Under the leadership of Zhao Rong, Zhao Rong went through the office of the emergency department and got to know a few doctors.

In addition to the re employed director Luo Fei, there are two doctors in their forties, one male and one female, named Cao Yajun and Huang Fang. Cao Yajun's face is national. He looks unsmiling, but his words are very funny. Huang Fang is more calm, quite like a professional woman.

Next, there is a male doctor in his twenties or thirties, Huang Pengyu, who is colder. Because Zhao Rong led Yang Xiaotian to get to know everyone, he even showed jealousy and hatred towards Yang Xiaotian. I think it's because he only introduced him to a small secretary of human affairs department when he came here.

A few days later, Yang Xiaotian learned that Huang Pengyu was a graduate student of Yangjiang Medical University. Although he was not a famous university, he stood out among the best in Nanhu No.1 Hospital. He had always thought highly of himself. When he saw Yang Xiaotian, who was also excellent, he naturally felt all sorts of discomfort. He felt that Yang Xiaotian was a tiger in his way of promotion. Of course, he got rid of it in advance and then quickly, Where can have what good facial expression?

Yang Xiaotian doesn't care about this. Huang Pengyu thinks he is as good as Yang Xiaotian, but Yang Xiaotian doesn't like Huang Pengyu.

These three people, together with Director Luo Fei, are the backbone of the emergency department.

In addition, there are two interns, a man and a woman, who have just arrived this year. Now they are working with Cao Yajun and Huang Fang, fighting with each other.

Zhao Rong said with a smile: "OK, generally speaking, I'm not familiar with some nurses and emergency vehicles. Then you can contact me slowly in your work!

Although our hospital is good in Nanhu City, in fact, the conditions are still quite difficult, and it can't be compared with Stanford. You have seen the world, and you have the ability. I sincerely hope you can lead them to make progress together! "

This sentence came from his heart. In fact, after learning that Yang Xiaotian was a top student graduated from Stanford University, Zhao Rong's attitude changed 180 degrees.

It was a shame to be beaten in the face by an intern yesterday. But if it is a face to face with the top students in Stanford University, then it is normal. The doctors of woodlouse city in mainland China are being hit by foreign top students. Is that not normal?

Because of this idea, the news that Yang Xiaotian graduated from Stanford spread all over the hospital in less than a day.

In fact, after going back, Zhao Rong is also thinking of ways to see if he can transfer Yang Xiaotian's personnel relationship from the health care committee to the first municipal hospital, and add more professional titles and treatment.

However, he always thought that Yang Xiaotian graduated from Stanford with a bachelor's degree. If he knew that Yang Xiaotian had finished his doctoral degree at Stanford at the age of 23, what would he think.

After seeing off Zhao Rong, Yang Xiaotian walks slowly to Luo Fei's office. Because he is a re employed old expert, Luo Fei doesn't attend the clinic, but is mainly responsible for management and technical support.

Along the way, Yang Xiaotian saw a lot of patients, including those who had a car accident and lacked arms and legs, those with abdominal pain and sweating, and even those who had broken amniotic fluid and were pulled directly.

This is one of the reasons why he chose to come to the emergency department.

In terms of medical skills and theoretical knowledge, Yang Xiaotian is very confident.

But the key problem is that medicine is not a perfect discipline, or even a science. Even if many people say that western medicine is scientific or modern, western medicine can not be done by pure scientific analysis.

For a very simple example, if you show two doctors the same copy of CT, you may get two different diagnostic results.

This may be pneumonia, that may be tuberculosis.

Because the symptoms of both are very similar.

In fact, even if we do all the tests, it may be ambiguous. After all, there are tens of millions of people, and the correct rate of modern equipment is not 100%.

This is when the doctor's personal experience comes into play.

Another example is the simplest cold and cough. An experienced doctor will feel the patient's current situation and decide whether to let you take medicine or water. But the inexperienced doctor or not excellent doctor, encounter this kind of situation is simple, "cold? Take a blood test. Well, the blood shows that you have virus infection and inflammation. Hang up the water! Just hang up for three days! "

OK, it's a very simple diagnosis. Whether it's a mild cold or a severe cold, it's better to hang water for three days first. If it's good, it's better. If it's not good, it's better to hang water for three days with another kind of severe medicine.

Therefore, medicine is not as accurate as mathematics and physics. In fact, doctors are often like carpenters and bricklayers. They have to rely on experience to eat. Besides theoretical knowledge, they also need experience to know when to take medicine and when to hang water.

And how do you get experience? No other, only hand familiar.

Yang Xiaotian came to the emergency department instead of rushing to the health care committee to brush his experience. After all, no matter how old he is, no matter how rich his theoretical knowledge is, he can't represent his experience. To put it mildly, which of the world's famous doctors is not fed by patients?

