"It's going to be an operation..." Wu De Shu said.

Yang Xiaotian nodded and began to draw again: "you see, your cervical vertebra should look like this. I helped you to put the protruding cervical vertebra back in the right position during the massage just now, but after all, it has pathological changes and will continue to fall off. If you want to get rid of it once and for all, you must use the surgical method to put the protruding bone back. The reason is very simple“

Wu De Shu asked: "actually, I've thought about surgery, but what I'm most afraid of is that I'm 40 after all. If I had surgery, would it make my body worse?"“

Yang Xiaotian couldn't help laughing: "secretary Wu, you are worried too much. The operation is not a minimally invasive operation. It's very simple to do. If you do well, you can even leave the hospital after a few days' rest. It won't have any impact on your future life! If you want to do surgery, I can give you the main knife, you can rest assured“

Hearing Yang Xiaotian say so, Wu Deshu was quite moved. He said, "I'll think about it again“

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "in fact, if we don't have surgery, if we can ensure that it doesn't continue to deteriorate, it won't have a great impact on our future life“

Jiang Ying immediately asked, "how can we ensure that it does not get worse?"“

”Actually very simple, is exercises“ Yang Xiaotian said, "you can write" Yong "on your head, or practice martial arts, or even do the ninth set of radio gymnastics! The key is to persevere, and make sure to shake your head every half an hour“

Wu said with a bitter smile, "it's easy to say, but it's really easy to forget when you work“

”Easy to forget also have to do! Otherwise, you will be paralyzed in the future. What can I do“ Jiang Ying said fiercely.

Wu De Shu laughed.

After several people chatted for a while, Yang Xiaotian began to give Jiang Ying a follow-up visit. It's very simple. Just feel the pulse directly. The result of this follow-up visit is very normal. Jiang Ying's body has recovered very well.

Several people talked about health preservation, but the atmosphere was better.

Even Qiu Junyou, as a secretary, feels very relaxed.

Qiu Junyou asked curiously, "Dr. Yang, in fact, I always have something strange! Why is it that sometimes your neck is very uncomfortable and you have to twist it to make a "click" sound to feel comfortable? What's the reason“

”I also have this doubt“ Jiang Ying said.

”Ha ha, I dare not twist my neck for fear that I might break it accidentally! But sometimes it's a lot easier to twist“ Wu said with a smile.

Yang Xiaotian explained: "it's actually very simple. If you keep a posture for a long time, there is stress between the bones and joints, which makes you feel uncomfortable! When twisting, the sound of "click" is that the stress is released! Generally speaking, as long as there is no pain, there is no great harm! But secretary Wu, you have to pay more attention. There are some calcifications between your bones and joints, so sometimes a slight twist will make a clattering sound, so you have to be very careful“

After chatting for a while, Yang Xiaotian took the initiative to leave.

But before leaving, Jiang Ying asked Yang Xiaotian to report to the health care Commission tomorrow. After all, personnel relations need to be arranged, and Yang Xiaotian also needs to get various certificates.

Yang Xiaotian has no doubt about this.

When he got home and took a bath, he was comfortable in bed and read a book. Yang Xiaotian felt that it was quite meaningful to work. At least he was not as empty as he was when he was a black doctor a few days ago. What he thought about every day was drinking and picking up girls.

However, it's far away from the first hospital. It's not very convenient for him to take the bus to work. So he thought about going back and asking if there's a dormitory in the hospital, so he'd better live in it. Anyway, if he's single, it's more lively to live in the dormitory.

Early in the morning, Yang Xiaotian called Luo Fei to ask for leave.

On the other side of the phone, Luo Fei listened to Yang Xiaotian's request for leave. After a moment's silence, he said, "Doctor Yang, you just came to work and asked for leave the next day. It's not very good. No matter what's important, work is not important, is it? Just remember to come to work on time

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "I'm sorry, director Luo. I'm going to the health bureau to do something in the morning. It's also work!"

Luo Fei was stunned and immediately said, "since it's all work, that's it! By the way, I'll arrange a list of people on duty today. You can be on duty in the evening! "

"Yes Yang Xiaotian is indifferent to this.

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't help laughing. Luo Fei really looked down on people with his own qualifications, but he didn't have to have the same opinion with such people, and he didn't have any interests.

The office of the health care committee is the office building of the Municipal Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. It's a three story building next to the outpatient hall. It looks a little historic. The walls are covered with Parthenocissus. It's antique and artistic. There is an independent guard box at the door.

There are several cars in the yard. Compared with the crowded parking outside the hospital, the parking space inside is very loose. This is the advantage of privilege.

