Perhaps because of jealousy, sun Ning's tone is a little stiff.

But what does this have to do with Yang Xiaotian? Don't say it's normal for colleagues to travel together. Even if they are in love, one is unmarried and the other is unmarried, it doesn't matter.

But it's fun to think about it. If sun Ning knew Yi Jiaxin was a lace, he didn't know what to think.

Although he understood the young man's mood, he was still unhappy. He turned to sun Ning and said, "who are you?"

Yang Xiaotian's attitude made sun Ning slightly surprised. He immediately stretched out his hand and said, "let me introduce myself. My name is sun Ning! It's Dr. Yi's pursuer

Yang Xiaotian also extended his hand to shake hands with him and immediately asked, "what I don't understand is that you are chasing Jiaxin. What do you want me to do?"

"Jiaxin?" Hearing Yang Xiaotian's affectionate name Yi Jiaxin, sun Ning's nostrils expanded slightly, and his gasping voice was obviously a little thicker. However, he suppressed this emotion in his heart and said with a smile: "well, I want to go with you. It's always good to have more friends and more people outside. How about it?"

Yang Xiaotian is very speechless, silent for a while, then said: "Mr. Sun, do I know you very well?"

Sun Ning thought for a while and shook his head: "I'm not familiar. In fact, I'll see you for the first time today."

"So are we family friends?"

"Of course not!" Sun Ning shook his head like a rattle. "Why do you ask these questions?"

Yang Xiaotian laughed: "we are not familiar with each other, the two families are not friends, so please give me a reason to take you together!"

"Reason... Reason..." Sun Ning was stunned. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say any reason. Indeed, if you put yourself in the right place, a stranger will not agree to go out with him.

But the point is, he has to go.

If Yang Xiaotian says "OK, let's go together", he may not go yet. But the more Yang Xiaotian refuses to let him go, the more he has to go! Otherwise, "goddess" will travel with Yang Xiaotian. Who knows what will happen to animals or animals?

So he said: "I, I am the pursuer of doctor Yi. I think I have the right and obligation to protect her. After all, you are going to the wild mountains. What if something happens? You can't stop me

Yang Xiaotian feels that sunning's passionate mood is like a saint fighter after the outbreak of the universe.

At this time, Yi Jiaxin came over and said angrily, "sunning, what are you talking about? Where I'm going to play, who I'm going with, and what does it have to do with you? "

Sun Ning immediately filled with a smile: "doctor Yi, don't I care about you?"

"Who wants your attention?" Yi Jiaxin glared at him, "if I lack of care, go out and shout, I don't know how many people want to care about me, lack of you?"

"Is, is..." sunning embarrassed smile, but not angry.

Yi Jiaxin continued: "thank you very much for seeing me! But I'm a doctor, you're a patient, and it's the doctor's duty to save the life and heal the wounded. You can't say that I saved you, so you have to chase me, right? How can I stand saving so many people every day and chasing me? "

Sun Ning quickly waved his hand and explained: "no, it's not like this. I'm not chasing you because you saved me. I..."

"What's that for?"

"Because... Your tenderness, your thoughtfulness, you don't know that when I saw you, I felt very safe, as if I had come to my mother's side!" Sun Ning said with a happy smile, as if recalling the scene at that time.

Yang Xiaotian and Tan Xixi stand beside with strange expressions. They are both smiling.

Maybe it's romantic in the eyes of the parties, but it's really silly for the bystanders.

It's like Xiu en'ai lighting a pile of candles to form a heart. Maybe she feels romantic, but the sanitation workers are absolutely stupid and want to kill her.

There is also a girl who goes to the boys' dormitory to propose in her wedding dress. She thinks it's very romantic, but when her parents know about it, they absolutely regret that they didn't shoot her on the wall. What's so cheap? Like the pork that can't be sold in a hurry, I have to find a man.

Yi Jiaxin's face is full of helplessness. She makes Yang Xiaotian and Tan Xixi vomit, indicating that she is about to vomit.

After sunning finished, she said, "well, Mr. Sun, I'm sure you're excellent, and your financial conditions are good! But I think, I am an ordinary woman, there is no way to replace your mother, if you really lack maternal love, I can do nothing

Then she took Tan Xixi and said to Yang Xiaotian, "brother Xiaotian, let's go!"

"Little brother Tian!" Sunning Petrochemical again.

Looking at the three people's back, he clenched his fist and encouraged himself: "for love, what is this bitter? Eat bitterly in bitterness, can hold beauty to return! Be thick skinned, be thick! "

So he ran after him.

Three people also saw sunning follow behind, but the road is not their home repair, naturally can't care sunning how to go, can only ignore.

