"Where?" Yang Xiaotian's tone suddenly lowered a few minutes.

When there was a conflict between himself and Liu XiaoCong, when Liu XiaoCong wanted to kill himself, it was Fu who sent people to rescue him from those people. It can be said that without Mr. Fu, there would be no Yang Xiaotian now. It is impossible to complete the revenge on Liu XiaoCong in the fishing port.

After all, once people die, it means that everything can no longer participate in it.

"The first people's Hospital of the imperial capital."

"Now it's over."

"Fu Laiwen is also there. He is in bad health now. I hope you can control your mood as much as possible." Zhao Yuanshuo hesitated, then drank softly.

How stubborn is Yang Xiaotian's temper? Zhao Yuanshuo was lucky to have seen it. Even in the face of life and death, this guy still does not know how to be soft. Just like when he was in the Locke Kingdom at that time, if Yang Xiaotian took the initiative to be soft, whether it was to China, the United States, or Kucha Khan who succeeded in the coup, or Locke, I'm afraid that until now, in the Locke Kingdom, Yang Xiaotian's status would still be the same as when chuck was in power.

However, this stubborn donkey just refused to be soft hearted. Although Yang Xiaotian's attitude towards chuck after that exploitation incident only left the doctor's sense of responsibility for the patient.

But even so, no matter kuchahan or Locke, Yang Xiaotian never gave in to them.

When he was in Southeast Asia, knowing exactly where Fu Laiwen's rank was at that time, Yang Xiaotian did not hesitate to beat Fu Laiwen seriously for the sake of afreqi. As a result, he became the object of dislike and even disgust of both the political and military circles at that time.

But Rao is in that case, Yang Xiaotian did not regret for what he did at the beginning. What's more, in the next few contacts, Yang Xiaotian and Fu Laiwen were not very happy.

At present, Fu's physical condition is not optimistic. As the leader of the older generation of the military, Fu Laiwen, who was born in the military, must pass. What's more, as a grandson, Fu Laiwen must serve around. In case that time, in front of Mr. Fu, Yang Xiaotian is in a bad mood when he sees Fu Laiwen and quarrels with him. What's more, if you fight directly, you'll be old Fu whose life is on the line. When you see that your most valued grandson and your most admired grandson are red eyed in front of you, it's God's blessing that you won't die.

In order to avoid this situation, Zhao Yuanshuo, who is familiar with Yang Xiaotian's character, has to say hello to Yang Xiaotian in advance. Originally, it was Francis who was most suitable for this. On the one hand, Fu Laixi is very smooth. On the other hand, although Fu Laixi is also a member of the Fu family, he never blushes with Yang Xiaotian.

It's just that Fu's physical condition is not optimistic. As a member of the Fu family, whether it's Fu Laiwen or Fu Laixi, or even Fu Weidong, who is now a busy foreign minister, all have to rush back to the hospital after handing over the work at hand, and take care of Fu in shifts with the rest of the Fu family.

Although today's Fu family, even without Mr. Fu, can still remain in the position of the four great families of the military. But it's like the only person printed on the Chinese coin is the great man. When we talk about the Fu family, everyone subconsciously thinks of it. It's not Fu Weidong, the head of the Ministry of foreign affairs, nor Fu Laiwen, the youngest lieutenant general of China, nor Fu Laixi, who has become the governor of a province.

After all, no matter how good their achievements are now, there is a little, even if they refute it, they must admit it. If there is no Mr. Fu. Now they may also make some achievements in politics or the military. But if you want to be in such a position as it is now, it is impossible for the rest of you, except for Fu Laixi.

Fu Laiwen's character is too straightforward. Although he is a standard soldier, he is not at the top. Fu Weidong's words, of course, are not enough.

The Ministry of foreign affairs is very easy to offend people, and even in some cases, it may not only offend foreign countries. If you don't have a certain background or backer, even if you can dominate the outside world, you are likely to be defeated by some people inside.

Now the Fu family does not need the support of Mr. Fu. But as long as Mr. Fu is still breathing, he is the representative of the Fu family. He is the backbone of the Fu family. Maybe after he leaves, a new owner will replace him. Whether it's political or spiritual.

But now, Mr. Fu is still the backbone of the whole Fu family.

