As tomorrow is the weekend, there are more people going out of the city, and the road around the city is still congested.

However, the two girls are not bored. After eating snacks, they feel the car here and have a look at the car there. The panoramic skylight is the most amazing thing for them. They say that they don't live in the tent at all at night, just look at the stars in the car.

Tanxi asked: "brother Tian, this car costs thousands a day, right? I went to the car rental website and found that a compact car like corolla costs about 200 yuan a day

"I don't know. It was Wei Chengqiang, the husband of the head nurse, who helped me find it for free!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Wow, isn't that a profit?" Tanxi Xi Xi surprised way, immediately said to herself, "that back to please head nurse to eat, otherwise people will say we are impolite!"

Out of the ring road, go west, the traffic will become smooth up.

It's getting dark. Yang Xiaotian turns on the car lights.

At this time, the car behind him flashed lights.

Yang Xiaotian feels very strange. Isn't the lane next to him empty? Why is the back car flashing its own light? However, he turned the turn signal to the right and changed the lane to the right. After all, there are two ladies sitting in the back. It's better to drive safely.

After the car to follow up, and Yang Xiaotian driving Land Rover and row driving, and a few hasty honking.

Yang Xiaotian turned to look at the past, and saw the car next to him slowly falling down the window, in which sat sun Ning.

Yang Xiaotian also pressed the window, showing a puzzled expression.

Sun Ning yelled: "I won't give up! Yi Jiaxin, I love you

Then he closed the window.

Yi Jiaxin in the back row said angrily, "I've never seen such a shameless person!"

Tan said with a smile, "who calls us Jiaxin's charm unstoppable?"

"Come on!" Yi Jiaxin said unhappily, "he refuses again and again, and he doesn't know his face! I think he feels so good about himself! "

Sun Ning's determination is like a fly. One moment in front of Land Rover, one moment in the back, one moment on the left and one moment on the right.

Angry, Yi Jiaxin yells, "brother Tian, can you drive? I won't change it. I'll let him see only my tail light! "

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "don't drive a fighting car, don't drive a fighting car."

Having said that, Yang Xiaotian still switched the gearbox to the sports mode. With one foot of the accelerator, the gearbox downshifted two gears, and the 240 horsepower engine roared forward.

In contrast, the determination of 190 HP is not enough, but there is no way to keep the price gap between them.

We set out at six and arrived at Yangfeng county at eight.

People look at Yangfeng County outside the car window, not wide streets, dim yellow street lights, and Nanhu city is a world of difference.

"It's just two hours. It's like ten years ago," she said

"Yes Yi Jiaxin also said with emotion.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "if you go to the west again, you'll have to sigh until the 1990s."

Several people laughed.

According to Yang Xiaotian's idea, first find a hotel to settle down today, then go out to eat local snacks, and then go up the mountain tomorrow.

But the two girls were obviously not tired at all. They were clamoring to go into the mountains and said that they were going camping in the mountains tonight. They came out just for the sake of camping. They didn't have this flavor when they stayed in a hotel.

However, Yang Xiaotian had no choice but to find a roadside parking place. Then he opened the map, looked at it, and confirmed the location of the next neighborhood. The navigation system for the way into the mountain had no instructions, so he could only look at the map, and there was no road on the map, just the topographic map above.

After driving again for another half an hour, they got to the side of the mountain. Along the way, the two girls were lying on the window and looking out. One hundred kilometers from plain city to mountain city, the scenery was very different. They were very happy.

Thanks to the village to village project, there are also roads in the mountains. Although they are only asphalt roads with a width of more than three meters, it is OK to drive reluctantly.

However, Yang Xiaotian drove all the way up, and he also felt the problem.

Maybe because the finance of Yangfeng county is relatively poor, the state has paid for the repair of village to village connections, but there is no money for maintenance. After only a few years, some mountain roads have been damaged.

If this situation continues, we will not be able to drive on this road in a few years.

There are no street lights on the mountain, but the moon is bright, barely able to see the situation around.

Up the mountain, the two girls had stopped talking because they were nervous.

The mountain road is built according to the mountain. On the left side is the mountain wall, and on the right side is the cliff. Although it's not high, it's dark at night and can't see to the end. It's also very scary.

Sitting in the car and looking down, it's like the wheel will fall off the cliff if it turns outward.

Land Rover moves forward slowly at the speed of 10 km / h. However, Yi Jiaxin still says, "slow down, slow down. We are not in a hurry. We have plenty of time!"

At first, the mountain road was relatively gentle, about five or six degrees, but the steeper the mountain road was, the worse the road condition was, and the more shaking it was.

All of a sudden, the road in front of us becomes wider and the terrain becomes more gentle.

