"We are short of people in the emergency department. Because we are too tired, many doctors try to transfer them after a period of time. There are few people who can check them out. You can also relieve their work pressure when you come here..."

Fu Lin's personality is very cheerful, the kind of careless, just a few steps on the road and Yang Xiaotian familiar, straight praise Yang Xiaotian deal with that crazy woman is very powerful.

Yang Xiaotian is also happy to get familiar with the old staff as soon as he arrives at the new environment. He follows Fu Lin's words and chats with them. They are both very happy.

"By the way, didn't Dr. Wang work in the emergency department before?" Yang Xiaotian thought of the Doctor Wang who wanted to give the crazy woman zaanding. As a result, he got an injection. It's really bad luck.

"Hey, he's from cardiology. It's bad luck for him to come here for consultation." Said Doctor Wang, Fu Lin laughed.

After a while, they went outside Huang Pengyu's office.

In fact, the so-called office also takes into account the role of the diagnosis room. It is here that patients are usually treated.

Fu Lin first came to the door to have a look. Seeing that there was no one inside, she was obviously relieved: "Dr. Huang is not here. Let's go to have a look first!"

Yang Xiaotian thinks funny, think you a head nurse can be afraid of doctors? But after all, it's someone else's business, he didn't say much, just followed Fu Lin into it.

This office is relatively large, with a total area of 40 square meters. Two desks are placed opposite the middle wall. It can be imagined that two people will sit face to face, one back to the wall and the other back to the door. However, because there are computers, printers and other equipment on the desk, as well as office supplies such as file clips, there will not be two doctors staring at each other.

Other pools, small beds for diagnosis and screens are no different from ordinary doctors' offices, but there is a sofa on the other side of the wall, which is quite unexpected.

It seems to see Yang Xiaotian's question, Fu Lin explained: "our emergency department doesn't sit in during the day, mainly dealing with emergency, so we can have more rest in the office, there is a sofa!"

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "I see, welfare is still very good!"

Fu Lin said: "Dr. Huang's desk is on the inside. He came first. It's not easy for him to let you. You can only sit outside! In fact, I think, with your ability, it's OK to have a single office! "

Yang Xiaotian smile: "it doesn't matter, in the hospital is to see a doctor for the patient, it doesn't matter where you sit!"

Fu Lin thumbed up: "it's still Dr. Yang's high consciousness! He's both capable and approachable, unlike some people! "

Yang Xiaotian knows that what Fu Lin said must be Huang Pengyu. He thinks that it's normal for the goods to be so proud and unpopular in the unit. However, Fu Lin can say bad things about him. It's hard for Yang Xiaotian to say these things when he first arrived. It would give people a bad feeling. He can only laugh a few times.

It seems to realize that what she said is wrong. Fu Lin vomits her tongue and looks at her desk. She is not happy because there are medical records and medical books all over the desk.

She quickly said: "Dr. Yang, I'll clean up, soon!" I'm going to clean up.

Yang Xiaotian quickly said: "head nurse, don't worry. These books and materials belong to Dr. Huang. It's better for him to clean them up by himself!"

Fu Lin looked at Yang Xiaotian in surprise. She didn't expect that Yang Xiaotian would be so aggressive.

Yang Xiaotian was stunned at first, and then reflected that Fu Lin thought she had to be reasonable and unforgiving. He said with a smile: "don't get me wrong, the main things are his. If we make random gestures, what if we mess up his important information? Isn't it irritating? "

Fu Lin nodded: "it's still reasonable what Dr. Yang said, OK, just do what you said! So, you sit on the sofa for a while, and I'll get your clothes and office supplies for you! "

Yang Xiaotian said: "OK!"

Fu Lin walked out of the office, thinking about the process of chatting with Yang Xiaotian just now. She thought that the new doctor is really good, so capable, and his attitude is very modest and polite. He is very likable.

It's not like Huang Pengyu at all. He is arrogant because of his high educational background and a certain ability. He usually yells at nurses, as if they are paid by others.

I don't know why director Luo arranged two equally outstanding young people in one office, but it's conceivable that there will be a lot of excitement in the emergency department in the future.

Along the way, many nurses asked Fu Lin about Yang Xiaotian.

It's not because Yang Xiaotian is so handsome that people fall in love at first sight. Although there are some flower crazy women in the world, there are still too few.

The main reason is that Yang Xiaotian's appearance today is really wonderful, and with such a high degree, these women have shown their nature - gossip.


Huang Pengyu went to the emergency room to deal with the injured in a car accident. He made emergency treatment and stabilized the condition of the injured. Now he has transferred to the surgery department for follow-up operation.

