The wounded and sunspot were all stunned, especially the wounded. They were so regretful that they were all green. What was their strength just now? If it hurts, call it!

Yang Xiaotian took out a bottle of ointment, spread it evenly on the wound, and then wrapped the injured with bandage like a mummy.

"All right!" He clapped his hands and said, "the plaster I just applied to you contains Rhododendron molle, which can make you less painful. How about it? Should be able to move now? "

The injured man sat up with the help of his younger brother and tried to do some small activities. He was surprised and said, "Oh, it really doesn't hurt! Doctor, thank you so much! My name is... "

He wanted to give his name and say that he had something to contact in the future.

But Yang Xiaotian waved and said, "I'm not interested in who you are. Our relationship is that you pay and I'll see a doctor for you. That's all. Who are you and who cut you? Because what has nothing to do with me, you know? "

This made the injured a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, where is Yang Xiaotian's force value? Even sunspot is not his opponent, let alone the wounded?

"You've lost too much blood. I'll write you a prescription. Just take it on time! By the way, I have to avoid food recently. I can't eat anything fresh, cold or spicy! "

Yang xiaotianbian said that he went to the computer desk, tore a note and wrote the prescription on it.

When he handed the prescription to the injured, Yang Xiaotian said, "this is the famous prescription in Taiping Shenghui prescription. It will be OK after taking it!"

It's the tradition of traditional Chinese medicine to say where the prescription comes from. Although many traditional Chinese medicine are indifferent to the tradition now, Yang Xiaotian still thinks it's better to say it.

In the traditional Chinese culture, the book of traditional Chinese medicine belongs to the branch of classics, history, literature and concentration, and also belongs to the University. Therefore, many ancient scholars read medical books and were proficient in medical skills. The so-called "great Confucianism is great medicine".

They may not be skilled in medicine, but they are also proficient. Giving them the source of the prescription can increase the authority and make the patients feel at ease.

The patient took the prescription, laughed and said, "why don't I buy some nutriment to eat? It's much easier than this traditional Chinese medicine! It depends on the heat! "

Yang Xiaotian opened the door, made a please gesture, with a smile: "it's up to you!"

Several people went out, the sunspot fell at the end and glared at Yang Xiaotian fiercely. Today, Yang Xiaotian made him lose face. He said in a low voice: "boy, be careful for me!"

Yang Xiaotian shrugged: "you are not the first one to say this to me! But I'm still standing here, aren't I? "

What else did sunspot want to say, but he saw the door coming face to face. He quickly took a step back, "bang", and the door closed next to his nose.

He clenched his fist angrily, gritted his teeth and said: "if you are more Kung Fu, you can put it down! You'll see! "

Then he went downstairs to find his boss.

His eldest name is Rong Feijun, also known as Feizi. Because he dares to fight and fight, he has contracted the supply of Huangsha cement for several construction sites in Nanhu city. Today, however, he is blocked at the door of KTV by his competitors

Seeing sunspot coming downstairs, Feizi said with a smile, "the doctor's treatment is really effective. It doesn't hurt so much! In the future, our business will expand. It's inevitable for us to get hurt. Ask him if he's interested in working with us! "

Sunspot nodded, then asked: "brother, if he does not agree?"

Feizi gave a cold smile: "do you still need me to teach you? If he doesn't have a toast, you can do it! Son of a bitch, it's just for fun to pat me. If it's not for his ability, I'll be him tonight! "


"Sixty thousand, sixty thousand!"

Yang Xiaotian took out a mop to wipe the blood on the ground, humming a cheerful tune, the lyrics are all "60000 yuan" these three words.

After wiping the bloodstain in the room, he went out to wipe the bloodstain in the corridor. When he encountered the bloodstain that was not easy to wipe, he used the spray he carried with him to spray the bloodstain several times, and the bloodstain dissolved immediately. This was made of oxalic acid, sulfur and other corrosive liquids. It was specially used to clean these bloodstains. After all, being a black doctor has high benefits, but also high risks, He lives in a residential area. If he is not careful, the residents who go to work the next morning will have to call the police when they see a drop of blood.

After busy, Yang Xiaotian restarted the computer, started the mobile phone Alipay, and transferred all sixty thousand to the bank card.

Re open QQ, Yang Xiaotian directly to find the head picture or black that beauty's name, click open said: "Xiaomin, I think well, let's go to supper?"? You can watch a movie or something... "

He was just exploratory to ask, asked to close the chat window, who would like to see a flash in the lower right corner.

He hurried to see it.

Then she said, "ha ha, how can I eat and watch movies with you? Have a dream. Bye

The beauty's head is completely gone, it seems to be deleted friends.

