New York to Los Angeles is a distance of 4,500 kilometers.

If you don't sleep, it takes more than forty hours to drive.

It spans nine states.

Similar to the nine provinces of the Eastern world.

After all, New York is in the east, and Los Angeles is in the west.

It is equivalent to crossing more than half of the M countries.

The land area of country M is not comparable to that of Daxia.

But they have a small population.

Only a fraction of Daxia.

Therefore, the suburbs seem very empty.

There aren't many buildings at all.

There are not many cars on the road either.

The feeling of stepping on the accelerator to the end, leaving the open-top open, and driving on the road carefree is very comfortable.

On this journey to Los Angeles.

Chen Nan planned five sites.

I plan to use five days to arrive in Los Angeles and gather with Xu's beloved team.

Strive to bring oriental-themed films into Hollywood.

The first stop was in a city called Mansfield, Ohio.

The purpose of coming here is simple.

Xu Qianxin has a college classmate who stayed here after going abroad for further study.

And marry a woman.

I came here to meet and catch up.

Late afternoon.

Chen Nan followed the address given by the navigation.

Came to Wen Huaiyu's house.

Typical American style villa.

Because of the sparse population and vast land on this side of country M, the villas on this side are generally very large.

The building area is more than a thousand square meters.

After ringing the doorbell.

An excited voice came from the villa.

Xu's beloved college classmate, Wen Huaiyu, dressed in a house clothes and slippers, ran out with excitement on his face.

It may be because you have just given birth.

Her figure looks a little blessed.

It belongs to the slightly chubby type.

Especially when running, Chen Nan subconsciously looked away.

Perhaps influenced by Western culture, she didn't wear anything underneath.

It's an exaggeration to run.

After seeing Xu's heart, the two hugged warmly.

Here comes a veneer gift.

The joy is palpable.

Then Xu Qian glanced Wen Huaiyu up and down, and couldn't help but say: "I really didn't expect that the original airport would have changed so much now!"

Wen Huaiyu also smiled and said, "No wonder you have been praising your boyfriend, now I understand that he really has something extraordinary, otherwise you would not have developed a second time."

Chen Nan almost didn't vomit blood.

In high school, the most talked about between boys and boys was girls.

And it's all a color topic.

But it's just a private talk.

He Cheng wanted to talk about this kind of colorful topic in front of himself after meeting her college girlfriend.

Don't treat me as a transparent person, give more or less face, okay?

"Dead girl, what are you talking about?" Xu Qianxin blushed and snorted, and then put his arm around Chen Nan and said, "My boyfriend, Chen Nan, told you before."

Wen Huaiyu greeted Chen Nan with a smile.

Then invite the two into the room.

Before entering the house.

Chen Nan removed the toys and gifts he had purchased before in the car.

After all, you can't go empty-handed.

The house is big.

But it was quiet.

Only Wen Huaiyu's daughter, who had just turned one year old.

At this time, the little girl was watching cartoons.

Seeing a living person appear, he seemed a little nervous.

It's just that when he saw the toy in Xu Qianxin's hand, the nervousness disappeared.

Xu Qianxin casually asked, "Zhang Wei hasn't come back yet?"

Wen Huaiyu pouted: "He is very busy with work during this time, but I called him at noon, and he will come back for dinner in the evening." "

Wen Huaiyu and Zhang Wei, Xu Qianxin University are classmates.


After graduating from university, Xu Qianxin joined the entertainment industry, while Wen Huaiyu and Zhang Wei came to M country for further study, and then took a green card here.


When he learned that Xu Qianxin was coming here, Wen Huaiyu called her husband as soon as possible, telling him to go home for dinner no matter what.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Wei drove a black Mercedes E back home.

A height of about one meter seven or five.

Looks a little emaciated.

The appearance is ordinary, and it even gives people a humble feeling.

Placing it in a crowd will definitely not make people look twice.

But Chen Nan heard Xu Qianxin say it.

Although Zhang Wei looks ordinary, he is very careful and honest.

Be down-to-earth.

Especially for Wen Huaiyu, he took care of everything.

Otherwise, Wen Huaiyu would not have accepted him in the first place.

After seeing Xu's heart.

Zhang Wei greeted warmly.

Greeting Chen Nan seemed a little shy.

"Zhang Wei, your personality is really helpless, and everyone is not an outsider, can't you be lively and cheerful?" Xu Qianxin was unable to complain.

Zhang Wei smiled and did not speak.

He himself is the kind of introverted person, especially in the face of raw people, it is even more cramped.

Dinner soon began.

Wen Huaiyu specially prepared Chinese food, and also wrapped dumplings.

When eating.

Xu Qianxin said: "I heard Huaiyu say before, your company is manufacturing new energy batteries? New energy vehicles have been very popular in the past two years, especially domestic car companies, in this regard, have surpassed traditional car companies.

"Your company is manufacturing new energy batteries at this time, and it is a little difficult to get a piece of the market, right?"

Probably because of drinking two glasses of wine.

Zhang Wei's words gradually increased: "New energy vehicles did start a little late on the side of country M, but it is undeniable that the technology and talents here are really strong." "

The lithium battery developed by our company is in the final stage, and once it is successfully developed, it will definitely be able to rewrite the pattern of new energy vehicles today."

"A single endurance of more than 2,000 kilometers, a quick charge can be fully charged in ten minutes."

"The battery decays by 20 percent in ten years."

"It's not that I blow, with this kind of achievement, who still buys fuel vehicles?"

Talk about what you're good at.

Zhang Wei was like opening a chatterbox.


"Your technique is terrible, isn't it?" Chen Nan was moved.

He is idle and has seen some new energy vehicles in China, but there are very few pure electric endurance that can run five hundred.

And the battery decay is severe.

Charging is also slow.

If the battery in Zhang Wei's mouth comes out, it can really change the entire pattern of new energy vehicles.

Zhang Wei said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, that is, luck."

Wen Huaiyu sighed: "Don't be happy so early, I'm always worried that your partner is not a good thing." In my opinion, you better get out as soon as possible. "

Zhang Wei's company is a partnership with people, and he sells technology shares, accounting for 35% of the company's shares.

Zhang Wei took a sip of wine and said with a longing face: "Let's wait for the company to go public, then I will sell the shares and return to China to live." "

It is said that the moon in the west is rounder than in the east."

"However, I always feel that the moon in my hometown is rounder even further."

Right now.

The doorbell rang.

"You guys drink first, I'll open the door!" Wen Huaiyu got up and walked out.

A moment later!

A panicked scream came from the door: "Will Mario, what are you doing?" Why did you break into my house with so many people? "

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