People who have traveled the mountain road know that most of the mountains are upward first, then gentle for a while, and then continue upward. There are few mountains that are upward but not smooth.

This is especially true of mountains.

People came to a place called moon village.

At the end of the road is the entrance of moon village. From a distance, it looks like it is in the arms of Dashan's mother. Next to it, there is a clear river with very shallow water. The scenery is very beautiful.

Although it's a village in the remote mountains, the houses are well built, and each one looks like a villa.

"It seems that this place is richer than the county town!" Yi Jiaxin opens big good-looking eyes and says strangely.

"You're right. It's really rich here!" Yang Xiaotian also did a lot of homework before he came here. This is the last stop that the car can drive to. After that, he has to walk.

"No? Rich in the mountains? " This time, Tanxi is also strange.

"Depend on the mountain to eat the mountain, depend on the water to eat the water!" Yang Xiaotian said, "it depends not only on mountains, but also on water."

"Oh?" The two girls were interested, and immediately understood that the water Yang Xiaotian said was the river around the village. She couldn't help laughing. Yi Jiaxin said, "this river, it's a river. I praise it. At best, it's a bigger stream."

Yang Xiaotian said: "it's a stream now, but now the season has passed. There will be a lot of water here from March to July. At that time, it's a good time to play rafting. The terrain here is good, and the risk should be slow. Every April and may, a large number of tourists come here to play rafting, which drives related industries, such as hotels, accommodation and so on! Think about it. How many city people like to play rafting, eat shrimp, fish and eel, and breathe fresh air

The two girls both nodded, showing a look of fascination.

"It's beautiful to hear you say that. I wish I could come sometime," said Tam

Yi Jiaxin said with a smile, "when can't I come? Next year, I'll let your brother Xiaotian bring you here, OK?"

"You're going to die!" Tan Xixi said angrily.

"By the way, brother Tian, you said to depend on water and water. What do you eat when you depend on mountains and mountains?" Asked Tanxi.

"Get in the car. I'll drive to the hotel. Let's talk as we walk." Yang Xiaotian said.

"And to the hotel?"

"Ha ha..." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "otherwise? The car is parked here. When you go down the mountain, you must be marked with all kinds of messy symbols by bear child. You can spend some money to find a hotel to park in. Don't worry! "


On the road, Yang Xiaotian explained while driving. He said, "unlike our plain, people here do not divide the fields, but the mountains!"

"Wow, so handsome?" Yi Jiaxin was surprised.

But she thought for a while and said, "isn't it hard? There's no grain on the top of the mountain! "

"Yes Yang Xiaotian nodded, "it used to be very hard. Girls outside the mountain are not willing to marry in. There are many bachelors in the mountain! But now it's different! Have you noticed what's the most on the mountain? "

"Bamboo?" Asked Tanxi.

"Right Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "mountain people do nothing every year. In March, they invite people to dig bamboo shoots, and in April and may, they invite people to cut bamboo for sale. In the village, there are businessmen from other places to buy them. As long as there are mountains, 30000 yuan a year is indispensable. If you have the heart to open a bamboo processing plant and make bamboo crafts or bamboo mats, you can make a fortune even if you can't make toothpicks or disposable chopsticks with the least technical content! "

"Wow! So cool? " Yi Jiaxin showed an excited expression, "it's time for the bachelors in the mountain to become fragrant steamed buns!"

Yang Xiaotian

He felt that his thoughts and Yi Jiaxin's were not on the same frequency.

Park the car at the door of a hotel with good reputation. Yang Xiaotian goes in to negotiate with the hotel owner. When the hotel owner goes out to look at the car, his eyes light up and his mouth opens for 151 days.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "now this is the off-season, there is no business, just a parking space for you, so expensive?"

"Isn't your car expensive?" Said the innkeeper.

"Do you still charge for the car? If I drive a QQ, will it cost 50 yuan a day? " Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Thirty dollars will do!" The owner of the hotel said with a smile, and immediately said, "don't think I'm cheating you because you drive a good car! It's really your car. It's too hateful and attractive. I have to take risks, don't I? QQ I give you stop there, three days do not see all right! If I don't look after your car, it must have been rowed, don't you think? "

When Yang Xiaotian thought about it, he said with a smile, "OK, one hundred and five is one hundred and five. This is the storage fee! But we have to sign a note! "

"And sign a note?" The owner of the hotel said reluctantly, "ask the people around me, I have been here for more than ten years, why can I open so long? Honest management

Yang Xiaotian laughed and said, "OK, five hundred yuan, sign a note to ensure the safety of my car!"

The owner of the hotel immediately grinned: "no problem, no problem! Honest management, in black and white to rest assured, isn't it? "

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