The first people's Hospital of the imperial capital is the best hospital in the imperial capital and even in China. Of course, the fees here are also frightening. What's more, if you don't have a background, you should make an appointment at least three months in advance. But after three months, whether we can live or not is another matter.

As soon as Yang Xiaotian entered the hospital, he saw qianyingfei rushing over.

"Brother Xiaotian, help your grandfather!" Fu family's children and Fu Laixi's peers are basically older than Yang Xiaotian. And the men who are younger than Yang Xiaotian are more likely to call Yang Xiaotian brother Yang. In Fu's family, only Fu Chen would call Yang Xiaotian like this.

"Don't worry, Chen Chen." Yang Xiaotian rubbed Fu Chen's head and comforted him in a soft voice“ Master Fu is in good health. He will be fine. "

"But..." Fu Chen raised his head and sobbed with tears in his eyes“ The doctors said, "my grandfather's body has been..."

"Just because they can't see it well doesn't mean I can't see it well." Yang Xiaotian believes that today's Fu is more likely because he is old enough. What the doctors said is no longer enough, it's not because they have no way to let Mr. Fu continue his life.

However, it is basically impossible for Mr. Fu to live a normal life.

Through a lot of instruments, a lot of nutrient solution and antibiotics are injected into the body through a lot of tubes. Without self-awareness, it's no better than a vegetable. Is such a person alive?

Maybe some people think it's better to live than to die, but there are also some people who don't want to live a brilliant life in such a helpless way. After the complete decline of the body function, I feel a little bit dead in the hospital bed.

Such a life, for them, is worse than death.

And Mr. Fu is such a person. At the time of admission, he had clearly told all the Fu family. Once his body really has to rely on all kinds of instruments to maintain his life, then let him be euthanized directly!

The doctor has made it clear that for three weeks at most, if Mr. Fu refuses to continue his life through the instrument, he can only inject medicine and let Mr. Fu die happily.

However, the fame of Fu Laoshi made him die in the situation of euthanasia. The people of the Fu family can't accept it. But they are also very clear, even if the vast majority of them really come to the point of Mr. Fu, I am afraid they will make the same choice as Mr. Fu.

Fu's family can die on the battlefield, they can be tired to death at work, but they can't live as if they were dead. Whether it is already in their respective fields to break out the fame. But even if Fu Chen met a similar situation, he would never choose to live like this.

"Ha ha... Your tone is very big." Yang Xiaotian's words were meant to comfort Fu Chen, but you should know. Now they are in the first people's Hospital of the imperial capital. It is the best hospital in the imperial capital and the whole China.

Although in terms of charging standards, the first people's Hospital of the imperial capital is the highest in such places as the imperial capital. But also, with their medical level and the level of medical equipment, they have the courage to do this.

Once a patient is announced dead by the first people's Hospital of imperial capital, no other hospital dares to receive him again.

In the first people's Hospital of the imperial capital, both doctors and nurses are selected at all levels before they can obtain the qualification of becoming a full member. It's not totally impractical here. But if there is no solid foundation, there is no place in the first people's Hospital of the imperial capital.

Because of this, no matter doctors or nurses here, there is no additional respect for the first people's Hospital of DIDU. After all, although the positions and jobs in hospitals are different, there is one thing that is the same - they are all selected from at least 100 people, and then step on the bodies of countless people, and finally enter here.

And such a hospital was criticized by a hairy boy who looked less than 30 years old. Naturally, the doctor who heard it could not be regarded as not having heard it. And in fact, he did immediately fight back.

"I didn't mean to slander him, but I was once ill for Mr. Fu. His physical condition, perhaps now is very bad. But as expected, it should not have reached the point where it is necessary to pass the instrument to survive. " Yang Xiaotian smiles, not angry. After all, although it is to comfort Fu Chen, it is impolite to play football, especially in the hospital. Yang Xiaotian is not afraid of anything, but he doesn't want to make trouble.

It's just a pity that he didn't get the other side's understanding.

"Ha ha... Don't give me advice!" The doctor sneered“ Man says a word, that is nail! Don't take it back! Since you have the ability to say that, do it. Otherwise, immediately apologize to our hospital at the gate! "

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