Sun Ning took a few steps to see that Yang Xiaotian was young and didn't wear any luxury brand. He thought that Yang Xiaotian's economic conditions must be average. Where can he compare with himself?

His family runs an auto repair shop. In his early twenties, he just graduated from university. His father bought him a Toyota Ruizhi for 200000 yuan. His favorite thing to do is to change the car (only for appearance) and boast about the V6 engine and rear drive.

"Well, I'll see what kind of car you are. Can you match me?" Sun Ning muttered.

Several people came to the parking lot.

It's still hot in the midsummer evening. Sun Ning takes the lead in coming to his car and sees that several people in front of him haven't found the car yet. Yang Xiaotian is calling.

He can't help grinning. Looking at this posture, this boy doesn't even have a car. He borrows his travel car. How can he compare with himself?

Although they are close to each other, they may be able to cheat the little girl with their sweet words, but after a long time, the girls will still choose the rich, and the real society will teach Yang Xiaotian to be a man.

Sun Ning launched his determination, banged on the accelerator and went to several people. He pressed the window, held the steering wheel in one hand, and held the sunglasses on the window in the other. He said with a natural smile: "Dr. Yang, what's the matter? The car hasn't arrived yet? Why don't you take my car? My car is not expensive, but it's very comfortable! "

Yang Xiaotian was about to speak when there came another roar. A milky Range Rover Aurora stopped in front of several people, and Wei Chengqiang walked out of the car with a smile.

Sun Ning seemed to be pinched by his neck, and his face was a little red.

How can I compare my 200000 plus car with someone else's 50000 or 600000 plus car?

One is a mid-range car, the other is a high-end car.

"No way. How could this poor doctor have Land Rover? By the way, it must be borrowed. Who doesn't have two friends? If I want to borrow it, martella can borrow it, too! "

Thinking of this, sun Ning understood and said with a smile, "Dr. Yang, the car I borrowed is good."

Wei Chengqiang, who was just talking nonsense and had no time to speak, saw sun Ning and said to Yang Xiaotian respectfully: "young master, I found you a low-key car according to your order, but who is that boy over there? Your friend? "

Yang Xiaotian was stunned and immediately realized that Wei Chengqiang was making a play for sun Ning.

Before he spoke, Yi Jiaxin had already got on the bus. Before getting on the bus, she did not forget to say to sun Ning, "Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, our bus is here! Thank you for your kindness

After that, they pulled up Tan Xixi. They closed the car door and laughed happily.

Sun Ning's face is very red.

Wei Chengqiang rejected Yang Xiaotian's suggestion to send him home first. He said: "it's estimated that it will be a lot of traffic when you go out of the city this weekend. You go back first. I'm just going to see my wife. I'll go out for a meal with my wife and have a romance later."

Several people laughed.

After several people got on the bus, they first went back to the dormitory to pick up their luggage. All the luggage was packed and put away last night, so it was no trouble. They went upstairs to carry it and left. As the only male laborer, Yang Xiaotian was able to carry all the boxes.

"Yes, I can't see that you don't hit so hard. You have so much strength!" Yi Jiaxin pinches Yang Xiaotian's arm. Seeing that Yang Xiaotian doesn't respond, she pinches Yang Xiaotian's chest muscle.

Yang Xiaotian: "elder sister, please respect yourself!"

"Well, what are you afraid of? People want me to touch it, but I don't want to touch it! " Yi Jiaxin said with disdain, and immediately said to tan Xixi, "Xixi, do you want to touch it? I tell you, though Xiaotian is not strong, he has a lot of material on his chest!"

Although it's a whisper, it doesn't mean a whisper at all. Everyone can hear it loud.

Tanxi blushed and shook her head.

Yi Jiaxin sighed: "it's a pity not to touch! Tut tut

Yang Xiaotian

"Have you been eaten bean curd by the color girl?" Yang Xiaotian thought in his heart, and immediately thought, "this woman likes to touch her chest. She must be attacking in their roles. Well, it's the same as character analysis! But I'm just guessing. Who knows how lace edge plays... "

"I said, what luggage do you have with you? It's so heavy Yang Xiaotian asked.

"But it's all useful!" Yi Jiaxin said with a smile.

Yang Xiaotian didn't ask any more, but when the car was on the road, he knew what it was. Most of them were snacks. As soon as the car got on the ring road, the two women in the back row never stopped talking. They were peanut, melon seed, plum and almond, pistachio, bigengguo, plum lover, plum wife, pork jerky, beef jerky, tofu, etc Candied fruit, jelly, chocolate... There are many snacks that Yang Xiaotian has never heard of.

Yang Xiaotian always thinks that he doesn't like snacks, but the two women eat delicious food in the back. He can't help but say, "well, you can't eat alone. Give me some!"

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