The voice of Jiang Ying's subconscious stop, but did not respond to it, the hand is still hanging on Lao Wu's shoulder. Wu's posture is not good-looking, stretching his neck like a turtle stuck in the neck, very funny.

But no one at the scene dared to laugh. In Nanhu City, even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee wanted to give him face.

"Dr. Yang, you said you can't massage like this?" Jiang Ying asked in surprise, "how to say it, you tell me!"

He still believes in Yang Xiaotian, so he directly asks why, not questions.

Although Wu Deshu did not ask what to say, he also looked at Yang Xiaotian.

With a smile, Yang Xiaotian went to the back of Wu Deshu and motioned to Jiang Ying to give up his position. He reached out his hand and touched Wu Deshu's neck a few times, then moved to the position of his shoulders.

Suddenly, he opened his hands and stuck behind Wu De Shu's shoulders. He put a little force on his fingers, which was just on the acupoints.

Wu De Shu couldn't help crying out, "ah," and there was sweat running down his forehead.

"Pain is called out, the more pain, the more effective!" Yang Xiaotian said aloud, and then his left thumb continued to massage, but his right hand moved to Wu Deshu's cervical spine.

I saw his right hand whisk every cervical vertebra bone at a very fast speed, and then beat the last and most protruding cervical vertebra bone with force and speed.

After that, he moved his hand to the top and pinched it gently. Wu Deshu screamed again. He felt that Yang Xiaotian was pinching his bone. It hurt. I really don't know where Yang Xiaotian has so much strength.

Yang Xiaotian really used his strength on his bones. He used his skillful strength to send the bones up, then dragged them with his left hand, and then moved his right hand to the cervical vertebrae below, and then sent them up, and so on.

To the last bone, Yang Xiaotian is a continuous tap, seemingly light, but every time will use the right strength.

This continued for twenty minutes.

During this period, when Jiang Ying saw her husband yelling repeatedly, she was very worried and wanted to ask. However, she was relieved to see that although her husband screamed miserably, her face was full of joy.

When Yang Xiaotian stopped patting and massage, Wu Deshu suddenly felt as if he had something to lose, as if he was not satisfied in his heart.

"Secretary Wu, find a place to lie down there first! Be careful not to wring your neck. " Yang Xiaotian said.

"Is it OK on the sofa?" Asked Wu. After getting Yang Xiaotian's affirmative answer, Wu Deshu lies on the sofa with Jiang Ying's support.

Yang Xiaotian asked: "director Jiang, do you have hot water towel and hair dryer here?"

"Yes, yes!" Jiang Ying said quickly.

Qiu Junyou naturally volunteered to take it.

After a while, he brought a basin of hot water, then a towel and a hair dryer.

Yang Xiaotian dipped the towel in hot water for a moment, took it out and twisted it to a moist but not dripping state. Then he put the hot towel on Wu Deshu's shoulder and neck, turned the hair dryer to the hot air position and blew it up.

"Comfortable!" Wu Deshu hummed happily.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "this is the consolidation of the massage effect just now! It takes half an hour to blow like this! "

"Oh, it's really hard for you!" Wu Deshu some embarrassed said.

"Nothing. It's just a moment's work." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "it's a pity that it's not in the hospital. If you use infrared heat lamp in the hospital, the effect of dysmenorrhea and blood circulation is much better than hair dryer!"

Qiu Junyou, who had been watching, asked, "Dr. Yang, do you have any special skills or requirements?"

Yang Xiaotian a Leng: "that does not have, as long as does not scald the patient, will not let the towel cool on the line!"

Qiu Junyou laughed and reached for Yang Xiaotian's hairdryer: "let me come. You are a guest. You have to sit for a while!"

Yang Xiaotian still wanted to be modest, so Jiang Ying advised him, "let's give it to Xiao Qiu! I'm also curious why you just said that you can't have a massage. Please tell us quickly! "

Wu Deshu also echoed: "indeed, in the past, Xiaoying always felt very comfortable after giving me a massage, but you said no, and I'm curious about why!"

Yang Xiaotian is no longer affectable. He gives Qiu Junyou the hair dryer and tells Qiu Junyou the general location and the temperature test by hand. After looking around, he asks if he can use it when he sees a pen and paper on the coffee table. After getting a positive answer, he begins to draw on the coffee table.

Wu also tilted his eyes to see what Yang Xiaotian was painting. As there were only three people on the scene, Yang Xiaotian also took care of Wu, so Wu could see clearly without turning his head.

I saw Yang Xiaotian just a few strokes to draw a three-dimensional figure of cervical spine, vivid, very lifelike.

Everyone was in praise.

"Dr. Yang, if you are a painter, you will be famous!" Qiu Junyou exclaimed.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head: "I can only draw bones and muscles, but it's not qualified to be a painter! But you're right. If a portrait painter wants to draw well, he should also have some knowledge of skeletal muscles! "

Everyone laughed.