He frowned and kept silent all the way. He didn't say hello when passing by other nurses, as if he were living in his own world.

In fact, he is really living in his own world. He is recalling what negligence he had when dealing with the injured person's wound just now, and how he can do better next time he encounters a similar situation.

I feel like a bully.

Go to the office door, a Leng, see Yang Xiaotian is sitting on the sofa reading.

Yang Xiaotian also saw Huang Pengyu. He stood up, put the book on the table, reached out his hand and said, "Hello, Dr. Huang, Yang Xiaotian, we've met just now!"

Huang Pengyu didn't speak. Instead, he stared at Huang Pengyu's book, which is an English version of internal medicine. The author is a star doctor of internal medicine in the United States. He once worked as a medical consultant for two presidents of the United States.

Noticing Huang Pengyu's eyes, Yang Xiaotian said, "I'm sorry, I'm bored in the office. I took a book to read without your permission."

Huang Pengyu just closed his eyes and hummed: "can you understand the original English version?"

This is not a question, but a direct disdain.

Yang Xiaotian said noncommittally: "Professor jennathan has always been a doctor I respect, but his book is the first edition. Maybe because the bookseller was too eager to catch up with him when the book was published, or he was too anxious, there are some small mistakes in it. Although it is harmless, it is not beautiful! Fortunately, Professor jennathan realized this and published it again three years later, that is, the 2013 version. If you want to learn, I suggest you buy this version, which will be better! "

Although jennathan is a doctor, he is a famous doctor with a high level and a professorship. Therefore, Yang Xiaotian does not talk about Dr. jennathan or Mr. jennathan, but directly about professor jennathan.

In fact, only those who are familiar with it will pay attention to these details.

Huang Pengyu obviously didn't pay attention to the details of this kind of address. He paid attention to the content of Yang Xiaotian's speech. In fact, as an ordinary graduate student of two books, he had a hard time reading the original English version. He only turned a few pages symbolically and put it on his desk for the purpose of improving his English.

Now listen to Yang Xiaotian say, it seems that Yang Xiaotian read through, no, can notice small mistakes, that should be carefully read, but also read two versions.

Think of this, think again, just now he despised Yang Xiaotian "can understand", Huang Pengyu felt beaten face.

But he didn't feel that he was wrong at all. Instead, he felt that Yang Xiaotian deliberately aimed at himself and made him look ugly.

You've read it. What do you mean by that?

So he did not speak, and sat at his desk with a black face to rest.

Yang Xiaotian shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He had seen too many such birds in the army before. Relying on his own ability, five people and six people were very arrogant. After being defeated by himself, he was very angry. In private, he told others that he ignored the friendship of his colleagues and didn't consider other people's feelings.

Oh, it's a joke. I don't want to think about who is the first to be arrogant.

Besides, why should I consider your feelings? I'm a man to make myself happy, OK?

He didn't care about Huang Pengyu's attitude, but said directly: "Dr. Huang, I will work here from today on. I want to use this desk! But there are your materials and books on the desk. I hope you can clean them up as soon as possible! Thank you

Huang Pengyu looked at Yang Xiaotian in surprise and said coldly, "you can clean it up by yourself. I'm very busy!"

Yang Xiaotian smiles and says, "maybe there are some important materials in it?"

"Nothing important!" Huang Pengyu waved his hand and pointed to the bookcase on one side, "just put it on the bookcase for me! Nothing else is necessary to disturb my reading! "

Then he took out a book and read it with relish.

Yang Xiaotian slapped on the table.

Just at this time, Fu Lin came in with a lot of office supplies and clothes. When she heard Yang Xiaotian slap the table, she almost didn't drop things on the ground.

Huang Pengyu was also startled. Looking at Yang Xiaotian, who was approaching step by step, he quickly said, "what do you want to do?"

When Yang Xiaotian came three steps away from Huang Pengyu, he laughed contemptuously: "don't worry, I won't hit you! I just want to tell you that these books and materials belong to you. In fact, I don't care whether these books and materials are important or not. What I care about is that they occupy my desk, so it's up to you to clean up these things in emotion and reason! Do you understand? "

Huang Pengyu was frightened by Yang Xiaotian, but he obviously didn't want to lose face. He just sat there and didn't talk.

At this time, Fu Lin suddenly said: "Dr. Yang, you are going out with the ambulance. Do you want to go now?"

On hearing the work, Yang Xiaotian immediately came to the spirit, turned to Fu Lin and said: "give me the clothes and equipment!"

Fu Lin gives things to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian went to the door, turned to Huang Pengyu and said, "I hope you can clean up these things before I come back. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for the consequences."

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