However, we have to change our thinking. The health care committee is full of experts who serve the leaders. The parking space is open, so that the experts will not delay their time because of parking, and can better serve the leaders.

Only by serving the leaders well can the leaders benefit the people, right?

Yang Xiaotian straightened his clothes and went in with his head raised.

But before he came in, he heard a severe reprimand.

"Well, who are you? I just rushed in. Didn't you see where this is? Go to the clinic if you see a doctor! " I saw a flat headed, short and thin security guard rushed out of the guard room beside the door. He was dressed in a security uniform, loose and baggy, like a Japanese puppet army. He yelled at Yang Xiaotian with his nose and eyes.

Yang Xiaotian quickly said: "I know this is the health care committee. I'm here to work!"

"It's business!" The security guard snorted and turned his head to the window of the guard room, "sign there. Do you see the visitor registration? Do you think this is a park? "Hum, just go inside?"

It's hard for hell to keep off ghosts!

Yang Xiaotian thought like this in his heart, but when he turned around, he saw a four word "visitor registration" printed on A4 paper. Now he lost his temper, and people really wrote like this.

He said, "sorry, I didn't see it!"

"Register quickly, which unit is it?" Asked the security guard.

"Which unit..." Yang Xiaotian was stunned, immediately happy, "yes, I'm from the health care Commission. I'm a bird? That's visitor registration, not employee registration! "

"Are you from the health care commission?" Now the security guard laughed, "my grandson has been working here for 20 years, from the head of the health care committee to the expert, from the floor sweeper, there is no one I don't know. Who are you, who are you still working in the health care committee? Do you know what this place is for? It's specially responsible for leading health. To tell you the truth, I've noticed you for a long time. It's sneaky. It's not a good thing at first sight. I urge you to be honest and tell me what you're doing and whether the hostile forces are doing damage. Believe it or not, I'll call the police and arrest you! "

Yang Xiaotian was speechless. He thought to himself, who are these people? What other hostile forces are doing damage

"By the way, there is also a letter of introduction!"

He quickly took out a letter of introduction from his pocket, handed it to the security guard and said, "look, this is my letter of introduction. I really come to work for the health care commission! You don't know me. I don't blame you. After all, I'm the first day here, but I think you'd better let me in as soon as possible. Don't delay my normal work! "

"Scared?" The security guard took the letter of introduction suspiciously, thinking that the boy really came to work, but if he let the boy in like this, he would not be able to hang on his face. Moreover, he saw that the boy came on foot. Obviously, he was not an important person. The important people must be picked up and sent by the car, and they were forced to park at the gate of the compound, no matter what was out of the way.

So he said, "even if you come to work, even if you have a letter of introduction, you have to register! What do you think this is? Can anyone who sweeps the floor come in as soon as possible? "

"Sweeper?" Yang Xiaomei wants to laugh, "I advise you to read the letter of introduction first!"

"Just look, who is afraid of who!" The security guard opened the letter of introduction and looked at it. When he saw that it was a new expert, he was surprised. However, when he saw that the introducer behind was Jiang Ying, he could not help smiling contemptuously, thinking that the opportunity to make contributions had come.

He suddenly and violently drank: "hurry up and be honest. What are you doing here! Experts? Is there an expert as young as you? Which one of the experts in the health care committee is not forty? You want to be an expert? In addition, your introducer is director Jiang Yingjiang. I have to say that you know our health system very well. You know there is director Jiang! But you don't know enough. Don't you know that director Jiang is on sick leave now? He's very sick. Where else would you like to introduce someone to the health care committee? "

"Oh, you know a lot about the bureau!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Of course, my brother-in-law works in the health care committee and is also the deputy leader of the expert group." The security guard said triumphantly, what he said is true, but the brother-in-law's relationship is far away. Let's say, if we find the genealogical relationship, there is such an expert who is his brother-in-law, but he is a distant relative.

But even so, he also relied on this relationship to gain a firm foothold in the security room of the health care Commission.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "I advise you to make a phone call to ask. You don't have to make a phone call. Just call the director who is in charge of the work here. I think he must know about it! Although you are well-informed, you are only a security guard after all. The news is lagging behind! "

Yang Xiaotian originally stated a fact, but "just a security guard" obviously hurt the fragile heart of the security guard.

With a roar, he picked up the broom in the corner and beat Yang Xiaotian. While beating, he also scolded: "you liar, I'll beat you first, and then call the police to catch you!"

Yang Xiaotian grabbed the broom that hit him on the top of his head and kicked him out with a kick. He frowned and said, "it's really puzzling! You have to talk to me about things you can ask by phone. No wonder people say it's hard to get in! "

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