Of course, there are many patients in other departments, such as internal medicine, surgery and so on, and they don't need to work night shift frequently.

The reason why Yang Xiaotian didn't go to those departments and went to the most tiring and laborious emergency department is that the patients in the emergency department are all kinds of strange things. Today he may meet patients in internal medicine, tomorrow he will meet patients in surgery, and the day after tomorrow he may meet patients in obstetrics and gynecology.

Similarly, in terms of experience value, what you brush in other departments is the experience value of a single occupation. As soon as you meet a physician in surgery, you will stop eating. Even surgeons can be divided into hand surgery, trauma surgery and so on.

But doctors in the emergency department can basically have a few brushes in any situation.

The average doctor who stays in the emergency department for a long time may know a little about everything, but he is not proficient in anything, but for a real genius, this is not a problem.

Yang Xiaotian thinks that the reason why Huang Pengyu is still in the emergency department is to brush this experience value. After all, with his education, he has a better department to go to in the first municipal hospital.

Of course, this will lead to the concept of a general practitioner, but not for the moment.

Yang Xiaotian walked all the way, basically everyone looked at him, after all, his performance just now was too experienced.

When he entered rofei's office, several nurses outside were already busy muttering at the reception desk.

"Well, have you heard? He is the new doctor in our department

"Wow, isn't it? Long legged Europa! The welfare of our emergency department is getting better and better! " When this man spoke, his eyes became the shape of love.

"Cut, you can go to Huachi! I'm not tired enough at work

"I'm so tired that I just have a moment to think about it! Don't say you don't want to! I've heard that he's still a top graduate of Stanford University! "


It was a surprise.

"No? How can Stanford's top students come to our college? Even if you come here, you should go to high-end departments like cardiology and neurosurgery? "

"Who knows? Maybe it's a personal hobby! "

Fu Lin didn't know what time he was approaching. His eyes were wide open and he was very dignified. "I said, are you all too busy? Working overtime tonight! Hurry to work for me

Suddenly chirp, a group of little nurses scattered.

Fu Lin put away her fierce expression and shook her head with a smile: "these little girls are really energetic! But it's also strange. I really can't think of Stanford students coming to our college

Luo Fei's office is decorated with literati atmosphere. A bookcase of medical books makes people feel very professional.

Yang Xiaotian showed full respect for his elder. He politely said, "director Luo, I'm here to listen to your work arrangement!"

Luo Fei took a sip of tea and said to Yang Xiaotian, "generally speaking, new doctors have to follow the ambulance for a period of time. First, they are familiar with their work. Second, they are familiar with the environment of our emergency department. However, you are introduced by president Zhao, and you seem to have some skills. If you have other ideas... "

Yang Xiaotian understands Luo Fei's mouth. He speaks normally, but it's as if Yang Xiaotian came in through the back door. He interrupts Luo Fei's words and says, "I'm nothing special. Just go as usual. It happens that I also want to see the work on the emergency truck, which I haven't touched before."

Luo Fei nodded: "OK, that's it. When do you start working? Do you want a day off? "

Yang Xiaotian energetic full way: "no, this just big morning, where want what rest, start to work now!"

"Well, by the way, you'll find the head nurse, the nurse with big eyes, and ask him to arrange your desk, and then help you get your office supplies and clothes!"

"Well, if it's OK, I'll go out first!"

"Well, it's all right!"

After getting out of the office, Yang Xiaotian found Fu Lin and said with a smile, "Fu Lin, Hello, we meet again. We will be colleagues in the future. Director Luo asked me to ask you to help me get the office supplies and the arrangement of the desk."

Fu Lin surprised: "you really work in our hospital?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "yes, we will be colleagues in the future!"

"Ha ha..." Fu Lin giggled. She didn't know what to say. She came back to herself after a long time. "What, welcome, what to do? By the way, I'll arrange work for you! Let me see. It seems that Dr. Huang still has an empty desk. Would you like to sit with Dr. Huang? "

"Huang Pengyu?" The poker face of Huang Pengyu immediately appeared in Yang Xiaotian's mind.

"Yes, yes!" Fu Lin is a little embarrassed to say, "although doctor Huang's temper is a little cold, he is not bad! The point is... Isn't there no other desk? "

Yang Xiaotian didn't want to embarrass Fu Lin, and he didn't do anything wrong. There was no need to hide from Huang Pengyu, so he said directly: "OK, let's go to doctor Huang!"

"Hehe, hehe... OK, let's go first. While we're not too busy, I can help you clean up!" Fu Lin said with a smile.

The laughter makes Yang Xiaotian feel like a silly big girl. However, although Fu Lin is 356 years old, her appearance is dignified. This kind of appearance can be relaxed, which gives people a kind of affinity that is easy to get close to.

Maybe it's also because of professional factors. After all, it's better for nurses to make patients feel close.

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