Claude was full of apologies: "Oh dear Mr. Chen, allow me to say sorry, I can't give you that Fang Ding!"


"In order to show my sincerity, you can choose any three of the treasures present."

Exchanging Monet's authentic work for three treasures is a sure profit for Chen Nan.

But Chen Nan is not short of money.

What he really wanted was the Liang Zhou Ding.

"Mr. Claude, you also know that that Fang Ding originated from the Eastern civilization and is the treasure of our national mythology." Chen Nan said, "I hope you can let it return to the East, of course, you can mention any conditions."

"Anything within my means, I can help you do it."

A flash of disdain flashed in Claude's eyes, and he said, "The conditions I put forward, you really can't possibly fulfill." He said and walked to the side.

Although Chen Nan has the true work of Monet.

But not enough to pinch him.

Chen Nan was unwilling: "I can cure your disease."

Claude paused and looked back at him: "Are you sure?"

Chen Nan shrugged: "I am a doctor, and based on your appearance, I can tell that you have a serious blood disease." If nothing else, you'll need blood transfusions every day to stay alive.

Claude suddenly said, "Your name is Chen Nan?


Claude: "That Chen Nan in the Eastern World with unparalleled medical skills?

Chen Nan: "I never care what people think of me. "

Say it all.

But he didn't expect his reputation to be so loud in the Western world.

Claude laughed: "Perhaps, we can go upstairs and have a chat." "

Please!" Chen Nan made an inviting gesture, and then looked at Xu Qianxin: "You wait here for me for a while first."


Then Chen Nan followed Claude to a huge bedroom in the castle.

There are some medical facilities in the bedrooms.

Several maids were cleaning the room.

He also saw disposable injections in the trash.

All indications are that what Chen Nan said is correct.

Claude was to stay alive through blood transfusions.

After Claude lay on the bed, Chen Nan diagnosed his pulse and seriously felt his pulse.


Claude was in good health, with a steady pulse and no illness.


Will someone who is not sick need blood transfusions to stay alive?

Claude smiled and said, "You may not be able to cure my disease, but I also want to try the magical medical techniques of the ancient country of the East."

Chen Nan also smiled: "It is undeniable that you are the most difficult patient I have ever encountered. However, I can definitely find the answer I want in you. Saying

that, he silently closed his eyes and seriously felt Claude's pulse.

Even in the Western world he is mortal.

But he is the Lord of the Immortal Realm after all.

The perception is obviously different from ordinary people.

Time passes slowly.

After almost ten minutes, Chen Nan opened his eyes.

Claude asked, "Have you ever found the answer you wanted?"

Chen Nan's expression was slightly tangled.

He took out a cigarette and wanted to light it.

Only then did I remember that this was Claude's bedroom, and the other party was also an old man.

It is rude to smoke in an old man's room.

Just as he was about to put away his cigarette.

Claude's voice rang out: "You can smoke, if you can, I would like to taste one!" Chen

Nan gave him one and helped him light it.

An old man and a young man began to swallow clouds.

After a cigarette was almost finished, Chen Nan asked seriously: "If I can cure your disease..." Well, forget it, you're not sick at all.

"I mean, if I can make you a normal person, will you return Liang Zhouding to our country?"

Claude was stunned, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes: "You seem to know my situation."

Chen Nan did not deny it: "Yes, I know why your face is so bad."

"Why do you need a blood transfusion!"

"Why is he still a normal person!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that I would meet a cultivator from the Western world just after coming to the Western world."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have been bitten by a vampire."

"Yes, I feel a weak magnetic field inside you."

"You can understand it as a blood spell."

"That blood spell became a part of your body."

"It can make you invincible to all diseases, even eternal life."

"But that blood spell will consume your blood."

"So, you need to stay alive with blood."

Chen Nan felt a pain in his brain.

This trip to the Western world was a tour for him.

A honeymoon trip that he and Xu loved.


Unexpectedly, he still came into contact with the cultivators of the Western world.

A bit of bad luck!

But now.

For Liang Zhouding, then he can't care so much.

Claude's scalp was numb, and he looked at Chen Nan in shock: "You... Are you a practitioner of the Eastern World?

"Yes." Chen Nan did not hide his identity as a cultivator.

Claude's face was full of excitement, and said, "Please also ask Mr. Chen to save my life, if you can save my life, I am willing to give you all my life's wealth." "

Claude was bitten by a vampire thirty years ago.

Since then, his life has changed dramatically.

Can't go out during the day.

Can't see sunlight.

Do not touch silver objects.

Of course.

He can endure all this.

What you really can't bear is to suck blood!

He knows.

Once you really suck human blood, you will completely become a vampire.

Even God will not forgive his sins!


He set up a hospital and brought some fresh blood from the blood bank every day!

Chen Nan asked, "What do you know about the Blood Clan?"

Claude said respectfully: "There are three major families in the blood clan, namely the three families of Modern, Norton, and Aiden.

"It is said that the patriarch of every family has the strength of the Blood Emperor and has lived for more than two thousand years."

"Our Rockefeller family is loyal to the Modern Family, one of the three major blood clans."

"Like Eastern cultivators, the Western Blood Clan also has a hierarchy, and it is also nine realms."

Chen Nan was relieved.

One sentence is also nine levels to understand.

If nothing else.

The nine levels of the Blood Clan and the realm of Truth Cultivators correspond to each other.

Other words.

The blood tribe has a strong person comparable to the realm of the Mahayana period.

Chen Nan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

As a mortal, how could he fight a strong person comparable to the Mahayana realm?

The situation became increasingly unfavorable for him.

After a moment of silence, he said, "If I break the blood spell in your body, will the blood clan who bit you feel it?" "

He's already figured it out.

Take a steady wave in the Western world, and try not to clash head-on with the cultivators of the Western world as much as possible.

Otherwise, the consequences are endless!

Claude said, "The person who bit me is a count, even if you break the blood curse in my body, as long as you don't meet him, he can't feel the blood curse being broken."

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll crack the blood spell in your body." I also hope that you will be able to count your words and return Liang Zhouding to our country. "

Speaking of which, the silver needle was removed.

As the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Formation Grandmaster.

What is a small blood curse?

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