"May God bless this lost lamb..." looking at Roman who is chatting with Mary through the monitor, jedley draws a cross on his chest, and then prays for Roman sincerely as never before.

When ye mengrui had finished shopping, manlis had come out. As for how much food Roman had left for the tiger, no one cared.

Yang Xiaotian wanted to have a look at it, but Jessica was afraid that when Yang Xiaotian saw something else, she would have a bad heart for Alice. He forced Yang Xiaotian to go to the rest of the casino, and when Alice came out, Jessica probably guessed it. I'm afraid that the result of the unfortunate Roman is already very good.

"Ouch, it's very pleasant to go shopping!" Looking at the scene that so many bodyguards in the past were completely filled with shopping, Alice grinned and threw a playful smile to ye mengrui - only a country bumpkin like you can do such crazy shopping. Now do you think it is a wrong choice to leave the United States? Please! I can think about changing the order with you.

"I can't help it. Besides making money, I have only such a hobby." In the face of manlisi's provocation, ye mengrui picks the corner of her mouth, sweeps her eyes at the casino, and then pretends to be helpless and says with a smile - I'm not very interested in the casino, a place that gamblers like.


"Ha ha..."

A few simple words between the two women are full of fierce words. With Yang Xiaotian's ability to understand women, it's a bit too difficult for him to understand such a complex and deep thing.

"All right, pack up and let's keep going." At the same time, Yang Xiaotian, who didn't see how fierce the fight was between the two women, motioned to the bodyguards to pack up the things and put them in the trunk. If there was no way to put it in, they would send the big bag to wells directly - after they had a good time, they would go there to take a plane. Put things there, and you can take them away.

Of course, there is no way for so many clothes to pass the customs inspection. Therefore, a more secure way is to get a ship to ship it directly. Of course, Yang Xiaocai made the decision on the day he left.

Ye mengrui's shopping ability is not too terrible. Millions of dollars, she actually bought everything - who knows, how could Yang yexuan need a teenage girl to use the learning toy. What's more, there are enough clothes for Yang yexuan to wear ten years later.

There are also nutriments and gifts for relatives and friends in China

This is the first time that Yang Xiaotian felt that sometimes, there are too many friends, which is not a good thing! And after that, it's not an easy job to send gifts door to door.

But Yang Xiaotian's worry is totally unnecessary.

When the plane just landed, they had no time to take the bus in the airport to the exit, Yang Xiaotian had been asked to leave. Of course, please go is an attitude. If Yang Xiaotian does not cooperate, then the process of invitation may not be so warm.

"Who sent you?" Yang Xiaotian has had this kind of experience several times. Although ye mengrui is worried, he knows. Now Yang Xiaotian, I'm afraid it's too late for the country to treasure. Maybe there are some things that need to be done, or that can only be done by Yang Xiaotian.

I'm afraid it will take Yang Xiaotian a long time. Although he is used to it, separation is painful after all. Compared to Manny and Jessica, you can say goodbye at the airport. Ye mengrui can do, just say take care. Yang Xiaotian smiles. Without saying much, he has been forced to leave with those people.

"Sorry, no comment." The leader said with a smile“ Welcome back, Lieutenant General Yang. "

"Lieutenant general? Ha ha... Have I become a lieutenant general, too? " Yang Xiaotian is a Leng at first, then suddenly wry smile way“ In order to meet me as a lieutenant general, I really thank the country for its trouble. "

"The lieutenant general joked. Although your position is empty, the state has provided another supply."

"For example?" Yang Xiaotian eyebrows pick, pondering at the man in front of him.

"For example, the gifts you buy can be exempted from customs duties as long as they meet the safety standards after inspection."

"You follow me!" Yang Xiaotian looks at him coldly.

"This is something that must be done. Even Comrade president, there is no exception." The man shook his head and then murmured“ No matter how high it is, it's just a part of the country's big machine. If a part breaks down, no matter how important it is, it must be cleaned out. I hope you understand that. "

"Understand..." lazily looked at him, Yang Xiaotian directly slowly closed his eyes. Although what this man said, Yang Xiaotian is very clear and understandable.

