Chen Nan was sent back to the hotel.

Then Xu began exploitation and oppression.

She wants to enjoy every day, every hour alone with Chen Nan.

Even every minute.

Of course.

She didn't treat Chen Nan badly.


It was something she hadn't done before.

It made Chen Nan extremely excited.

Thanks to him, he has no money.

Otherwise, he would definitely send a red envelope to Xu Qianxin.


at the same time.

The news of the publication of Monet's work "End Sunset" was also fueled by Li Mu, which completely detonated the upper class society in the Western world.

As one of the top ten modern artists in the West.

As the founder of Impressionism.

Monet's works were very popular in the Western world.

It is comparable to Zhang Daqian's status in the Eastern world.

'Impression Sunrise' is one of Monet's famous works and masterpieces.

Now there is the 'end of the sunset', which is an affirmation of his life's work.

Everyone was excited.

If they wanted to see the painting with their own eyes, some people even expressed their willingness to buy it at a high price.

For these.

Chen Nan was unaware.

I'm busy making money...

Although you can make a lot of money after selling 'End Sunset'.

But he is now penniless.

And he doesn't know how long he's going to stay in the West.

Although he is Oriental.

But there are also a lot of interesting things in the Western world.

It's hard to come out, can't you bring some gifts back to your parents, daughters, and confidantes?


Where does the money for gifts go?

Can't you fancy something that really makes Xu pay for it, right?

If that's the case, what's the difference between being a little white face???

As the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Can Chen Nan be a little white face?

O man!

You'll have to fend for yourself!

Earn money by giving, so that you can spend it with peace of mind!


seven o'clock the next night.

Men sent by Murhard rang the doorbell.

Chen Nan and Xu Qianxin were already ready.

Chen Nan was wearing a slim suit, while Xu Qianxin was wearing a black evening dress, revealing a slender snow-white swan neck and that Miaoman's figure.

The gesture exudes the classical, elegant temperament of oriental women.

Even Chen Nan was thrilled when he saw it.

Because in front of him, Xu Qianxin rarely dressed up like this.


an hour later.

Chen Nan and Xu fell in love to a large, imposing manor outside New York City.

Entering the manor, the car traveled at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour for another ten minutes.

Then a huge ancient castle appeared in Chen Nan's eyes.

The castle has six floors and looks magnificent.

And there are many real bodyguards around the castle.

They stood by and guarded the safety of the castle.

Xu Qianxin couldn't calm down in his heart.

This manor is too big to think about in China.

On the contrary, Chen Nan acted very indifferently.

The entire immortal world is his territory, has he ever been proud?

After getting off the car, Murhad, who was dressed in a dress, took the initiative to greet him and took Chen Nan and Xu into the interior of the castle.

He had an invitation from Rockefeller Claude.

And each invitation allows five people to enter.

After entering the ancient castle, everyone took the elevator to a depth of more than ten meters.

As a resplendent hall appeared in front of everyone, the glass cases inside contained hundreds of antique collections, from porcelain from the Eastern world to treasures from the Western world.

"Mr. Chen, I hope you can help palm the eyes later." Mulhard said with a smile.

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but ask: "Are these things also sold to the outside world?" "

He knows.

Mulhard invited himself to the fair with a purpose.


The little things that raised his hand, he didn't mind fulfilling the other party.

Mulhard replied: "Although Rockefeller Claude is the largest collector in country M, this exhibition will also sell collections.

"Okay, I'll look around first, if you have something you like, you can tell me and I'll help you see." Chen Nan said and walked around with Xu.


In the corner, he found Liang Zhouding, who made his heart long.

Above the black square ding, there is an aura of antiquity and desolation.

It stands there quietly.

It gives a feeling of loneliness, desolation.

Chen Nan burst into tears.

This is the supreme artifact in the mythology of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Now he is living abroad, mingling with some things in the Western world.

Think of this.

He had a feeling of holding back.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to bring you back to Daxia and reunite you with your brother." Chen Nan clenched his fists, and then looked at Xu Qianxin: "How much money do you have there?"

Xu Qianxin said, "I only have five billion Great Xia coins.

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

At today's exchange rate, five billion Great Xia Dynasty coins can be exchanged for more than 700 million US dollars.


It is very unrealistic to want to use this money to buy this Liangzhou Ding.

"Mr. Claude is here!"


There was an exclamation from inside the hall.

Chen Nan looked at the entrance of the elevator.

I saw an old man in his fifties with a hint of sickness on his face wearing a tuxedo and walking in with a crutch.

Behind him were four strong men.

He was a member of the Rockefeller family.

He is the sixth oldest in the Rockefeller family.

After Claude appeared, he immediately became the most beautiful boy in the audience, and everyone went to greet him.

Murhard also took Chen Nan to greet Claude, and said respectfully: "Mr. Claude, this is my new friend."

"His name is Chen Nan, and he comes from the mysterious Eastern world."

"Moreover, it was he who discovered Monet's work of his later years, 'The end, the sunset.'" The

words came out.

Many people cast surprised glances at Chen Nan.

Unexpectedly, the end and sunset were in his hands.


Many people are moved.

He intends to contact Chen Nan and buy the 'End Sunset' in his hands as much as possible.

Although many people showed disdain when they first saw Chen Nan, they did not like to deal with Orientals.

But who would have a crush on money?

A look of surprise also appeared in Claude's eyes, and then he stretched out his hand and shook Chen Nan simply: "Mr. Chen's young age but his ability to read pearls is really impressive."

"I wonder when the old man will be able to admire Master Monet's harvesting work?"

Monet was one of his favorite painters.

He has many works by Monet in his hands alone.

If you're lucky enough to get it, it's something to celebrate.

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Since Mr. Claude likes Master Monet's harvesting works, Mo said that he appreciates it, even if he gives it to you, there is nothing wrong with it." "

Oh, there is such a good thing?" Claude smiled: "If the old man didn't guess wrong, you should have conditions, right?"

Chen Nan looked at the lonely, desolate Liang Zhou Ding in the corner and said, "I want that Fang Ding!" "

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