Yang Xiaotian pointed to his drawing of cervical vertebra and said: "human cervical vertebra is composed of seven pieces of cervical vertebra. Except for the first cervical vertebra and the second cervical vertebra, there is an intervertebral disc sandwiched between the other cervical vertebra. This is what we usually call intervertebral disc protrusion. As for why it is protrusion, I can't say three words and two words clearly. I'll draw a picture and you'll understand it!"

Yang Xiaotian said and drew a three-dimensional picture of the cervical spine. The difference is that the first picture of the cervical spine is in a normal state, and the second one is bent with his head down.

"Although there are several kinds of cervical spondylosis, the causes are mainly due to bad living habits. This picture is a typical example, and then due to long-term oppression..."

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaotian began to continue to draw, and this picture has already protruded from the intervertebral disc.

Although he is talking about medical knowledge, it's easy to explain and understand with pictures, and everyone is very interested.

After Yang Xiaotian finished, everyone suddenly realized.

Wu Deshu also repeatedly praised: "I've heard health care doctors talk about the causes of pathology before, but what they say is verbal. It sounds confused. It's not as clear and easy to understand as you explain. It's really a miracle doctor!"

"I'm not a great doctor. I'm just a little bit of a doctor!" Yang Xiaotian said, "in fact, this set of pictures can be drawn by anyone who has gone to medical school, but some people are willing to take the time to draw, and some people are just tired of trouble!"

Jiang Ying nodded: "in fact, in the final analysis, it is the problem of medical products! Some doctors just let you take medicine and hang water, and don't tell you the principle at all! "

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "this is actually what I don't like most about western medicine. In order to show their authority, western medicine always makes themselves mysterious! We should know that in the past, when Chinese medicine was prescribing prescriptions, it was necessary to write down the source of the prescriptions, so that patients would not be afraid of the doctor, and they would know something about their own diseases! "

Jiang Ying asked: "Dr. Yang, do you admire traditional Chinese medicine?"

However, Yang Xiaotian shook his head with a smile: "what I hate is the doctors of Western medicine. I don't hate western medicine, which should actually be called modern medicine. In my opinion, as long as it can cure diseases, even the witch doctors have their merits! In short, if the witch doctor really has no effect, why did it spread for thousands of years in ancient times? Are the ancients all fools? "

Qiu Junyou shook his head in disbelief and asked, "if it works, why is there no witch doctor now?"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "your theory and traditional Chinese medicine are in the same way. Many people say that traditional Chinese medicine is useless. If it is useful, why do people go to see Western medicine when they are sick? In fact, it's not useless, but it's not as useful as western medicine in most diseases! "

Seeing that people still didn't understand, Yang Xiaotian continued: "for example, if you cross a river, you can cross a small bamboo raft and a small sampan. It's easier to build a bridge. But because of the bridge, can we say that bamboo rafts and sampans are useless? Here, small bamboo rafts and small sampans can represent witch doctors or traditional Chinese Medicine... "

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Wu Deshu couldn't help praising: "wonderful, really wonderful speech. This kind of dialectical analysis is very materialistic!"

Qiu Junyou was also very educated and said: "it seems that my previous idea is a bit extreme. Everything that can be handed down in history should have its role and significance!"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "it's a long way to go. Continue to talk about director Jiang's massage just now. In fact, massage is not useless, but it has to be done at different times. Specifically, cervical spondylosis is divided into four kinds, four kinds of cervical spondylosis certainly can not be alleviated by massage! When I came in just now, I saw secretary Wu's right little thumb tremble slightly. This is a remarkable feature of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is mainly due to the compression of the spinal cord caused by disc herniation or bone hyperplasia and other factors. Of course, I have just massage down and preliminarily judged that it should be caused by disc herniation, Can rule out the factors of bone hyperplasia - the main manifestations of this kind of cervical spondylosis are weakness of limbs, shaking hands, even walking difficulties in serious cases, falling chopsticks during eating, and even paralysis! "

With a slow breath, Yang Xiaotian continued: "and this kind of cervical spondylosis will be accompanied by inflammation. When there is inflammation, blind massage will aggravate the disease! And itself is intervertebral disc protrusion, if the massage place is not right, it may also cause more serious protrusion

After hearing this, Jiang Ying was so scared that she said, "it's good that you're here. Otherwise, I would have made a big mistake."

At this time, half an hour had passed. Wu De Shu sat up and moved his neck. He felt more relaxed than ever.

You know, the problem of cervical vertebra has been bothering him for a long time. Even after the massage by the health care doctor, he feels as if he is carrying something on the back of his head, but now it is more relaxed than ever.

He immediately full of confidence in the future, holding Yang Xiaotian's hand, asked: "Dr. Yang, let you massage a few more times, my disease will be better?"

Yang Xiaotian said with a bitter smile: "cervical spondylopathy is a long process. It took more than ten or twenty years or even longer to lead to cervical spondylopathy. How can it be cured by massage several times! If you want to recover, the best way is to have an operation! "

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