Accompanied by Wen Huaiyu's scream.

Will Mario, Zhang Wei's partner, led a group of men in black and broke into the living room with great momentum.

Each of them was armed with a weapon.

At first glance, you can tell that it is not a good category.

"Mario, what are you doing?" Zhang Wei got up angrily: "If you have something to say, quickly put the gun down, I don't allow anyone to point a gun at my woman."

Zhang Minmin, who was only one year old, cried in fear.

Seeing this, Xu Qianxin quickly hugged her and calmed her emotions.

Will Mario looked thirty-five or sixteen years old, he was holding a cigar with an intriguing smile on his face: "Zhang, it's not a big deal for me to come over this time."

"I just want that thirty-five percent contract in your hands."

He said and took out the prepared transfer contract: "As long as you sign your name on the contract, your wife will survive, not only that, but you will also get a million dollars."

Zhang Wei's face was full of anger: "Why?" Why is this?

"Why would you use this against me?"

"Those shares were bought by me with three years of youth!"

After graduating, he founded a company with Will Mario.

In the past three years, even if the wife is pregnant, she has not been with her for a few days.

In order to do a big vote.

But I didn't expect it.

Battery technology is wrapping up, but the other party is bringing people to the door.

He even forced himself to transfer the contract with his wife's life.

A million dollars may be a lot.

May be if the company goes public.

That 35 percent of the shares can be worth billions of dollars.

Will Mario sneered, "If it weren't for me, how much would your three years of youth be worth?"

"If it weren't for me, you could live in a house like this?"

"Everything you have, I gave you!"

"If it weren't for my insight, you wouldn't know which corner you are in."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, sign it quickly."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for not missing the old love."

Zhang Wei's face was full of anger and grievance.

My heart is full of unwillingness.


Now he has no other choice.

Tremblingly, he picked up the pen and signed his name on the share transfer document.

All dreams.

Visions for the future have all come to naught.

Although he also knew that Will Mario was ambitious, he didn't expect this!

"I'm a person who does what I say, and I won't lose my words when I say I give you a million dollars." Will Mario took out a check for one million and gave it to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was angry in his heart.

But think about it.

Earn a million dollars in three years.

That's not less.

Right at this moment.

Will Mario handed Zhang Wei another contract: "Sign this one too."

"Mario, you're too much of a bully!"

Zhang Wei's eyes were torn, like a fierce beast with a mad hair.

Wen Huaiyu also scolded angrily after seeing it: "Mario, you are simply a beast. When the company was established, you clearly said that my husband only produces technology, takes salaries and shares, and the company's profit and loss have nothing to do with him.

"Why would you want him to pay your debts?"

"Also, with so much money, what do we take back?"

Will Mario chuckled: "It's just two million dollars, your car and house are sold, plus your current savings, it shouldn't be difficult to come up with a million, right?"

"Oh, plus the check I gave me, isn't two million enough?" Laughed maniacally.

"Husband, don't promise him, I don't believe he dares to kill me!" Wen Huaiyu's face was pale, and he didn't expect that Will Mario would force the three of them to death.

If they really sign the assignment of creditor's rights, then they have nothing.

Mo said to live in country M.

I can't even get the money for the ticket back home.

Will Mario was also not angry, and said with a smile: "Miss Wen, you don't know anything about my background, you can ask your husband who my uncle is." The

words came out.

The man in black who aimed his muzzle at Wen Huaiyu directly opened the insurance.

"Sign, I sign!"

Zhang Wei burst into tears and cried like a child and signed his name on the debt assignment document.

"I knew you were a smart person, but a little silly." Will Mario laughed loudly, and then let people put down the pistol, and said: "Let's get acquainted once, I'll help you, contact the housing agency, and strive to sell the car house as soon as possible, and pay it back as soon as possible!"

"Well, you guys clean up after eating, and tomorrow morning the housing agency will bring someone over." Saying that, he swaggered and walked outside.

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Mr. Will Mario, do you really think that we Orientals can be bullied by others?"

Will Mario came back to his senses, a hint of disdain on his face: "Do you really think that Easterners can gain a foothold in the Western world?"

Chen Nan picked up the dumplings and dipped them in some vinegar, and said while eating: "You will pay for what you did today."

Will Mario spat: "You Orientals will also fight with mouths, you have the ability to kill me now, do you have this ability?"

His voice just fell.

Several men in black behind him aimed their guns at Chen Nan.

Zhang Wei blocked in front of Chen Nan, his eyes scarlet: "Since your purpose has been achieved, don't see it like my brother."

"Let's go!"

Will Mario snorted coldly and swaggered away with six men in black.

After he left.

Zhang Wei squatted on the ground and cried.

Crying like a child.

Wen Huaiyu's eyes also shed crystal tears, and he squatted on the ground and comforted him softly: "Husband, I know that you are sad in your heart, but now, our family is here."

"I don't want great wealth and nobility, I only hope that you and your daughter can grow up healthy."

Both were orphans.

It is precisely because of this that the two walked together.

Because they all long for a complete family.


Even if there is nothing, as long as he lives with his husband and daughter, Wen Huaiyu has no regrets.

"Three years of hard work, nothing left..." Wen Huaiyu was uneasy, but as soon as he was comforted, Zhang Wei's cry became even louder.

In order to be able to develop that lithium battery, he himself owes Wen Huaiyu.

Thinking about the company going public and selling shares to make up for her.

And now...

What to make up for?

Chen Nandao: "Viagra, I also have some connections here in country M.

"Maybe it can help you get the company back."

Zhang Wei shook his head: "It's useless, Will Mario's uncle is the boss of this state, and it is not excessive to say that he is powerful." "

He started working with Will Mario because of his background.

There is such a relationship.

The company can develop very well.

"Maybe Will Mario's uncle is powerful, but we can't be bullied like this!" Chen Nan's eyes were full of strong killing intent.

Orientals cannot be bullied!

No one!

He took out his cell phone and dialed Rockefeller Claude.

Maybe Will Mario's background is hanging.

But can it be compared to the Rockefeller family, the first hidden consortium in country M?

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