the aura has been revived, why didn't you feel the breath of a true cultivator in the world?" The

other three seventh-level Immortal Emperors were also full of doubt.

Mo Yuan replied respectfully: "Back to the elders, there are millions of truth cultivators in the world, and we have also established a truth cultivator association.

"If nothing else, the era of cultivation is about to usher in."


"Because of Chen Nan's appearance, he killed the people of the Truth Cultivator Association."

"And overnight, millions of Truth Cultivators were locked up in the eighteenth small world."

"Arrested millions of Truth Cultivators overnight and locked up in the eighteenth small world?" A middle-aged man named Gong Hanzi showed a playful smile: "Did you overestimate Chen Nan?"

"Mo said he was just a truth cultivator."

"Even if he is a ninth-level immortal emperor, it is impossible to lock millions of Truth Cultivators somewhere overnight."

"Even if he is a Terran Supreme, he definitely does not have this ability."

The four gods of war were all surprised.

Feng Ye couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it Chen Nan's means?"

Yuan Yan said, "You think of him too strongly, a young man, it is impossible to have such means." If nothing else, it should be the rules of Heaven's Dao that made a move. "

Speaking of which.

He looked into the sky.

Be in awe of this day.

Another seventh-level Immortal Emperor Shoulong spoke: "I seem to understand why we can come to the Land of Origin.

"The rules of the Heavenly Dao of this heaven and earth do not like that there are cultivators in the secular world, so they have transferred the cultivators in the secular world to the eighteenth small world."

"Then, the rules of the Heavenly Dao became much weaker."

Yuan Yan nodded slightly: "This is reasonable, although I was opposed by the rules of the Heavenly Dao when I came before, it was not violent on the whole.

"I was still wondering about this before, it is said that the Origin Land has been revived, and the rules of the Heavenly Dao will also be extremely powerful. It will never allow me to wait for the Nether Realm easily, and now it seems that the source of this matter is still in the matter of transferring the worldly cultivators.

Another seventh-level Immortal Emperor, Ji Wu, spoke: "According to what you said, this Chen Nan should be an ambitious person.

"In that case, the emperor wrote a decree for him to come and meet us."

Speaking of which.

He uses the void as paper.

Using his hand as a pen, he wrote a decree.

Then an empty finger.

The decree quickly disappeared in the East.

He could feel that Kyoto had a not weak breath.

You don't have to think about it.

It must be Chen Nan, no doubt.

"Senior, what is the purpose of the law?" Feng Ye asked curiously.

Ji Wu smiled: "It's just some small means."

"It's not so much a decree as a talisman."

"If Chen Nan takes the decree, then he will still live."

"On the contrary."

"If you refuse, you will be killed on the spot by the law."

Everyone rejoiced.

They very much hoped that Chen Nan would refuse to accept the decree.

But think about it.

Gotta take it.

If you don't accept the law, how do you know that we have invited such a great helper?

Seventh-level Immortal Emperor!

And it's still four.

Say nothing else.

They can erase Chen Nan with just one look, right?


Ji Wu's voice sounded: "It's kind of interesting, that little guy named Chen Nan really took my decree." The

four of Mo Yuan were excited.

Chen Nan has been high-profile since he returned two years after he disappeared.

First, the Jeju Han family was destroyed, thereby weakening the influence of the Truth Cultivators Association.

Last night was even more murderous.

Even let the Truth Cultivators Association change its name to Daoyuan.

Not only that, but he also sent someone to take over the Sifang Demon Domain.

A high-profile mess.


He's going to cool off soon!


If he does not accept that law, he will die, and if he accepts it, he will die!

Gong Hanzi's voice sounded: "I heard that the food in the mortal world is good, let's try it first, and wait for Chen Nan to appear by the way." "



Promised villa.

After dinner, the three of them were watching a movie in the video room.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared.

Let Xu Qing and Xu be confused.

Because they could feel that golden light was powerful.

It's like it can make people's souls fly.

Xu Qianxin couldn't help but ask, "What is the situation?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Aunt, you don't need to cook dinner, someone treats you to eat." "

The movie ended just as it happened.

"You two go change your clothes and take you both out to eat." Chen Nan had a shallow smile on his face, but a strong killing intent rose in his heart.

It's over to get the rune and go back to the immortal world, and now you want to come to my trouble?


Just let the master meet you ants for a while!

Look at who is tougher between us!

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