Yang Xiaotian is not discouraged either. Chatting with her is just a try. Being rejected is expected, but... Who cares?

I have money now! Sixty thousand yuan!

He immediately opened the browser, at the same time, he opened the bar and teahouse section of the public comment website and Nanhu forum, and searched.

He wants to find out where the hottest and highest night show is in Nanhu city.


In the early morning, the sun is shining brightly but not dazzling. The sun shines on the comfortable and spacious bed through the semi covered curtain. Yang Xiaotian lies on his back without sleeping posture.

Obviously, the sun disturbed his dream. He opened his eyes and looked out of the window. Then he took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. He rubbed his eyes.

"I don't think so early..."

He was mumbling, but his legs were raised up, and he made a sudden effort. A carp beat him up, and he jumped from the bed to the ground and began to move his muscles and bones.

After simply stretching your muscles and doing some squatting and bending movements, you can get 150 push ups and 150 sit ups.

The amount of exercise is just right for Yang Xiaotian. It's just the right time for him to open up his lazy body, but he won't exercise too much, leading to no spirit all day.

Sweating a little, the body is very sticky and uncomfortable, but also mixed with the smell of alcohol and tobacco.

Yang Xiaotian can't help but think of yesterday's crazy night. Maybe he was bored at home. Suddenly, he ran to the nightclub to open a private room, and then found three girls (wine girls), and then four people at a table began to play mahjong.

Anyway, after drinking a lot of wine and smoking a lot of cigarettes, Yang Xiaotian didn't know how he got to the hotel.

After looking at the facilities in the hotel, he quickly estimated that the hotel was at least four-star or above. He said with a smile, "I didn't expect that I would still be so tasteful when I was drunk!"

As for how much money he spent, he didn't care at all. Didn't he make money just to spend it? Why else make so much money? It's better to go to a free clinic.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Yang Xiaotian feels fresh all over.

When the ring of the mobile phone rings, Yang Xiaotian casually wears a pair of shorts and goes to the bed with his strong upper body naked. There is a long scar on his chest, which should be caused by sharp tools. It looks breathtaking.

"Hey, do you know it's immoral to call in the morning to disturb people's dreams?" Although the morning exercise is over, Yang Xiaotian still comes up and blames him. It's called standing on the moral high ground from the beginning.

Obviously, he didn't bluff the other side.

"Younger martial brother, you should have finished your morning exercise now? How can we clear our dreams? " Qu Bowen's helpless voice came from the phone, "are you retired? It's also a waste of medical skills in the army if you retire from the army! I know you are now in Nanhu City, to the first people's Hospital, I helped you find a job as an intern! I promised to take good care of you

"Work? I'm kidding. Who wants to work nine to five? " Subconsciously, Yang Xiaotian, who wants to refuse, suddenly hears Qu Bowen say that the teacher's mother's smile comes to mind, so he nods and says, "OK, you can send the address and time to my mobile phone."

After he hung up the phone, he was sad for a while, then he suddenly hit his right hand on his left palm and said, "dry, I was cheated by elder martial brother Qu again! The net will play the emotion card

A moment later, he was in a good mood again and said, "I was not cheated by him! Angel in white, here I am. "

After having a buffet in the hotel and checking out, the SMS prompt sounds.

"137 Binjiang District, two o'clock in the afternoon! You can take a taxi to the first people's hospital! I'll wait for you in the outpatient registration hall. Call me when you arrive! "

After whistling happily, Yang Xiaotian decides to reward himself. After all, he has found a job.

I went to the shopping mall and found a brand that looked familiar. After a while, I bought a new suit and put it on. It cost him more than 6000 yuan.

I can't see my elder martial brother empty handed, can I? And it seems that the elder martial brother got married. He was in the army at that time and didn't attend the wedding. Let's make up the present together this time.

So Yang Xiaotian went to the mobile phone store and spent nearly 6000 yuan to buy the latest iPhone. Although he doesn't like IOS, it's undeniable that it's better to give gifts. Even if the other party doesn't like it, he can resell it in many ways.

Around the circle, Yang Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and checked the bank bill. Since last night's drinking, he has spent more than 50000 yuan.

He snapped his fingers, money is enough, lunch!

Although he stayed in Nanhu until he was in junior high school, the city has changed a lot in the past ten years. He has no idea which restaurant has delicious food.

But as long as you have money, it's not a problem.

Open the public comment app on the mobile phone, directly arrange according to the per capita consumption level, and then select according to the evaluation. He won't go to places with poor quality and high price, such as some obviously gimmicky private dishes.

After all, willing to spend money does not mean willing to be regarded as a big wrongdoer. Spending money is to enjoy life, but to be slaughtered as a scallion. It will not be pleasant both physically and mentally.

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