But understanding belongs to understanding, not everyone is great. No one wants his words and deeds, especially those of his family and friends, to be watched by others. Yang Xiaotian can't accept such things. Whatever it was for, he couldn't take it.

Some people can sacrifice all for their country, but some people can only sacrifice part.

And Yang Xiaotian, before the country has not wantonly trampled on him, trampled on his bottom line. No country or organization, no matter how huge interests it has given, can let it betray the country.

The same applies to his family. If his family members commit some treason, Yang Xiaotian will be the first to let them go.

However, if he wants his family or friends in exchange for greater benefits for the country before any similar behavior, such a thing is not acceptable to Yang Xiaotian.

Just like the original afreqi, although he was the only one who sacrificed, what he got in return was the reduction of oil prices in China, the booming of tourism and its derivative industries in the Locke Kingdom, and the rapid improvement of people's quality of life in the Locke Kingdom.

But this kind of thing, Yang xiaonaively can't accept!

It's not just him. This kind of thing falls on any ordinary people. They can't accept it.

Yes, the country needs a lot of people who are so great that they can give everything selflessly. Without these people, there would be no progress in many things in the country.

But more people are still like Yang Xiaotian. They are patriotic and can fight for the interests of the country. Even when some people speak ill of the country, they will argue with them, quarrel with them, even fight with them. But if they encounter something similar to Yang Xiaotian's experience, I'm afraid that if there is no resentment in their hearts, it is absolutely impossible.

What's more, at the beginning, Yang Xiaotian calmed down the sales of d-products at the border of Yunnan Province, as well as the gang problems in luo'an city and even in Yunnan Province.

After that, he went to Southeast Asia to settle the epidemic caused by Mandela virus. For a long time, they were under house arrest.

If you don't happen to meet James, it's not so easy to escape that time, even if you have uncle Wen.

"Creak." With the wheel and the ground issued a harsh sound of friction, Yang Xiaotian quickly from sleep, switching to a sober state.

Although his eyes are not fully open, the muscles of his limbs are tense. A little bit to his disadvantage, will lead to his crazy counterattack.

"Lieutenant General Yang, it's here." A sound came from the side, and then the door opened.

"I see." Yang Xiaotian opens his eyes. The sunshine outside makes him a little uncomfortable sleeping all the time.

"Long time no see, Xiao Tian." Just got out of the car, a man walked towards him with a smile.

"Are you... Lao Zhao?" Feeling that the other side has no malice, Yang Xiaotian let the other side hold him. During this period, Yang Xiaotian quickly collected information about each other from his mind.

Of course, only such a nickname can be found in the end.

"We haven't seen each other for years. I didn't expect you to remember me. Good, good. " This is Zhao Yuanshuo. When Yang Xiaotian was in Locke Kingdom, he was the vice captain of the team. Zhao Yuanshuo, on the other hand, was the leader of the political party.

At the beginning, Zhao Yuanshuo had been asking Yang Xiaotian for trouble. It's just that there are not many times that we can succeed. On the contrary, it was Yang Xiaotian's turn to clean up more times.

Later, after some things, Yang Xiaotian saved Zhao Yuanshuo. After some things, Zhao Yuanshuo finally feels grateful to Yang Xiaotian. After that, they can't be said to be good friends, but they can't be enemies any more.

It's not so easy to forget the experience between life and death.

Now, in the military and political circles, where the attitude towards Yang Xiaotian has changed a lot, it's really rare to find a peer who has a good relationship with Yang Xiaotian.

Zhao Yuanshuo is one of them.

"Why did you come to pick me up?" It was Zhao Yuanshuo, and Yang Xiaotian was too embarrassed to give him a look.

"According to the usual practice, I should have treated you to a good meal first to get rid of the dust. But I can't help it. There's a man. You have to meet him. " Zhao Yuanshuo put away the look on his face, and his face became serious gradually.

"What's the matter?" Yang Xiaotian's heart, gave birth to a touch of uneasiness.

"A while ago, Mr. Fu's mood fluctuated a lot because of some things. Now the body is almost dead. "

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